Heroes of Might and Magic - And -Gw2 necro
Although I really like the idea, I think a huge problem for Anet is that they can’t balance the 8 classes they have as it is. to introduce archetypes and implement variations of base classes would probably be that one last straw that breaks this massive camel’s back.
although i really agree on another part, they really did not do a good job with making the necro look necro-y. Wells look cool but they’re not distinguishable from each other, BiP is you waving your fist at the enemy, epidemic is like an on-land ink cloud from an invisible octopus, and everything is is truly meh, either quick and boring animations or whatnot.
Every time i watch ele pvp, I think “why don’t we look that freaking cool when we press buttons?”
though to be fair, i think rangers probably have it worse in terms of looks.
(edited by Sheobix.8796)
Hmm. Might agree on that one.
Good example with the Ele.
Oh F#ck yes, I’m not the only one. I completely agree, where is our Minion Master?
Quaggan has been trying and trying, but Quaggan cannot sit on chair.
Quaggan does not think sitting exists. . .Quaggan sad.
I love the daggers on necro though, its perfect
just needs better and more minions
Quaggan has been trying and trying, but Quaggan cannot sit on chair.
Quaggan does not think sitting exists. . .Quaggan sad.
Those are not necromancers, it are emo elf sissies that sparkle at day.
About the transformation part, the Necro took many aspects of the Dervish from the original, sadly not as kitten but we are still the only class with 3 transformations and all of them being actually good.
Those are not necromancers, it are emo elf sissies that sparkle at day.
Made my day.
Those are not necromancers, it are emo elf sissies that sparkle at day.
Made my day.
Oh i forgot to mention the obvious arachnid fetish.
I don’t get the arachnid theme being associated with Necromancers. I get that spiders are creepy and necromancers are supposed to be creepy, but frankly they have very little to do with each other otherwise. I much prefer the more realistic connections that this game has given us (like locusts).
Kinda agree, art department needed more time with necro imo.
Hands coming out breifly on scepter is kinda cool, but most necromancer abilities are just recycling the same animations/effects or just simply dont do any. How i most easily tell a non-pet using necromancer from a ele, is the ele is shooting sparks everywhre and looking cool….necro a few circles appear on the ground.
I don’t get the arachnid theme being associated with Necromancers. I get that spiders are creepy and necromancers are supposed to be creepy, but frankly they have very little to do with each other otherwise. I much prefer the more realistic connections that this game has given us (like locusts).
Actually arachnids (to be precise the medicine you got from when you brewed the venoms) were quite potent “homebrew drugs”/medicine all the way to feudal times (Eu, dont know jack about apothecary and pagan priest history in US if there even was/is any) Just as the snake is the symbol of pharmacy (and depending on land with a bowl, staff, beam scale or mortar n pestl) a scorpions and spiders were for “necromancers”/priests/shamans/whatever you wanna call a person who knows how to do kitten with the human body that used blood and anabolic drugs respectively.
But the emo sparkly elfs still do have a arachnid fetish… wait does that make them furries? RUN CHARR RUN!!!
Locusts (and true insects) on the other hand have little to do with historical and D&D necros except that they are the representative animal of 1 of the 4 horseman of the apocalypse, but its not even the one we are related to (sure famine is one of the causes of death).
Fun Fact: Symbols that guardians (pallys) were called marks and Necromancer (and most other casters) marks were called symbols in older D&D .
Necromancy is evolved from shamanism and partially druidism. And for most earliest mentions/myths etc started in western europe norse,persian some roman later egyptian etc etc. But regardless of portion of western europe stories came from it always maintained tangible core principles. It was a mix of ritualism, spiritualism, demonology and black magic. As all occult practices it always had symbolic representation. Most adapted symbols of necromancy involved arachnids or other carrion insects such as scarabs regardless of place where story originated…
So yeah… spiders do have a place much more so then natural disasters like locust. Fleshcrafting and insert any of the thaumaturgy(spelling?) are also frequently accompanying necromantic stories.
So some body parts mashed together and given a “life” or some semblance to it for utility purposes does fit necromancy. Everything else from gw2 has no blasted place in necromancy.
And since I know people will just go and defend anets laziness regardless I’m not going to bother pointing out things further.
Btw the whole spider gig started because of spiders “seeing past the living world veil” maybe because of many eyes? or some such rubish but from which culture I do not recall nor does it really matter tbh. Also something about spiderwebs and trapping of life… etc anyhoo.
(edited by HiSaZuL.2843)