Help a new player out please.

Help a new player out please.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cornwallace.9054


So brand new to this game, i decided to be a necromancer. I have done some research but am kind of confused about everything. What weapons should I use if I want to be a powermancer? Dagger dagger and axe warhorn as my weapons with a staff in my inventory or? What should my main stats be, I know power as the main one but what bout the others? Is there a good guide or anything someone could link me maybe? I have to go to work now but will check this thread later.. if anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it.

Help a new player out please.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Holl.3109


Dagger/axe/warhorn/focus are all really nice weapons for a powermancer and the staff is a great utility weapon. My personal favorite is dagger/focus though. You can look at the link in my decription for some powermancer gameplay, that can clear things up. The main stats you want to be focusing on are power precision and ferocity. Power for dmg, presicion for critical chance and ferocity for more dmg on critical strikes. This would be very glass canon though so I reccomend adding some vit/toughness. If you are going to do PvE though I reccomend full berzerker because the mobs are slow and predictable.
You can pm me ingame if you have more questions.

All 80’s – PvP/WvW
My YouTube channel
Reapers gonna reap ¯\(°_°)/¯

Help a new player out please.

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Pve, spvp, tpvp, fractals, wvw?

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Help a new player out please.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cornwallace.9054


Dagger/axe/warhorn/focus are all really nice weapons for a powermancer and the staff is a great utility weapon. My personal favorite is dagger/focus though. You can look at the link in my decription for some powermancer gameplay, that can clear things up. The main stats you want to be focusing on are power precision and ferocity. Power for dmg, presicion for critical chance and ferocity for more dmg on critical strikes. This would be very glass canon though so I reccomend adding some vit/toughness. If you are going to do PvE though I reccomend full berzerker because the mobs are slow and predictable.
You can pm me ingame if you have more questions.

Thanks will watch the video later once I’m off work and will do on messaging you in game!

Help a new player out please.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cornwallace.9054


Pve, spvp, tpvp, fractals, wvw?

Pve for now but I am sure I’ll want to do everything at some point know what I mean?

Help a new player out please.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Remorhas.2963


For a good necro I prefer Dagger,Dagger and depending on what you like best theres Staff or Scepter,Focus.Its all up to you

“I’ll regret the day you are something but now you are nothing”-Markiplier