Having a blast with my level 50 power necro!! Questions

Having a blast with my level 50 power necro!! Questions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


I know that this class has a lot of bugs, a lot things that are UP or make no sense

Regardless, is the most fun class I have tried. I have played most of the class up to level 15/20, and I always come back to my necro (which now is my higgest char at level 50)

I used a minion build until level 30 or so. It was great when the minions are alive and hitting, not so great when they start dying due to some aoe or just stand still. I switched to a well setup and im having greart fun with it. I know other classes can do the same in less time, but hell, I have STYLE

Some questions. At level 40 I got a full power blue armor set (I wanted to buy a new set at 50 but seems the next set is for level 55, will wait a bit :P)

Not sure how to gear/trait anyway. How much important is crit/toughness?

As my traits, im going Blood Magic (Bloodthirst and Well recharge) and Death Magic (greater marks and staff mastery). Not sure which trait tree to start now. Suggestions?

Im going Staff/Dagger+WH. Using Well of Blood, Well of Suffering, Well of Corruption, and for my last skill im switching beetween Signet of the Locust (general travellig), BiP (inside places where I only fight one or two mobs at a time), and Epidemic/Poison cloud for events (depends on my mood :P ) Is this okey or would you change anything?


EDIT: Forgot to say, Im using the golem as my Elite, until I get enough points to buy the Lich

(edited by Erhnam.5732)

Having a blast with my level 50 power necro!! Questions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kayotik.5790


Everyone has their own style of play, and being creative is one of the most enjoyable aspects of this game. Just don’t come to the forums exclaiming how “op” your build is unless you’re a very critical thinker.

The following are suggestions, and I’m in no way attempting to tell you how to play your character:

You mentioned that you use signet of the locust for general travel purposes, but unless you’re making use of the active I would recommend using spectral walk instead. In conjunction with war horn swiftness and boon duration in the death magic tree, which you mentioned using, you can keep swiftness up almost 100% of the time.

For general leveling purposes, I would definitely recommend keeping the flesh golem as your elite. Even once you unlock lich form, you’ll notice a huge difference in survivability and perhaps even damage if you lack the stats to benefit in lich form (power/crit/crit damage). I’m using an entirely power-crit based build and still find myself using the golem when not in dungeons (where the pet will get killed in one hit).

Personally, even while playing around with a well build, I didn’t find Well of Corruption very effective. Most mobs don’t use boons (outside of dredge! ugh!) and the well becomes little more than a half-effective version of suffering without applying any vulnerability. I found well of darkness to be more useful (outside of blind immune mobs like dredge, where I would switch to corruption), allowing you to gather multiple mobs and kill them simultaneously without largely worrying about their damage.

Once again, the traits you choose are entirely up to your play-style. For a while, mine revolved around my ability to aoe 4-5 mobs down before well of darkness ended. But this comes at the trade-off of survivability. Respeccing is cheap, and even free in the mists, so try out variations and find the one you like the most!