Hilarious WvWvW build. "Be Chillin'"

Hilarious WvWvW build. "Be Chillin'"

in Necromancer

Posted by: kKagari.6804



The purpose of this build is for laughs really, but it actually works extremely well with good siege backup, or generally a team of people willing to engage the enemy when you charge in.

The idea of this build is 100% increased chill duration. Now, believe it or not the Necromancer actually has the longest chills in the game. And many are AoE. And even if they aren’t, you have epidemic, which when used with an AoE chill, will effectively double the chill on surrounding targets.

Here are some durations and cooldowns:
Chillbains: 8s AoE, 16cd
Dark Path: 10s AoE, 12.75cd
Spectral Grasp: 8s, 24cd
Spinal Shivers: 10s, 16cd
Reaper of Grenth: 6s (does this skill pulse? never really looked into it carefully), 180cd

For absolute kittens and giggles, try Dark Path > Epidemic. Alternatively, just walk into a bunch of people with Reaper of Grenth, and Spectral Walk out:D.

P.S. Hopefully, in the near future when Greater Marks works with Chillbains we can rely on that as a primary AoE Chill, for now, it might be better to pick another trait.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

(edited by kKagari.6804)

Hilarious WvWvW build. "Be Chillin'"

in Necromancer

Posted by: SirNuX.2371


This has caught my interest, but ur link is broken or something

Yurkov – Necromancer – 80
Roma Yurkov – Warrior – 65
[DIE] Dragons In Exile – Far Shiverpeaks

Hilarious WvWvW build. "Be Chillin'"

in Necromancer

Posted by: Beyreva.8769


The latest patch notes say that they fixed “chillbains” with “greater marks”. I am not in-game right now as I am too tired, so I cannot confirm. =P

Copy + Paste the link into the browser.

Sometimes it’s necessary listening to the silence, it could tell more..

(edited by Beyreva.8769)

Hilarious WvWvW build. "Be Chillin'"

in Necromancer

Posted by: riotnrrrd.9582


The latest patch notes say that they fixed “chillbains” with “greater marks”. I am not in-game right now as I am too tired, so I cannot confirm. =P

Copy + Paste the link into the browser.

its been fixed

Hilarious WvWvW build. "Be Chillin'"

in Necromancer

Posted by: SirNuX.2371


Reaper of Grenth: 6s (does this skill pulse? never really looked into it carefully), 180cd

I think it does, for every second if i’m right, I dont know I’ll test it when I get back home

Yurkov – Necromancer – 80
Roma Yurkov – Warrior – 65
[DIE] Dragons In Exile – Far Shiverpeaks

Hilarious WvWvW build. "Be Chillin'"

in Necromancer

Posted by: Curring.9752


A chill build has always interested me, I love spectral grasp as is, I can’t but wanting to say “GET OVER HERE!” when I use it, it’s like Subzero’s version.
Now chillbaines be fixed, I may have to have a gander.

In the greater blob of things, there is only the zerg.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!

Hilarious WvWvW build. "Be Chillin'"

in Necromancer

Posted by: kKagari.6804


A chill build has always interested me, I love spectral grasp as is, I can’t but wanting to say “GET OVER HERE!” when I use it, it’s like Subzero’s version.
Now chillbaines be fixed, I may have to have a gander.

The bigger AoE effect ring is so sexy. Y U NO FIX THE OTHER EFFECT RINGS ANET?

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.