How are Necros in tPvP?

How are Necros in tPvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Deified.7520


So I tried my hand with necro again at tpvp and it seems like they are bad. I did 2 turnys and 2 random spvp matches and I only saw a total of 5 necros, out of 52 people.

I also did pretty poorly with mine. Thousand blades and rangers just rocked me. Was popping as many condition removals to get un mobilized, but I just got chained stunned/knocked down/immoblized. I tried using stability with death shroud but still did pretty poor haha. So if anyone has any builds that they use in tpvp and it actually goes well please post in reply .

How are Necros in tPvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheAngryLlama.7641


Randoms, we’re rather bad. Organised tpvp however we aren’t to shabby (although I still want some love). Mostly its because we are the anti bunker class currently with unblockable marks, conditions that eat the high toughness low health guys, and 3 possible forms of boon stripping for the boon stacking types.
However we need babysitting because we are pretty much meat for any decent burst roamer

How are Necros in tPvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bellocchi.4593


Necros work in tPvP because they can have someone peeling for them 24/7.

How are Necros in tPvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


Necro is the hardest class by far to play at a competitive level and has a very limited selection of viable builds. This causes a discrepancy between perception and reality. The fact that 30% of Necro traits are broken and/or useless just compounds the issue.

Necro is not bad. Necro is partially broken, pigeonholed, and overly complicated compared to other classes. That is the problem.

How are Necros in tPvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: leman.7682


Necro is taken to tPvP for two reasons – support AoE and Rezz Signet.


How are Necros in tPvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Engels.8537


I’m not a professional, i’m just a casual lv30 ranked player,

I always ends as one of the best three,

The real problem with a necro is the lack of different builds, i found just one viable and you need to know your class pretty well,

Despite that, i do it really well with my necro

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

How are Necros in tPvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: DoubleUnder.9052


I’m not a professional, i’m just a casual lv30 ranked player,

I always ends as one of the best three,

The real problem with a necro is the lack of different builds, i found just one viable and you need to know your class pretty well,

Despite that, i do it really well with my necro

Do you mind posting your build? I was using staff build but I am getting smashed.

How are Necros in tPvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Visionary.5681


As people above have mentioned ;-

Necro’s need babysitting.

Poor access to stability, poor escape ability, buggy teleports and the worse fears in game.

The reason Necro’s are represented in tpvp is a couple of long cooldown utilities, which are nice for teamfights.