How do I beat a ranger?

How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


I’m sure there have been threads about this before, but no search….

I run a terrormancer build in sPvP. I can beat most classes 1v1, some I struggle with more than others, but I simply can’t even get close to beating rangers. In fact most of the time they end the fight with a full health bar.

They have a terrain advantage in almost every map, so that I need to close nearly 2500 range to get to them. They have numerous KB’s that they can use before my blinds are even in range. If I do manage to get in range and start hurting them they disappear and then reappear at 1500 range again with full health. If by some miracle I get them to 50% health they get complete invuln and cleanse all my conditions. I can clear conditions pretty well, but they have 100% immobilize uptime which makes it even harder to get in range in the first place.

What is your strategy for beating a ranger with necro? right now my strategy is let them kill me as fast as possible so I can respawn somewhere they aren’t.

How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

The only ‘trick’ to beating Rangers is to dodge PBS on Longbow and Entangle. PBS is a really fast animation, but if you can dodge it and stay in range then you’ll win the pressure game. I realize you’re condition, but as a power Necromancer I can close the gap, lure out Lightning Reflexes, immobilize, and burn them out. With a condition build you (typically) lack WH5 for Swiftness, so you’ll have to rely on connecting with DS2 to bridge the gap. For what it’s worth, Signet of Smite will smash Rangers that lack Healing Spring (useful for yolo queues).

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How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lynnie.7213


Signet of Spite and Corrupt Boon are really helpful against rangers.

With spite you can make them panic and waste their condi cleanse or just overwhelm them with conditions and that is it.

Corrupt boon you can turn their stability into fear and fear them to death.

The key to beat ranger imo is make sure your dark path will land. Once you are at meele range with them the odds will be in your favor. And of course use terrain in your favor, LoS if needed.

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How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kilger.5490


Ive been doing more spvp lately and noticed there are some good rangers that really know how to fight necros, if they get momentum they can really clean up.

Preferably you get the jump on them and not vice versa for start, since they can knock back and fear you for a few crucial seconds, then disappear. I find that well of power is very nice when they have the drop since it gives a few seconds to switch it around and take initiative back, as well as turn the usual conditions into boons that help you going forward.

But thats just what works for me, I’ll have to try signet of spite >:)

Kilger – Human Ranger
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Jade Quarry

How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


I don’t run Terrormancer, but the far worse Minion Master (for fun) and think that rangers are one of the easiest classes to kill. Just spam all your minion skills and use CCs and spam your skills til he’s dead. Just dodge on cooldown, don’t think and you’ll eventually succeed, there’s really no big tactics on the amateur level.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: foste.3098


Try to use spectral grasp, use doom or reaper’s mark first in case they have shared anguish traited and then s grasp. While in melee you need to dodge point blank shot and if they try to rapid fire or auto attack you try to go through them and strafe around them to get it to cancel.

If they whip out the sword, cc and melt face. I find that dagger offhand, regardless if you are condi or power, is really good vs rangers. It has a decent length weakness and the dagger condi transfer is good for when they use binding roots if they happen to evade putrid mark.

see no evil ,until i stab you

How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: CodeHavoc.7926


Best strategy is to stay close so can’t get their LB extra dmg at range off. Next you want them to waste their condi clensing traits off and keep up the pressure. 9/10 they are meta power builds so uts pretty easy to burn through those defenses. Last resort is to plague form and spam blind and bleeds.

Necro Jesus is a thing apparently
The Zerker Bunker meta is the biggest bug in the game

How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


Ranger invuln only affects direct damage, not conditions. Most power Rangers hardly run any condition removal. Dodge rapid fire and get close enough that the autos aren’t hitting you for crazy damage, but not so close that they can wreck you with greatsword, and spam away.

Be aware that there are a couple different ranger builds out there. Some can clear condis very well, but won’t blow you away with a longbow from 1500 range. Some have sort of a mix. But any glass power ranger will melt to condis and their heal is even very susceptible to poison.

