Has anyone L2P already?

Has anyone L2P already?

in Necromancer

Posted by: leman.7682



I was wondering if anyone managed to learn Necro after a month since release or is the community still avarage and unable to see how powerful Necro’s Death Shroud is.

I’d check myself, but I got totally bored with the sPvP and since our ‘very soon’ PvP blog post is apparently taking 2 weeks to go live I have no real incentive to touch the game.

Please discuss the current state of Necro in sPvP context.


Has anyone L2P already?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


No. And Jon Peters is too busy playing faceroll 100b warrior to show anyone his super awsome amazing leet necro skillz.

Has anyone L2P already?

in Necromancer

Posted by: DirtyDeeds.6075


Did you try reading a few of the posts?
If you can’t find incentive to play why should we find incentive to care for your blog or this post for that matter?
What is your blog going to offer anyone if you aren’t playing?

Might I suggest you play the game and find out for yourself the state of the Necro…
Then feel free to write your blog on how you feel about him.

Has anyone L2P already?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Karther.7481


I learnt to play, yeah.

Rhelex – 80 Asura Necromancer
Time To Leave [GTFO] – a WvW Guild
Piken Square server

(edited by Moderator)

Has anyone L2P already?

in Necromancer

Posted by: leman.7682


Did you try reading a few of the posts?
If you can’t find incentive to play why should we find incentive to care for your blog or this post for that matter?
What is your blog going to offer anyone if you aren’t playing?

Might I suggest you play the game and find out for yourself the state of the Necro…
Then feel free to write your blog on how you feel about him.

What is it with people this days? I’m sincerely asking a question. If you’re here just to write this ‘fanboy’ formula, then better don’t post at all, please.

And to ask your question anyways, knowledge is power and I like power. I don’t want to waste time on playing an unfinished PvP. I can ask a question and count on some nice people to answer and explain it to me.

Thanks for your input.


Has anyone L2P already?

in Necromancer

Posted by: celeron.3469



I was wondering if anyone managed to learn Necro after a month since release or is the community still avarage and unable to see how powerful Necro’s Death Shroud is.

I’d check myself, but I got totally bored with the sPvP and since our ‘very soon’ PvP blog post is apparently taking 2 weeks to go live I have no real incentive to touch the game.

Please discuss the current state of Necro in sPvP context.

In WvW…

My guild tells me I have the most survivability while getting zerged (not runaway, just surviving), I disagree that I’m the most survivable but I can see their point. What I’ve learned to do, honestly, is use the teleports (including DS’s). It gives you time for your heal to come back and possibly regen some more life force.

However regarding your main question about DS, no. DS is like an AoE taunt, as soon as you use it you’ll get focused. If you hit 4 at any point then it’s basically like a lighthouse beacon for everyone you’re hitting.

Has anyone L2P already?

in Necromancer

Posted by: nldixon.8514


I dunno, but I ran into a Charr Necro in sPvP a few days ago that demolished me repeatedly. Not sure what his spec was, but he was doing tons of bleeding damage, had a boatload of pets and hardly took any damage at all. I was pretty impressed and promptly hit ‘H’ so I could ‘Return to the Mists’. Hehe.

Has anyone L2P already?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nismu.4019


Now if we had healer to back us up with our area agro skill we would be awesome.. coudl that be it.. get couple heal specced eles heal your behind and take agro while group of thieves ninja middle of enemies and starts to whirl around killing everything.

well to be honest i have been able to optimize DS usage a lot when i concentrated learning it but its no win button like that whirl or heatseeker or 100 blades aso.

Has anyone L2P already?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Leeto.1570


Yes, by the matter of fact i have. And i must say you wont see necro buffs for some while, only fixes. I dont know how good it is cause i havent played other profs, but beeing able to win 1v2, survive 1v3 and dominating 1v1 completely satisfies me. In wvwvw i feel pretty tough on my necro too.
You achieve everything in a bit more complicated way than on other classes but you still can achieve it.

Has anyone L2P already?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Yes, by the matter of fact i have. And i must say you wont see necro buffs for some while, only fixes. I dont know how good it is cause i havent played other profs, but beeing able to win 1v2, survive 1v3 and dominating 1v1 completely satisfies me. In wvwvw i feel pretty tough on my necro too.
You achieve everything in a bit more complicated way than on other classes but you still can achieve it.

It’s not that I don’t believe you (hell I’ve only started a necro in the last 24 hours but doing ok in solo tourney queueing so far, 4 silver trophies out of 6 games, but have never had the mesmer on my team for khylo so…. blah), but if you have solid “L2P” knowledge on a class that’s pretty much universally seen as needing a hand you should share it for the necro community.

I’ve been trying to get people to do the same for warriors but we’re lacking in completely different areas (gimmicky ganker build, weapon skills are vanilla and blah, little to no utility/team support-synergy, etc). Competitive pvp games like this (at least that’s the goal right?) are much better off with a healthy and mature community that shares information and avoids typical “L2P” remarks and elitism.

Not saying that’s what you’re doing, just rambling I guess. Moar beer ftw?

Anyways, share your knowledge I guess is my TLDR.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Has anyone L2P already?

in Necromancer

Posted by: draugris.9872


You achieve everything in a bit more complicated way than on other classes but you still can achieve it.

Jon Peters has l2p, i´am sure ^^. It is exactly as you said it and that is imho the main problem of gw2. When you look at certain Builds of other classes, for example Mesmers and Thiefs these days, play with them and after that compare how successful you were and how much time you needed to invest, then you can see the imbalance of gw2 in it´s current state. To be honest the comment of JP that Necro is the hardest class to master is a joke, if it is so, why didn´t he told us that before ? Why are some that hard and some so ridiculous easy to play ? That just doesn´t make sense to me.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash