Full healing/vit/toughness build?

Full healing/vit/toughness build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: carlvinmadarang.4130


Has anyone tried doing this to pretty much become a tank? Effective? I was thinking of doing a wells build with the life leaching, but speccing my gear into healing/vit/toughness and life leeching for weps

Full healing/vit/toughness build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Is there actually any gear with this stat combination?

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Full healing/vit/toughness build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: daimasei.4091


That will be a OP tank.

With soldier/knight gear and a MM build I can tank pretty much anything and do a very good dmg.
With H/T/V your dmg will be very lame but yes, you will be a tank (despite the fact GW2 don’t have tanks).

But as Bhawb said, there is no H/T/V gear (at least I had never hear/read/seen anything with such stats) so how exactly are you planning to do that?

Why fix the Necromancer for free when we can charge $$$ for the Revenant

Full healing/vit/toughness build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zikory.6871


No this is not any H/T/V gear. the best way to get that would be to mix soldiers and apothecary. Down side to that is apothecary has condition damage and soldiers has power. But then again your not looking to do damage with the gear so…I’n not sure what place this would have in GW2, Maybe commanding the front lines in WvW but I would just go full PVT gear unless your dead set on condition damage.

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Full healing/vit/toughness build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: carlvinmadarang.4130


PVT would work for life leaching in wells and attacks?

Full healing/vit/toughness build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Healing power is actually very strong on a necromancer, but as said, gear doesn’t exist with Hp/V/T. It would be very strong, and if you find some way to pull it off great, because it would be a very strong build with a staff/wells.

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Full healing/vit/toughness build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: carlvinmadarang.4130


Hmm, Im thinking getting all the PVT gear from the Orr karma venders and then upgrading them with the healing set insignias? What do you think? I wonder if anyone has done this before…. i believe it would be pretty good in pvp as well or damage soakers in front lines

Full healing/vit/toughness build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brando.1374


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Full healing/vit/toughness build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Criselli.7462


I was under the impression healing power scaled very poorly. IMO PVT is the way to go then you can maintain some form of damage. I do know that Regen does scale fairly well with hp but the stat loss vs healing gain just isn’t worth it.

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Full healing/vit/toughness build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: daimasei.4091


I was under the impression healing power scaled very poorly. IMO PVT is the way to go then you can maintain some form of damage. I do know that Regen does scale fairly well with hp but the stat loss vs healing gain just isn’t worth it.

It scaled very poorly but not so bad really and since necros have a lot of ways to heal themselves, having full healing (cleric/magi/apothecary) does heal you a lot.

Why fix the Necromancer for free when we can charge $$$ for the Revenant

Full healing/vit/toughness build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


It doesn’t scale with a lot of things, but has quite strong scaling with Well of Blood, which can be traited down to 32 seconds, plus you can pick up a trait that drops a second Well of Blood on its own separate CD whenever you pick someone up. With perma regen via Staff 2, and some other sources of healing via siphon/transfusion, you can get a lot of persistent healing on a necro, it just doesn’t have the burst heals that others do.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
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Full healing/vit/toughness build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


It doesn’t scale with a lot of things, but has quite strong scaling with Well of Blood, which can be traited down to 32 seconds, plus you can pick up a trait that drops a second Well of Blood on its own separate CD whenever you pick someone up. With perma regen via Staff 2, and some other sources of healing via siphon/transfusion, you can get a lot of persistent healing on a necro, it just doesn’t have the burst heals that others do.

Not quite true, its timed periods of healing what technically does count as burst (being able to give a 800~ hp/s for 10 seconds with wob (1k pre second with regen up) and 700~@ hp/s with transfusion for 3 seconds. In addition to a 600 heal aoe every 5 seconds from deathly invigoration, you get quite the numbers, all of it being medium sized aoe. The 2 things that compare to it is the book elite heal from the guardian (what can be used in any build) and a dodge water based staff ele wasting all his dodges for healing (but it does cleanse conditions).
Overall necro support wont help against strong chain hits with long downtime, but does negate all hit and run or timed damage effect of most enemies.~

Btw WoB has a 3.4 to 4.0 ratio of healing power (depends on rng of game calculation ticks, like all other wells) and invigoration a bit over 0.3

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Full healing/vit/toughness build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: shizo.5698



We dont need so much healing power because of ritual of protection, it basically increases our healing by 33 %, thus we can choose pvt gear. With 70 % longer boon duration we have 5,1 = 5 seconds of protection per well, thats 20 seconds of protection.

Dark Armor is sadly widly ignored, 400 (!) toughness on channel (axe2, dagger2, life transfer), which puts us to almost 50 % damage reduction without protection.

When you switch into plague form, you become a raid boss

(edited by shizo.5698)

Full healing/vit/toughness build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Ritual of Protection is nice, but having little to no healing power drops the healing on WoB by half, and drops the allied healing from 6-7k to just over 1k. Its certainly another way to do things, but you are sacrificing nearly all of your team healing.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
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Full healing/vit/toughness build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: shizo.5698


you still have 700-950 healing power.