How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: L Step.8659

L Step.8659

If you’re running power necro and there’s no place to line of sight you don’t win. You just cannot make up the range without eating too much damage/wasting lifeforce. People are suggesting random utilities to deal with them but most would never be used together in a PvP build.

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How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Guess i’ll have to keep practicing. The key seems to be to close the distance, but we don’t have a lot of great distance closing skills. Is there an obvious tell on their long range KB? I always try to dodge it but I never seem to time it right. Also rapid fire I can dodge like 2 of the 500 hits it does, but what do you do for the rest of them?

How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


You really are a sitting duck against range. At least your condition user probably has nightmare runes for a first defense.

If there’s no place to line of sight you don’t win. You just cannot make up the range without eating too much damage/wasting lifeforce.

Spectral armor helps but it’s not enough.

You really have to get to melee range. Once in melee range, you can make the ranger longbow channel #2 fail by running to the other side of the ranger. (you’ve got 2 dodges but he’s got 3 immobilizes so you can’t just dodge his rapid fire). Also, Line of sight will prevent his damage from hitting you. Hide behind your flesh Wurm if you have to1!

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How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: L Step.8659

L Step.8659

Guess i’ll have to keep practicing. The key seems to be to close the distance, but we don’t have a lot of great distance closing skills. Is there an obvious tell on their long range KB? I always try to dodge it but I never seem to time it right. Also rapid fire I can dodge like 2 of the 500 hits it does, but what do you do for the rest of them?

Their knockback has a 1/2 second cast time and can be sped up with a trait, so for me it’s kind of a guessing game more than watching the tell which looks like pin down it’s like a tiny white light on the arrow. Honestly I’m avoiding 1v1ing a power ranger unless I have no other choice. If I’m getting rapid fired I’m usually on my way running out of range/to line of sight. Sometimes you’ll have to burn dodges or death shroud.

ReRolled [Re] GvG Hero/Wannabe

Best NA rallybot on EU

How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vortok.6975


I use full knight armor so normally i just run straight toward the ranger and i dodge the PBS and i just aa until he’s dead in surprise because i survive his rapid fire.

How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HeadCrowned.6834


First of all, determine whether it is a condi or a power ranger. If he has a longbow he will almost always be power. You need to get close to him, and dodge his entangle (if he doesnt run Rampage). Although, mind his greatsword #2, it can hit you hard. Try to dodge PBS and you will beat him, their condi cleanse aint so good. If the range between you and him is too big, avoid the fight.

If it is a condi ranger, the dodge of entangle is really important, and spare your staff #4 and dagger #4. These 2 skills can really help you turn the fight. Watch out for their burning skills from the torch, they can hurt you alot, especially if you are immobilized in Bonfire (torch #5 skill). As for a condi ranger, you should try to fight him from range.

How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


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How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Don’t run the garbage people here suggest like mm or spectral grasp. Just use line of sight. Except legacy where rangers do shine there is rarely a “2500 range” situation. Which is also bullkitten cuz they can’t hit you at that range.

How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


Can’t beat everything. That’s how it is. Every build has a counter, this may be one of yours.

Learning what counters you and what you counter will help you to take the right precautions. I primarily solo roam in WvW as a melee trapper Ranger, my counter is hammer Warrior. If I see them I poke them or don’t touch them at all. If I fight them I’m very defensive and watching everything they do as closely as I can. Try to do the same for Rangers. Don’t go berserk on them. Watch what they do, count their dodges, watch their boons, etc. If they have an advantage over you you’re going to need to be at the top of your game.

A nice trick you can try, albeit very situational, is to use Spectral Walk, run in a straight line away from the Ranger, let them chase you a bit, activate Spectral Recall and you’ll pop up right behind them. From there, you should be able to get the upper hand.

Also remember to LOS Rangers any time you can. If there’s terrain that can block them, use it. No shame in hiding behind a wall or a rock. If they get close enough, pounce on them.

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