Greatsword Situation.
Add a affect to Grasping Darknes
*an effect
Dat grammar corrections
Put a Quickening affect on our Elite Shout, this couldnt really be used as a DPS Increase by much due to the 90 Second CD on it to begin with.
Warriors get 4 seconds of Quickness as often as every 15 seconds just for hitting someone below 50% hp. As a Grandmaster trait. I think we can get better than every 90 – 59s if you slot a specific Elite and spend 1.25s casting it.
I don’t really care about the topic at hand but I’m really curious about your grammar. I have some questions that I want serious answers to. I hope you don’t take them as insults.
1. Is English not your first language?
2. Why do you randomly capitalize words in the middle of sentences?
I ask because I’ve seen this kind of writing pattern before and I am really curious what goes through somebody’s mind when they’re writing with these patterns.
I actually Suffer Aphraxia, or however it is Spelt, Which leads to Incapability of Really Structuring or Co-ordination, My lack of Structure causes my natural Capsing of random words throughout Sentences as i cannot Put structure to my writing.
you would be Suprised but i am British, and even more Suprisingly, i have a A* in English in both Lang and Lit, Just while im online my Writing and Sentence structure can go heywire Really, It can be better or Worse throughout.
Put a Quickening affect on our Elite Shout, this couldnt really be used as a DPS Increase by much due to the 90 Second CD on it to begin with.
Warriors get 4 seconds of Quickness as often as every 15 seconds just for hitting someone below 50% hp. As a Grandmaster trait. I think we can get better than every 90 – 59s if you slot a specific Elite and spend 1.25s casting it.
The Reason i put Such a Smaller amount of Quickness into it, is our DPS on GS Matchs Dagger+warhorn and then Passes its DPS when the monster drops under 50%, If we got a buff on a regular bases swinging faster the Elite would just Outparse Standard necro by a absolute mile, not to mention make us so much better then most proffessions DPS Wise.
being broken in PvE would result in nerfing us.. and we could come off worse then we are now if we dragged ourselves down that root, realistically the changes have to have barely any impact on PvE Situations as Anet do intend to make PvE a thing now.
(edited by Drayos.8759)
But our Dagger+Warhorn dps isn’t anything to write home about, and a Quickness effect tied to something other than the weapon is usable with all the weapons – so it should be fine. The effect could absolutely be there for Reaper rather than other traitlines, because the GS is the one in most need of help right now. This effect would not have a consistent or even high uptime, so it wouldn’t increase DPS by leaps and bounds.
That sucks. Why not just avoid capitalization? Then you just look lazy.
I think people crap on GS for no real reason honestly. The only thing that is really problematic right now is the aftercast on 2, especially with it cancelling out the CD return, and how abysmally slow the AA is, to the point you’ll never really chain it. 3/4/5 are all plenty strong, and 2 is strong when it lands (which is the point, its an AoE that hits harder than backstab by a significant amount), its really just the awful AA that hurts it, and the fact that people expect a slow AoE focused weapon to be good 1v1.
Greatsword has an obvious niche: teamfighting. Don’t expect it to be strong outside of its uses and its just fine. And then obviously its trait is garbage but I can’t blame that on GS.
That sucks.
Why not just avoid capitalization? Then you just look lazy.
Apraxia, not aphasia.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
That sucks.
Why not just avoid capitalization? Then you just look lazy.
Well I dont Actually Reliese i am Doing it as i Do it realistically I only notice Once rereading What i have Written haha.
I think people crap on GS for no real reason honestly. The only thing that is really problematic right now is the aftercast on 2, especially with it cancelling out the CD return, and how abysmally slow the AA is, to the point you’ll never really chain it. 3/4/5 are all plenty strong, and 2 is strong when it lands (which is the point, its an AoE that hits harder than backstab by a significant amount), its really just the awful AA that hurts it, and the fact that people expect a slow AoE focused weapon to be good 1v1.
Greatsword has an obvious niche: teamfighting. Don’t expect it to be strong outside of its uses and its just fine. And then obviously its trait is garbage but I can’t blame that on GS.
It isnt that bad 1v1, aslong as u can get some form of Damage going, its Just a Good player can make that really kitten you… but tbh, Reaper is Aimed to be a 1v1 Specc, so it isnt doing its Job at all, so again it does need somewhat change
a AA buff would be Nice to see, i dont think the specc really needs to be buffed Hugely ability wise… its Just they need to fix the AA.
