How do I even make a power Necro :|

How do I even make a power Necro :|

in Necromancer

Posted by: Joystick.4103


I mean, Wells, yeah, DS, k.
But then main weapon Dagger? I mean, Dagger traits are in Blood Magic :|
Main weapon Axe? That sounds like 0 damage.
Offhand weapon – no clue. All of them are more condition based.
What do I do

How do I even make a power Necro :|

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alekto.8297



How do I even make a power Necro :|

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sebyos.4089


Well you do one and suffer it’s incredible weakness.

80 Norn Necromancer Max : JC, WS, TL, AT.
100% World completion.

How do I even make a power Necro :|

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


I mean, Wells, yeah, DS, k.
But then main weapon Dagger? I mean, Dagger traits are in Blood Magic :|
Main weapon Axe? That sounds like 0 damage.
Offhand weapon – no clue. All of them are more condition based.
What do I do

you put 30 point in spite,
this to increase your might.
then you put 25 points into curses,
go to a dummy and start the rehearses
then you put 15 points into reaping,
its the crits that cause eternal sleeping.

now you get yourself a build with a dagger and an axe,
i know staff is better but the invulnerability stacks.

How do I even make a power Necro :|

in Necromancer

Posted by: hackks.3687


Staff works nicely with power builds and wells
30pts in Spite is a must. Don’t necessarily need any points in Curses unless you want to buff condi dmg.
Be sure to account for LF gain as that will be your primary defense as well as offering some solid offense for turning the tables.
Crit Dmg from Soul Reaping is a nice boost to power builds as well
Dagger for 2nd MH weapon is pretty typical for dagger 1 spam and immobilize

play around with some of the posted power builds and see what turns you on. I used to play conditionmancer but I don’t think I’ll ever go back. Love my power necro far too much.

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

How do I even make a power Necro :|

in Necromancer

Posted by: hackks.3687


Well you do one and suffer it’s incredible weakness.

what’s the incredible weakness?

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

How do I even make a power Necro :|

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sebyos.4089


Well you do one and suffer it’s incredible weakness.

what’s the incredible weakness?

I mean it’s weak state. Not one ting in particular.

80 Norn Necromancer Max : JC, WS, TL, AT.
100% World completion.

How do I even make a power Necro :|

in Necromancer

Posted by: digiowl.9620


Heh, staff is nice in that is a long range AOE. It also provides us with one of two non-utility heals (staff #2 as long as your inside its AOE), the other being focus #4 if its projectile bounces of you at least once.

Sadly it seems that right now it is easier to bump damage via perma-crit than it is via conditions or boons. crit, before any damage boosts increase damage by 1.5. A full stack of might or vulnerability can at best provide 1.25. Never mind that you can build on that 1.5 to go even higher via the right gear and trait lines.

There is a reason why crit heavy professions can pack the punch they do. Never mind that one of them crit-ing on a boss mob do not exclude anyone else from doing the same…

Hmm, i kinda got off track there…

How do I even make a power Necro :|

in Necromancer

Posted by: Levian.6742


I have something like 10 points in spite, 20 in curses, and 30 in soul reaping.

It’s mainly a crit based build and my DS hits pretty darn high. Dagger auto attack crits for around 2kish on the last hit, and life blast crits for 2-3k. Wells are pretty much a must for this build. Well of darkness will save your kitten so many times

How do I even make a power Necro :|

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mazra.1625


I was bored with the usual dagger/warhorn setup so I went axe/focus instead. Not optimal, but you can stack some nice vulnerability every time Reaper’s Touch comes off cooldown, and axe’s #2 has a shorter cooldown than dagger’s #2 (but no healing), so more stuff to do.

Like I said, it’s not optimal, but at least it allows you to get the weapon traits easily. Both the axe and the focus are in Spite, if I remember correctly.

(edited by Mazra.1625)

How do I even make a power Necro :|

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mega Skeleton.8259

Mega Skeleton.8259

This is the build I’ve been running for like 200 games:


30 spite
20 blood
20 soul reaping

I’ve tried dropping the points in blood but I just felt waaay too squishy. I play it as a spectral focused roamer, picking up spectral grasp and spectral walk, allowing me to move around the map quickly and pull people off the points. Combined with Dagger 3’s immobilize, I’m pretty good at neutralizing points, but not the best. My blood traits focus on maxing healing potential, and my talents in soul reaping are spectral cooldowns and DS cooldowns. Personally I find the build rather effective, but if you guys have any trait recommendations I’m all ears. I think the build is certainly viable.

As far as playstyle, I almost never hit axe 1, I’m usually spamming the other skills as axe, or popping into death shroud to lay down Dark Path and a fear and a hit of Life Blast if my LF is high. Otherwise, the daggers 1 is great auto attack damage. Otherwise Dagger/Warhorn 2-5 is my utility kit, obviously. Axe/Focus works as my damage, and between Axe/Focus 3 and 4 and Life Transfer, my AoE damage is pretty solid(considering I’m not packing any wells)

One thing I really like about the build is how much Chilling it offers, between Dark Path, Spinal Shivers and Spectral Grasp, I can keep most my foes chilled most the time.

[EG] is recruiting!

(edited by Mega Skeleton.8259)

How do I even make a power Necro :|

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Dont try to just burst other classes do it better.

When I run power its spectral wall + spectral grasp 3rd slot depends if there are alot of stun burst classes in the match its spectral walk if its bunker city I bring a well.

I always use staff as my off weapon greater marks sooo good in a condition or power build. 30/x/20/x/x is my base power build in most cases all depends on what utilities im using.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET