How about we stop Alienating the Dev that plays Necro
The Devs can respond for themselves. Also if John peters plays a necro then he would see all the class bugs and the inability to make different builds. We have so many people complaining about bugs/skills don’t work.
Another way to see if we need to be looked at is by visiting the pvp forum. If our class isn’t even mentioned as a problem for other professions/specs that is a issue. That means we excel at nothing or our presence isn’t known or cared about.
Thieves have power/condition/mobile/precision builds
Warriors have power/condition/precision builds
mesmer have power/condition/phantasm builds
Eles don’t have much of a choice to go toughness and still be glass cannon sorta
which is condiiton/power. They still lack options
necro has conditon/power but power isn’t to good and condition is the only remotely decent build. we lack options
Rangers have power/condition
John Peters plays he necro, he should be our advocate, one that we can talk to, not some hated pariah.
Yes and no. The whole situation reminds me of the first year of WoW, where Blizzard assigned “Class Representatives” to every class.
I was playing a Hunter at the time, and the class had tons of incredibly crippling issues. Like it was the only class in the game that had to pay gold for ammo to PvP with, and needed pet food to keep the pet happy (prevent it from running away and disappearing forever) each time it died. And it died a lot in PvP. Also in PvE the class was an absolute mess at level 60.
Well, after a bit of silence, the class rep basically said on the forum “I got to level 36 on my Hunter, and I feel the class is fine, and that’s what I’m going to tell other devs.” At which point she was practically skinned alive on the forums, and quickly quit the position.
You see, that’s the main problem with having a “representative” that is not necessarily as knowledgeable or effective in both PvE and PvP as some players. Who likely spend way, way, WAY more time playing the game. In WoW’s case, the class rep was basically…well…clueless. She did PvE some, didn’t do any PvP, and felt the class balance was fine and dandy. This could very well happen here. If a Dev plays a Necro, and feels the class is just fine the way it is…well…you’re SOL (three letter acronym for “S…. out of Luck”).
In this respect, I feel EVE Online’s approach is a little better. Player-elected representatives, with an election every year. Though again it’s imperfect as votes from alt accounts count, and it’s pretty much “whoever has the most alts and friends with most alts wins”.
Having said all that, this is no reason to be mean. This is just a game after all. Though I do wish the Devs paid more attention to class balance. Currently it is pretty atrocious with clearly AAA-tier classes and clearly FFF-tier classes. There’s also a HUGE gradient in class strength in PvE, starting from simple leveling. So when they say “balance is pretty good”, I’m sorry, but it’s neither pretty nor good. Needs more cowbell. Way more.
How about we stop Alienating the Dev that plays Necro
in Necromancer
Posted by: Onedoesnotsimply.5740
I stopped reading before page 1 was even done, all you guys are talking about is wvwvw and kittening spvp? Anyones good in those. Also, remember, we have 1 or 2 good builds. What we don’t have is the reason I bought this game. To go any spec and be viable. I can tell most of the older necro players (such as myself from beta) have quit because there’s less troll and flame threads because we all left. The past 3 patches I looked at and have been severely disappointed and has verified my decision on going to TERA.
As for JP getting owned while playing necro, I won’t flame him for doing bad I’m actually glad. Maybe now he can realize its not as easy as oh just learn 2 use ds bro lololol. Anyways that’s my 2 cents.
Tl;dr – the flame and rage stems from beyond just realease and basing a class off 1 bad f1 skill is really a bad idea. I’m a necro, and summoning minions, controlling boons and conditions is what I rolled. Not a shadowmage or a class that’s debuff and boon control is outshined by ever other profession. GfG
Thieves have power/condition/mobile/precision builds
Warriors have power/condition/precision builds
mesmer have power/condition/phantasm builds
Eles don’t have much of a choice to go toughness and still be glass cannon sorta
which is condiiton/power. They still lack options
necro has conditon/power but power isn’t to good and condition is the only remotely decent build. we lack options
Rangers have power/condition
Rangers seem fairly pigeon-holed into using the crossbow.
Irregardless, whether we are the most broken class or not still leaves the matter of other pressing issues amongst the different classes. I agree that necromancer has it’s problems, I’m of the opinion that if you’re interested in competitive play there are better classes to choose from than ours.
But I think my point still stands, whether we warrant special attention or not — the developers are most likely not going to make sweeping changes to our class in a single patch. It’s going to be slow, painful and heavily scrutinized by those in charge of balance.
I play necro a lot because I like how it plays. Sure, it would be more fun if it was way over-powered compared to any other profession but the fun would not last and everyone would be a necromancer. There is a lot going on that I like as it is. I am still learning how to use death shroud; mostly not waiting to use it just as a second health bar.
Earlier this week, a friend and I were comparing the guardian he’s starting with the necro I use as main and I pointed out that, together, they are vaguely like a red mage from FF with one being more focused on debuff and the other on buff. Having a heavy and light profession combine for conditions like that is part of what makes this game so different and interesting. Making use of all buffs, debuffs, and fields available, a medium armor profession can really do heavy damage.
(edited by Anchoku.8142)
I play necro a lot because I like how it plays. Sure, it would be more fun if it was way over-powered compared to any other profession but the fun would not last and everyone would be a necromancer. There is a lot going on that I like as it is. I am still learning how to use death shroud; mostly not waiting to use it just as a second health bar.
Earlier this week, a friend and I were comparing the guardian he’s starting with the necro I use as main and I pointed out that, together, they are vaguely like a red mage from FF with one being more focused on debuff and the other on buff. Having a heavy and light profession combine for conditions like that is part of what makes this game so different and interesting. Making use of all buffs, debuffs, and fields available, a medium armor profession can really do heavy damage.
Not overpowered just on par or bring them down to our level. As it stands we have no strengths and the necromancer profession feels like a tanky shadow mage. We barely do any necromancer kind of things.