I’ve been enjoying my time with greatsword. It could do with a bit speeding up on gravedigger and a lot of speeding up on the auto attacks and I’d absolutely love a new and more impressive animation for death spiral but other than that…
Yeah. I like it.
would it maybe be nice to have an immob outside of D3? maybe either on a utility or one of the GS skills? The chill/slow is nice but for a spec that emphasizes and really DEPENDS on impairing your enemies movement, at least an immob on a reasonable cooldown could go a long way.
I think people crap on GS for no real reason honestly. The only thing that is really problematic right now is the aftercast on 2, especially with it cancelling out the CD return, and how abysmally slow the AA is, to the point you’ll never really chain it. 3/4/5 are all plenty strong, and 2 is strong when it lands (which is the point, its an AoE that hits harder than backstab by a significant amount), its really just the awful AA that hurts it, and the fact that people expect a slow AoE focused weapon to be good 1v1.
Greatsword has an obvious niche: teamfighting. Don’t expect it to be strong outside of its uses and its just fine. And then obviously its trait is garbage but I can’t blame that on GS.
It isnt that bad 1v1, aslong as u can get some form of Damage going, its Just a Good player can make that really kitten you… but tbh, Reaper is Aimed to be a 1v1 Specc, so it isnt doing its Job at all, so again it does need somewhat change
a AA buff would be Nice to see, i dont think the specc really needs to be buffed Hugely ability wise… its Just they need to fix the AA.
I would have to disagree with Reaper being designed as a 1v1 spec, the only skill that Reaper has that impacts only a single target is Executioner Scythe. Even then it leaves an AoE field that can be traited to do Condi damage. It may have turned into a 1v1 spec purely from our lack of defenses and team support though.
The problems, IMO, are Death Spiral (greatsword #3) and the greatsword auto attack. The auto attack just needs some tweaks such as putting chill on the 2nd strike and doing something with the 3rd attack.
Death Spiral needs to be more than, “Use off of cooldown because it’s just a damage skill.”
Someone had mentioned it before and I would also like to see Death Spiral turn into a “charge” attack that roots you as your character raises his greatsword and then charges forwards ~600 range or so and acting the same way that it does now. It would simply be a “leap” (charge forward skill).
Spiral is just fine as is. Yes it is “boring”, but it gives burst LF/vuln/hits, which allows you to setup for burst, fill up LF, or proc a variety of on hit/crit traits.
Also, Reaper was never meant to be 1v1. From the very beginning it was heavily focused on multiple target fights, and in fact has been improved in 1v1 fighting consistently since it was first revealed.
I think people crap on GS for no real reason honestly. The only thing that is really problematic right now is the aftercast on 2.
And then obviously its trait is garbage but I can’t blame that on GS.
That aftercast is a big issue, though. I love GS4 and 5, but chaining 2 just doesn’t feel as good as it should almost entirely because of that aftercast. If GD was something we fired off every 6-8 seconds, once, then moved on to other skills, it wouldn’t be as big of a problem. A similar scenario is how a Warrior can GS3 directly after GS2 in order to flow through a damage chain. But we’re meant to chain it. Is the aftercast there just to reduce our dps when chaining Gravedigger? Is it there just to match the animation?
Funnily enough, the trait isn’t that bad with the release change. If you’re using GD in a teamfight and can hit 3-5 people each time, that’s 800-1400ish hp each casting (1000-1700 if in Cleric’s gear and running BM). I think it could still be changed up some to cover one of the big problems of Gravedigger spam, though, which is the lack of LF generation while you’re using it. I’d really like to see the trait have its current functionality AND give 1% LF per target hit, especially since Blighter’s Boon is less reliable for LF generation.
(edited by Dead.5829)
If you are hitting 3-5 people with a cast of Gravedigger then you are demolishing the teamfight regardless of that trait’s influence, and you could be running any trait and still win that game.
I think people crap on GS for no real reason honestly. The only thing that is really problematic right now is the aftercast on 2, especially with it cancelling out the CD return, and how abysmally slow the AA is, to the point you’ll never really chain it. 3/4/5 are all plenty strong, and 2 is strong when it lands (which is the point, its an AoE that hits harder than backstab by a significant amount), its really just the awful AA that hurts it, and the fact that people expect a slow AoE focused weapon to be good 1v1.
Greatsword has an obvious niche: teamfighting. Don’t expect it to be strong outside of its uses and its just fine. And then obviously its trait is garbage but I can’t blame that on GS.
I honestly love it almost solely for GS4. Lol
I would much prefer a different effect like quickness or a Rapid Lacerations type effect on it, but it’s not total garbo. It’s a 3-10% increase on GraveDigger damage depending on your build (and whether you crit), and it gives you Nightfall and Grasping Darkness more often.
It just doesn’t touch the other two traits in its tier : /