Greatsword investment

Greatsword investment

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I’ve been using the greatsword in the beta and I have to say, I rather enjoy using it. Its attacks are really meaty and many of the skills are extremely useful. Skill 5 I found particularly good. However, the weapon is far from perfect having a few issues that holds it back in both PvE and PvP.

Skill 1: The damage on this is quite high. Allot higher than I expected from what people were saying on the forums. Though i do have to say that the full investment of the auto’s chain isn’t worth executing At a 2 and a half second investment the pay off just isn’t there. That last attack in the chain just isn’t worth it. And with such a huge investment you’re better off using other skills.

Suggestion for skill 1: Increase the third skills damage and increase the chill duration to 3 seconds. This would increase its usability in both PvE and PvP. You could permanently chill someone in the chain, but at as high of a investment as this skill requires you’re not likely to be able to do it in challenging content for PvE and against skilled or even moderately skilled players in PvP. Its still really slow and has huge tells.

Gravedigger: Very strong skills. Its damage is pretty high but not insane. I managed to hit for 12k with this thing and after being able to spam it fairly frequently while moving I have to say this skill is a bit better than people think. Normally I was hitting for 4-9k depending on if I critically hit or not.

Death Spiral: This skill obliterated foes. The damage was just insane and its life force gain was always useful. It was a great lead into Gravedigger as well as getting me back into Reaper’s shroud.

Nightfall: I like this skill. Its animation, its name sake, what it does. Though it feels like it doesn’t hit very often and when it does it doesn’t feel like it does too much beyond the blind. So this needs some work, though I’m not too sure on that just yet.

Grasping darkness: Really good skill. A bit hard to determine where you’re sending it out but otherwise great. The poison feels a bit weird on it. I’d probably have gone with something like chill on it. Though that might be a bit strong. Valn would be great though.

Overall I love the design of the greatsword. I think its a powerful weapon and the skills work very well together. There are a few issues with overall power with some of the skills though nothing so big that the weapon would need a re design. A few buffs here or that and it should be a great weapon.

Greatsword investment

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


Yeah the feel it has is not bad. But the number arent there yet.

AA: Yeah i agree giving the 3rd auto attack more damage and a longer chill duration is needed. Mhh maybe also some LF generation on it.

Gravedigger: Has in my opinions alot of problems. The 80% cooldown reduction for enemies below 50% needs to go back to 100% or a number that doesnt make the resulting cooldown so clunky. Also it need a bit more damage.

Death Spiral: Yeah the skill is great but maybe it should have a longer range (300 or so)

Nightfall. I think the skill is fine apart maybe from the aftercast (you can cancel the aftercast with strow weapon so you can work around it) but it doesnt show the aoe size indicator (white circle), which is kinda annoying and needs to be fixed (i consider that a bug).

Grasping darkness: This skill needs ether to go after your target or it needs to have an indicator where it will go like most of the targeted aoes. Also a longer range (900) and/or the shorter cooldown would be nice.

(edited by Muchacho.2390)