How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Only reason I did solo queue was i thought there was a title for breaking top 100 sitting at 87 now with no Challanger of the Arena title, so the jokes on me….

Figured I would share the silly build an average maybe a little bellow average player used to break top 100 vs better players.

Higher ratings you face alot of Stun lock warriors with high uptime of stability/unfearable. They own condi necros and bunk very well vs condi necros. Also face alot of rangers, a few guards with some random engineers running heavy anti condition, and of course a ton of condi necros. Thats it, about all you see after 250 and up.

Guess its a counter meta build, but I dont really know what meta means.

Its just a simple power build that works because you do not face the wide varrity of classes and builds that would exploit a d/d power necro bunker. The classes and builds you see are cookie cutter all the same… power necro has all the tools to counter them or bunker better vs them then any class and build… yes even guards. You actually get a ton of kills in 1v1 situations and 1v2 you can hold out for ages even won/forced a flee from some big name better players doubling up on me.

So here it is. If anyone cares I’ll go into detail why I chose what I did and why it works well vs what people run at higher rating.

My hope is people of all classes will start making builds to shake up this meta. When everyone is running the same crap time to make one trick pony builds and exploit them.

Disclaimer: its not a optimal build in tpvp, low rating solo queue, even hot join spvp, and it would be a joke in WvW…. its a gimmick that works vs the stale class/build make up at higher ratings.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: dani.1956


Something wrong with necro then , owning with 200 condition damage 2800 attack 2500 defence is wrong ! Anet when the nerf ?

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Something wrong with necro then , owning with 200 condition damage 2800 attack 2500 defence is wrong ! Anet when the nerf ?

Here is my advice. Wars have a very high representation on the solo queue leader boards and crush the condi necros you just posted a QQ thread about. Perhaps you should spend time on your warrior forums you might learn something.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dredlord.8076


yeah looks good against those builds, what sigils do you use?

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Something wrong with necro then , owning with 200 condition damage 2800 attack 2500 defence is wrong ! Anet when the nerf ?

“Owning” don’t necessary mean killing in second everything. This would be the equivalent of an Ele D/D cantrip build. And, you know, Necromancer don’t necessary mean condition damage… Ranger own with Healing power, Engi own with whatever they want… etc.

You just have to learn your class Dani. Warrior are meant to be an heavy CC class to be effective (I said it age ago and they were laughing at me. Now It’s the meta). Thieves are an high mobility class that can reset the fight whenever they want (This is something that we all know). Mesmer are meant to fool their foes (Well this work only on begginers now). Ranger sucks without their pet (most of the time)… etc.

Necromancer, when you want to play powermancer need 2 things.

- A way to keep their foe at hand (we call this “soft cc” : chill, root, cripple)

- And defensives skills (spectrals skill, fear and a bit of stability)

The op understood this and came with this build that seemed to be pretty balanced. He specialised in dagger and spectral, helping him to cover defence and offence at the same time. He probably don’t hit really hard but it’s enough with his defensive ability to survive fight and beat player that only think to hit harder.

Never forgot that with a single hit of warrior auto-attack you will do twice the damage of the necromancer dagger auto-attack and no one cry about this, we don’t even care about this.

As for the sigils, if I were him I would use permanent bonus sigil or chill duration. because he could lack some crit chance for other sigils.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Dani is a troll, just don’t even validate his posts with a response.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

You use melandru runes! <3 you are my new favorite person lol. I thought I was the only necro that used those in pvp. I’m still scratching my head over a necro telling me to use forge runes (this was before dhuumfire) and swearing it was the only runes a bunker could run…. A story for a different time lol. Anywho, I’m anxious to give this a whirl. Thanks for posting it.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Melandru runes are awesome, I run them on occasion (I tend to prefer vamp/lyssa for my minion builds though). The massively reduced stun duration is great.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: oZii.2864


This must be the tanky Life Force DS build my guildmate mentioned(he is 16th NA Team que and 47th solo Q) He doesn’t have a necro so didn’t really know what the build is but mentioned it to me one day.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Godless.1857


Weird, the build setup is pretty similar really to the one I was messing around theory crafting in this thread – Dagger Necromancers

Seemed like an idea to get to and stay in dagger range, generating lf for shroud dancing. Might actually have to give it a go now :P

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

Why Quickening Thirst? If you’re a bunker, wouldn’t the extra MS be unnecessary?

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


This build of yours doesn’t work. It’s a tank with no damage, and a bunker with no survivability. Vampire builds work much better than this, and that’s to say not at all.

