Funny plus for minions.

Funny plus for minions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Serpent Eyed.8365

Serpent Eyed.8365

this morning when i was in hurry and was in middle of killing Claw of Jormag, i summoned all my minions out to help and Flesh Wurm showed me interesting fact: minions don’t suffer from that dragons AoE condition Icy Grave.

The Wandering Centurion

Funny plus for minions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


So something good for the minions for a change.

Funny plus for minions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: SausageStorm.4293


Taking any and all bets that they will “fix” this problem above any other of our classes problems soon enough

Funny plus for minions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


Taking any and all bets that they will “fix” this problem above any other of our classes problems soon enough

Because we cant have out minions be useful and be like old minion masters from gw1 can we.

Funny plus for minions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Maybe being cold just doesn’t bother them.

Engineer turrets are safe from that too. I once left a rocket turret sitting under the dragon… it had 100% health (no regen trait) when I picked it up again to move to the next area. Nothing even attacked it. If they fixed that one though, conditions might actually have to start functioning properly on objects. o__o

However, I’ve taken to just picking up pact explosives and bombing that dragon and its stupid wall these days. As soon as the latest wave of control effects passes I grab a bomb and run. You can even use weapon swap to ‘drop’ the package (you still explode, ‘cause… ’cause) then pick it up again and have a fresh timer. It’s invisible on the ground but the name is there.

Funny plus for minions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Serpent Eyed.8365

Serpent Eyed.8365

only thing that made it hard to do is that because of distance, only my Flesh Wurm attacked instantly, where as mobile minion were as hard to get to attack the dragon as to make Charr vegetarian

The Wandering Centurion

Funny plus for minions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Delryn.7235


only thing that made it hard to do is that because of distance, only my Flesh Wurm attacked instantly, where as mobile minion were as hard to get to attack the dragon as to make Charr vegetarian

That actually made me think. It’s true that whenever I summon my flesh wurm he’s the only minion that WILL attack instantly and keep attacking until all the enemies engaging it or I have died, and he’s immobile. All the other minions MUST follow you and they all have a horrible time actually being part of the fight.

I think it’s because for the mobile minions their top priority is following you, so if you’re moving around or the enemy they need to attack is too far from you, they simply won’t attack because they need to make sure to stay close enough to you. Or they might simply stop attacking and run to your side because they need to make sure to follow you, happened many times to me – which also explains why the ranged mobile minions have an easier time fighting since they can attack while still remaining close to you.

Funny plus for minions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Oldbugga.7029


only thing that made it hard to do is that because of distance, only my Flesh Wurm attacked instantly, where as mobile minion were as hard to get to attack the dragon as to make Charr vegetarian

That actually made me think. It’s true that whenever I summon my flesh wurm he’s the only minion that WILL attack instantly and keep attacking until all the enemies engaging it or I have died, and he’s immobile. All the other minions MUST follow you and they all have a horrible time actually being part of the fight.

I think it’s because for the mobile minions their top priority is following you, so if you’re moving around or the enemy they need to attack is too far from you, they simply won’t attack because they need to make sure to stay close enough to you. Or they might simply stop attacking and run to your side because they need to make sure to follow you, happened many times to me – which also explains why the ranged mobile minions have an easier time fighting since they can attack while still remaining close to you.

Could be but I have had my flesh golem wander off into the distance attacking all manner of objects(Hirathi Highlands) and mobs(where ever they want)…a long way from me.

Funny plus for minions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

Minions do have a maximum distance they can be from you before being teleported to your location, but yeah up to that max sometimes they will go do their own thing and it really sucks.

Funny plus for minions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: kKagari.6804


I’ve always had my flesh wurm next to jormag every right. It almost always survives through all fight.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

Funny plus for minions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Delryn.7235


I’ve tested it out and the Flesh Wurm is the only pet with PERFECT AI. I placed it while fighting Lupicus, whenever I was attacking Lupicus it would attack Lupicus, the moment I switched target and would attack something else, he immediately switched to my target and attacked what I was attacking. The fact he doesn’t need to think about moving around and following you helps his AI a lot I imagine.

The Flesh Golem is the only minion I’ve noticed who actually for no reason just wanders off into the distance attacking weapon racks or a random enemy that’s no where near where the fight’s going on – all other minions follow you pretty reasonably closely and thus end up not attacking.