Help motivate Anet make some minion bug fixes

Help motivate Anet make some minion bug fixes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dan.3814


According to This post,

Q How does the Live Response Team determine which bugs to fix/exploits to remove/features to implement in each update?
A To track the active bugs in the game, we use a bug tracking database and a priority system. [. . .] each bug in our system is given a priority number depending on how many players or which systems it affects. For example, [. . .]”

So maybe if we all report this class-breaking bug using the report system en masse, we might see some fixes. Fixes that have been disturbingly absent in the previous patches. It should be easy to reproduce, since it happens every. single. time minions are “used.”

Help motivate Anet make some minion bug fixes

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


Popularity should never determine priority. That is just common sense. Class popularity determines its position in this kind of system and classes that are not popular tend to have the most problems. That is why they are not popular.

Fat Basstard said it best:

“I am fat because I eat, I eat because I am fat, it’s a vicious cycle.”

Necro is not popular because it is fat, Necro is fat because its traits and core mechanics are broken, without popular appeal Necro will never become a priority, it’s a vicious cycle.