Not to be mean, but this simply doesn’t work. The meta is based on Conditionmancery because that’s all anyone sees Necromancer as due to the overbuff. I’ve already tried shaking up the meta with builds that worked alot better than this one, you saw how that ended up.

A few hundred people liked my builds, and that was it. Certainly not enough to change the meta since all of the ‘pros’ that define the meta stuck with their crappy conditionmancers.

I hope you do change the meta, Xom. Though you won’t this way.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


“This build doesn’t work” – got into top 100 with it. His goal was to get into top 100, this build got him there, I’d say it did its job 100%.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dredlord.8076


This build of yours doesn’t work. It’s a tank with no damage, and a bunker with no survivability. Vampire builds work much better than this, and that’s to say not at all.

Not to be mean, but this simply doesn’t work. The meta is based on Conditionmancery because that’s all anyone sees Necromancer as due to the overbuff. I’ve already tried shaking up the meta with builds that worked alot better than this one, you saw how that ended up.

A few hundred people liked my builds, and that was it. Certainly not enough to change the meta since all of the ‘pros’ that define the meta stuck with their crappy conditionmancers.

I hope you do change the meta, Xom. Though you won’t this way.

The proof is in the pudding.

Clearly it works as he explains.

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

I’ve already tried shaking up the meta with builds that worked alot better than this one, you saw how that ended up.

Yes, with your thread imploding due to an excess of priggishness on your part.

He stated specifically that this build is intended to counter the builds he’s seen at high ranking. Last I’d heard, you weren’t highly ranked, which implies you lack experience of the environment in which this build is intended to function. It might be considered wise to refrain from laying down heavy pronunciations regarding settings of which one is ignorant.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

(edited by Blaine Tog.8304)

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


I’ve already tried shaking up the meta with builds that worked alot better than this one, you saw how that ended up.

Yes, with your thread imploding due to an excess of priggishness on your part.

He stated specifically that this build is intended to counter the builds he’s seen at high ranking. Last I’d heard, you weren’t highly ranked, which implies you lack experience of the environment in which this build is intended to function. It might be considered wise to refrain from laying down heavy pronunciations regarding settings of which one is ignorant.

Because getting to a high solo queue rank is by in itself pure luck. I have played 10 solo queue matches today, and out of 10 games, 7 of them had multiple players drop from the game. Regardless it does not take an excellent build to pubstomp when you have a team to carry you. I tried his build, tested it against other builds, and it failed miserably. Which is far more than the naysayers did for mine. The problem is, it doesn’t have enough survivability to bunker, and not enough damage to tank. It’s split too much.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

(edited by TheMightyAltroll.3485)

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

I’ve already tried shaking up the meta with builds that worked alot better than this one, you saw how that ended up.

Yes, with your thread imploding due to an excess of priggishness on your part.

He stated specifically that this build is intended to counter the builds he’s seen at high ranking. Last I’d heard, you weren’t highly ranked, which implies you lack experience of the environment in which this build is intended to function. It might be considered wise to refrain from laying down heavy pronunciations regarding settings of which one is ignorant.

Because getting to a high solo queue rank is by in itself pure luck. I have played 10 solo queue matches today, and out of 10 games, 7 of them had multiple players drop from the game. Regardless it does not take an excellent build to pubstomp when you have a team to carry you. I tried his build, tested it against other builds, and it failed miserably. Which is far more than the naysayers did for mine. The problem is, it doesn’t have enough survivability to bunker, and not enough damage to tank. It’s split too much.

Honestly, all that means is you weren’t accustomed to his build and therefore did not play it it peak efficiency. Clearly it does work. He proved it, and yes while some of solo queue is luck, you’re not gonna get in the top 100 or beyond just off of luck. In fact, pretty sure he said he stopped at 87-ish once he realized there was no reward for solo queue xD
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


I’ve already tried shaking up the meta with builds that worked alot better than this one, you saw how that ended up.

Yes, with your thread imploding due to an excess of priggishness on your part.

He stated specifically that this build is intended to counter the builds he’s seen at high ranking. Last I’d heard, you weren’t highly ranked, which implies you lack experience of the environment in which this build is intended to function. It might be considered wise to refrain from laying down heavy pronunciations regarding settings of which one is ignorant.

Because getting to a high solo queue rank is by in itself pure luck. I have played 10 solo queue matches today, and out of 10 games, 7 of them had multiple players drop from the game. Regardless it does not take an excellent build to pubstomp when you have a team to carry you. I tried his build, tested it against other builds, and it failed miserably. Which is far more than the naysayers did for mine. The problem is, it doesn’t have enough survivability to bunker, and not enough damage to tank. It’s split too much.

