Health regen suggestions
DS reduces damage taken. Reducing incoming damage taken is no different from having a more effective heal because the point of both is to more easily recover from damage received. Apparently the Gluttony trait does nothing which hinders effective regeneration of lifeforce, but an increase in healing seems to be the least effective solution to your problem, assuming that it is a problem.
DS reduces damage taken. Reducing incoming damage taken is no different from having a more effective heal because the point of both is to more easily recover from damage received. Apparently the Gluttony trait does nothing which hinders effective regeneration of lifeforce, but an increase in healing seems to be the least effective solution to your problem, assuming that it is a problem.
Yeah I know how DS works. Problem is, and maybe it’s just me, but I don’t see it as enough to meet this “hard to kill” design philosophy. DS gets burned down, and then I’m left with the same sliver of health that I started with. I have other tricks to stay alive, but that’s just me. It’s nothing that’s built into the class as a core mechanic.
Also, and I may be remembering GW1 wrong – but wasn’t schlorping up health a necro “thing?” I seem to recall being a health sponge back in the day. I’d kill something, I’d take some of their health – I know there’s a trait for that, but it works for crap.
classes who heal the best (outwards-wise) go in descending order: Guardians+staff/mace, Water Ele+Staff, Necro+Dagger/staff2+Full blood traits.
As for combating squishiness, invest in toughness (makes your healing go a lot farther) and makes your Deathshroud last longer than 5 seconds.
please tell me you aren’t a full rampager necro or berserker necro with no toughness or vitality.
because you will die.
Bloodthirst is probably supposed to be our way to increase the direct heal/damage of
Depending on how good the scaling would be, you might be required to spend
hundreds of points of healing in order to get that same 50% anyway.
If bloodthirst isn’t enough, you can also get vampiric precision. At that point you get
more life leech by putting points into precision. After you did that, you might as well
take advantage of the life leech effects from sigils and food.
Just because you can’t mindlessly put points into healing to become unkillable doesn’t
mean there are no synergies when it comes to life leech.
If Anet makes a little change in our healing power , it will be enough.
Healing power should affect all sorts of life stealing including vampiric , vampiric master and vampiric precision traits.
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.
What do you think would be appropriate then?
Right now, i can do a combo of Ghastly Claws and Siphon Health that recovers 7k
health already. Depending on the skill i used last, the cd on that is 8/12 seconds.
Aside from what i already mentioned, you can further improve the life you gain by
choosing weapons that generate a lot of hits.
If we increase our vampiric traits to 100+ per hit (so 150 traited) like you see
demanded often because of a certain thief healing skill… then that combo would heal
for 10k… and would do 7.6k damage from life leech on hit effects alone.
Add to that 7-8k damage the two skills do on their own even in a tanky setup and you
have a combination, that could potentially deal 14-15k damage, give you 400 armor
while you channel it and heals you for 10k on a low cooldown.
Just to show that certain forum demands would make us overpowered in certain
I enjoy the damage component of life leech right now and wouldn’t want to miss it.
That aside, if wells leeched 300 per tick it would be crazy in pve.
Sometimes you actually have 5 targets around you for the duration of a well.
Drop 4 wells and enjoy getting back 37.5k health without even considering the effects
those wells normally have.
That would probably be overpowered even if you did take away the damage
component of leech effects.
Maybe our life leech traits need a slight buff to the base amount they leech, but
anything drastic might be too harsh and break all balance.
Life leech damage has its place. It ignores the enemy’s toughness like a condition, yet
no kind of condition removal can lower its damage either since it causes damage
The only way for an enemy to lower leech damage is to avoid the hit that would
trigger it. Of course it doesn’t do enough damage to kill something on its own, but
a nice extra component in your damage setup.
I strongly disagree that the solution is merely to fix our traits and leave it at that. Yes, that should be done, but I’d like to see a setup more similar to Guardians.
For example, Guardians have three abilities that are innate to their class: one that scrubs conditions, one that sets enemies on fire and one that forms a shield. This is part of the Guardian class; they get these just by being Guardians, walking around, doing their thing. For lack of a better term, call these base abilities.
Of course, they can then activate these abilities by clicking on an F key, or upgrade them via traits. Call those upgraded abilities.
So Guardians can choose to leave their base abilities as they are and focus on other areas via traits. They can activate their base abilities in a pinch via F keys.
Compare now to Necros. DS is sort of the equivalent of the guardian F-keys. Life steal is our “base” or innate ability. I argue that it’s not enough; Guardians get three, we get one. We need at least two. One: DS. Two: health steal.
We can health steal, yes: but really only through traits, and that’s still not effective. So in other words, we have the “upgrade” option, but not the “base.”
Necros should be stealing a little bit of health with every death that occurs around them, just like Necros in GW1. It doesn’t have to be so much as to be overpowered; just enough to live up to this “hard to kill/hard to escape” design philosophy.
So what I’d love to see is another F key being added; keep DS as F1 and F2 is a passive that is always sucking up a little bit of health from any deaths in the vicinity; then if you click F-2, maybe you sacrifice a chunk of health to do some extra damage or something.
In the traits: still offer the options to really boost the health leeching abilities with the objective being a really tanky necro that is simply hard to put down. The counterbalance, of course, is that to do so you sacrifice offensive or other useful abilities.
I’ve said it before: Necros are just missing that “one other thing” to flesh them out. I personally think it’s another one or two F abilities, and one of these should be an innate ability to be a health vampire.
Oh and to expand on my original thought about Jagged Horrors: this idea of necros having an innate “health vampire” ability basically fixes Jagged Horrors without having to do anything to them. Because now it’s actually good that they die so fast; what you really want them for is the health bonus. If they spawn close enough to an enemy to get a swipe in, good for them; but their real value would be life force and now health.
Compare now to Necros. DS is sort of the equivalent of the guardian F-keys. Life steal is our “base” or innate ability. I argue that it’s not enough; Guardians get three, we get one. We need at least two. One: DS. Two: health steal.
We can health steal, yes: but really only through traits, and that’s still not effective. So in other words, we have the “upgrade” option, but not the “base.”
Necros should be stealing a little bit of health with every death that occurs around them, just like Necros in GW1. It doesn’t have to be so much as to be overpowered; just enough to live up to this “hard to kill/hard to escape” design philosophy.
So what I’d love to see is another F key being added; keep DS as F1 and F2 is a passive that is always sucking up a little bit of health from any deaths in the vicinity; then if you click F-2, maybe you sacrifice a chunk of health to do some extra damage or something.
Wholeheartedly agree with needing more flexibility around the core class mechanic. If Life Force is going to be a resource, why not offer the ability to choose how it is used it to supplement our playstyle. Everyone who plays a necromancer is familiar with the F1 mechanic, how about offering different uses upon Life Force consumption, i.e.:
F2 allows the necromancer to consume accumulated life force to regenerate his own health. Transfer occurs at a rate of 10% / 3 seconds. (Could add a trait to allow this to refill minion health as well?)
F3 allows the necromancer to consume 33% of his Life Force to apply a condition, call it Blight or some such, that lasts for 10s and increases condition damage on the target by 10%.