Hey guys. What armor stats do you run?

Hey guys. What armor stats do you run?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Smitty.9432


I just hit 80 on my necro and I’m trying to decide what armor set/stats I want to get for my first set of exotics. I’ve tried various necro builds such as MM, conditions, wells, etc. so I have a good idea of the versatility. My goal is to not have to make 3 or 4 different exotic sets for each build I run, I’d really just like 1 or 2 that are pretty versatile.

I’ve heard a lot of good things about power/toughness/vitality, and some of the better necros I know say that berserker’s power/precision/crit dmg is surprisingly good especially in wvw.

I’ll mainly be doing dungeons and wvw in this gear. Just want to hear your guys’ input

Hey guys. What armor stats do you run?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mackster.9726


The most popular stats for condition build seems to be the Cond/Prec/Tough gear (Rabid Gear). The problem is that it can’t be crafted and I think there isn’t exotic level accessories with those stats (correct me if I’m wrong). The stats have good synergy with Runes of the Undead.

I like to use the Cond/Power/Vit gear (Carrion) if I’m doing a Conditions/Death Shroud build, but I haven’t played with that build much so I’m not too sure on the effectiveness there.

I’ve yet to spend much time on Power or Minion builds, but as far as I know Minions don’t scale off any of your stats (except healing indirectly) so I think that it could be mixed with any other build.

Hey guys. What armor stats do you run?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gyler.8150


I mostly run the Precision/Toughness/Cond Damage. Use that with might stacking runes and you have a nice hybrid of cond and direct damage.

Hey guys. What armor stats do you run?

in Necromancer

Posted by: PinCushion.7390


I mostly run the Precision/Toughness/Cond Damage. Use that with might stacking runes and you have a nice hybrid of cond and direct damage.

I run all Soldier’s gear, but I swap runes out pretty frequently.

I’ll probably switch to this setup sooner or later, or just collect a spare set of gear to try it out.

Hey guys. What armor stats do you run?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Smitty.9432


Hmm I guess I never thought about going power/condition damage in the same set. That seems like it would be really versatile. Then just add something like toughness or vitality if a set like that exists.

Hey guys. What armor stats do you run?

in Necromancer

Posted by: PinCushion.7390


Carrion gear is Power/Vitality/Condi Damage

Hey guys. What armor stats do you run?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Carrion armor has prioritized Condition Damage and secondary Power and Vitality. It’s a pretty safe set to go with that applies pretty well to any necro build.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Hey guys. What armor stats do you run?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knote.2904


I’m actually using a mix between Carrion and Rabid gear. I did it mostly for budget reasons, but I find it’s actually the best setup for a mostly Condition build.

They both prioritize Condition Dmg so there’s that out of the way, then it’s an even split between Toughness and Vitality and Power and Crit (plus Spite/Curses traits), so my direct dmg is pretty well off and my defensive stats are well balanced. My setup leads a little more toward Rabid stats.

Don’t believe the people that say crit is the only way to go for condition builds, we don’t have anything good that works with crits really except for the Earth Sigil, the minor trait is mediocre and is only actually “decent” on high attack count abilities (our channeled skills/wells).

That said I’m using Earth Sigils anyway for budget reasons as well, and because I DO have crit.

If you decide to go full carrion instead that’s not bad either, if you’re going into the Death Traits you’ll still have some toughness to help balance it out and the extra power will go a long way with hybrid dmg.

I definately recommend a mix of the 2 though.

For power builds I only bother with going glass cannon, or atleast mostly glass cannon. If I want to do a tank build I want to do it with condition dmg or healing power.

(edited by Knote.2904)

Hey guys. What armor stats do you run?

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


Vitality/Toughness/Anything = win

Third stat and secondary modifiers all depend on the traits.

Hey guys. What armor stats do you run?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brokin.6834


Actually since the halloween patch, you can now buy a full load-out of exotic rabid gear on the trading post.

Khilbron’s Armor (all 6 pieces)
Bramblethorne (staff)
Mystic Wand (scepter)
Malefacterym (dagger)
Colossus Fang (amulet)
Tortured Root (earrings)
Plague (ring)

Warning though, they can all be very pricy. Be prepared to spend alot of gold.

(edited by Brokin.6834)