Honestly, all that means is you weren’t accustomed to his build and therefore did not play it it peak efficiency. Clearly it does work. He proved it, and yes while some of solo queue is luck, you’re not gonna get in the top 100 or beyond just off of luck. In fact, pretty sure he said he stopped at 87-ish once he realized there was no reward for solo queue xD

I can play any Necro role, and any Necro build. I played it as intended. Regardless, it’s not effective. And it cannot be effective. Because the stats don’t work. You cannot beat skilled players with it.

Anyhow, solo queue is entirely luck-based. My rank either goes up because we get a good match, I win, we get a bad match but they are at disadvantage, and I win. Or my rank goes down, because they get a good match, they win, or my team quits, and they win. They get good players, or they get bad players. I get good players, or I get bad players.


Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

(edited by TheMightyAltroll.3485)

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

Because getting to a high solo queue rank is by in itself pure luck. I have played 10 solo queue matches today, and out of 10 games, 7 of them had multiple players drop from the game. Regardless it does not take an excellent build to pubstomp when you have a team to carry you. I tried his build, tested it against other builds, and it failed miserably. Which is far more than the naysayers did for mine. The problem is, it doesn’t have enough survivability to bunker, and not enough damage to tank. It’s split too much.

My impression of PvP solo queue has been one of luck as well, but since neither of us are highly ranked there, I guess we’ll never know whether his build actually works well in the specific setting for which it was designed.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


There will always be a variation of ranks that occurs due to the “kitten happens” principle. But it remains that I would never get rank 1 because frankly I’m not that good, nor would I ever drop to the sub 10% spots because I’m not that bad. You’re making the argument that Bronze d5 players in LoL make “I’m super good, I just always get bad teams”.

The reality is that to get into the top 100, you need to be more skillful than most of the community. You might luck into the top 100 for a while if you are “truly” a rank 200 player, but if I sat a friend down (who’s never played gw2) and told him to get top 100, it wouldn’t happen. Why? Because luck, while part of the equation, is fairly small.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: oZii.2864


Seriously themightyaltroll your posts sound like a “hater”. Like this guy upstaged you or something and you came to discredit someone who is higher rank than you. Like you would counter with I can get the same rank as him but I don’t feel like it response.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


This must be the tanky Life Force DS build my guildmate mentioned(he is 16th NA Team que and 47th solo Q) He doesn’t have a necro so didn’t really know what the build is but mentioned it to me one day.

Probably was me, Im the only one in that rating range to run it took some folks by suprise.

I should not respond to the mightyaltroll…. he is still salty from a past run in but if anyone is wondering my climb was not random luck. At the start 1-3 was my first games losses from 4v5s I dug out of that hole with Condi and MM builds to around 170 hit a brickwall and dropped to 300 then back to 250. At that point I knew i had to counter the classes and builds I was seeing.

This build had a 13-1 run against the top 200 solo queue players. 43-19 is what I’m at now. Thats not a luck based climb I set a goal and reached it against players of higher skill level then my own, that was all counter meta build not the player driving it.

Really just wanted to talk a little theory sorry for the side track… I cant believe the mighytroll came out of its posting break to troll here…

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Seriously themightyaltroll your posts sound like a “hater”. Like this guy upstaged you or something and you came to discredit someone who is higher rank than you. Like you would counter with I can get the same rank as him but I don’t feel like it response.

He didn’t upstage me, and I don’t need to discredit him. Truth be told, he was the one trying so hard to discredit me so long ago. Though I don’t care. His build doesn’t work, and needs to be improved upon. I’ve made dozens upon dozens of attempts to make a viable Necro tank. Few of which worked. His build is very similar to one of my many failures.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


His build is 100% about countering the meta he saw to get into the top 100. He got into the top 100. That is it. He isn’t there saying he found the best necro tank build, or that he has a super amazing build that is going to be the new meta, he put in a flippin disclaimer that says that, he just posted a build that works in very niche situations (top 100ish meta). Don’t worry, he’s not trying to take over your position, you can calm down.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


His build is 100% about countering the meta he saw to get into the top 100. He got into the top 100. That is it. He isn’t there saying he found the best necro tank build, or that he has a super amazing build that is going to be the new meta, he put in a flippin disclaimer that says that, he just posted a build that works in very niche situations (top 100ish meta). Don’t worry, he’s not trying to take over your position, you can calm down.

I’m rating his build overall. Any build can make it into the top 100 if you get lucky enough to be carried more often than not.

I’m actually amazed he came up with the build. Despite not working, it still has potential. I’m hoping he’ll fix it up for more… competitive play.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

(edited by TheMightyAltroll.3485)

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

Soooooooooooooooooooo anyway. About that Quickening Thirst. Have you considered using Mark of Evasion instead for more Regen uptime, or Ritual Mastery to get more blinds?

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Godless.1857


The point of taking quickening thirst is you are carrying daggers anyway, may as well get the mobility, without giving up a utility slot for locust – which has a crappy active.

In almost every pvp game I’ve ever played, more often than not – mobility is king.

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

I know, but if you’re planning on just holding a point, it would appear that the extra movement speed would be of limited utility. I don’t play much PvP, though, so I’m not sure.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Back on track,

Weapon Sigils I switch up alot. Right now im using force on staff, accuracy on dagger with hydromancy off hand dagger.

Other good options, Superior Chilling for +10% chill, On swap Sigils that are great, Doom for poison or Energy for another dodge, you could use Leeching also.

I could see using Runes of the Forge for longer protection duration and a protection proc, but that really does not help vs condi, and the stun locks are insanse with warriors right now. Melandur helps give you a window to do something between the stun rotation. I wont say melandur is a must have, but its nice.

I do the same as Bhawb when running MM+golem its lyssa most the time, and if power MM its always lyssa.

Yeah Blaine I also use Ritual Mastery sometimes i go 30 into blood and skip 30 DS. Small changes depending on other team… have another power D/D necro ready if the other team is stacked heavy one way or another be it stun wars or condi classes.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Because getting to a high solo queue rank is by in itself pure luck.

That explains why all the best players in the game are top 100.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dredlord.8076


In almost every pvp game I’ve ever played, more often than not – mobility is king.

so true, I would say not just “more often than not” but in every major pvp mmo since UO this was the case.

it’s sad the anet guys are clueless to this fact and it’s one of the main reasons they are having such a hard time balancing the game.

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoid.2568


This build of yours doesn’t work. It’s a tank with no damage, and a bunker with no survivability. Vampire builds work much better than this, and that’s to say not at all.

Not to be mean, but this simply doesn’t work. The meta is based on Conditionmancery because that’s all anyone sees Necromancer as due to the overbuff. I’ve already tried shaking up the meta with builds that worked alot better than this one, you saw how that ended up.

A few hundred people liked my builds, and that was it. Certainly not enough to change the meta since all of the ‘pros’ that define the meta stuck with their crappy conditionmancers.

I hope you do change the meta, Xom. Though you won’t this way.

Death Shroud work as survability.

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: chefdiablo.6791


I am interested in this build because stun lock warriors and Necros are focusing my current power build.

I don’t mind if I can tie them up off point or keep two or 3 on their home point and the rest of my team is working elsewhere, but reliable teams are not the norm.

Can this be used without staff as effectively or are the marks boosting the build?

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

I am interested in this build because stun lock warriors and Necros are focusing my current power build.

I don’t mind if I can tie them up off point or keep two or 3 on their home point and the rest of my team is working elsewhere, but reliable teams are not the norm.

Can this be used without staff as effectively or are the marks boosting the build?

I would say that the overall utility of the staff is just too hard to pass up. You get regen, condition cleanse, a fear, and a blast finisher all in one weapon. Don’t really see any other weapon being that effective for that role. Trust me, I too would like to be able to do without it, but in this build it has all the key things you need.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: chefdiablo.6791


I am interested in this build because stun lock warriors and Necros are focusing my current power build.

I don’t mind if I can tie them up off point or keep two or 3 on their home point and the rest of my team is working elsewhere, but reliable teams are not the norm.

Can this be used without staff as effectively or are the marks boosting the build?

I would say that the overall utility of the staff is just too hard to pass up. You get regen, condition cleanse, a fear, and a blast finisher all in one weapon. Don’t really see any other weapon being that effective for that role. Trust me, I too would like to be able to do without it, but in this build it has all the key things you need.

My feeling as well, just wanted some confirmation. Thanks.

How a noob got top 100 Solo Q with power D/D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Bit late on response, staff is useful and simple.

The axe/focus, D/D version is more flexable and best built as more pure bunker run clerics, trait dark armor, use well of blood, well of darkness, well of power, and a spectral or another well.

The rotation is more complex but its harder to take down without condi pressure, ill post a detailed version if you care.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET