How do YOU play your necro in WvWvW ?

How do YOU play your necro in WvWvW ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teknomancer.8475


Easy fun friday question:
Do you prefer to stay with the main group, knocking down towers and capping supply camps en mass?
Do you roam the map solo taking sentry points and collecting resources?
Do you roll with a small group of people doing supply camps ?

I roll with a small group tagging sentry points and sometimes the odd supply camp. I feel like going minion master or sometimes support/cc builds help a bunch in smaller supply node groups…anyhow…

How do YOU play it?

How do YOU play your necro in WvWvW ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nismu.4019


with my minion mancer i tend to stay close to allies but keep looking back and around for flankers and time to time attack bit deeper to tag people about to escape with bleeds so they will go down even if they get to their allies.

with my wellmancer i tend to get more aggressive and do strikes to enemy to force them retreat throwing my wells to their feet and backing up. and since she uses dagger immobilizing and so on on enemies who end up getting too close.

How do YOU play your necro in WvWvW ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: DoctorWhy.3847


I try and play a vampiremancer, but sucking health doesn’t work too well either because of bugs, or because they didn’t intend to make it a thing. Either way, I try.

I generally travel with a couple of friends, popping in and out of groups that seem to make progress in a certain direction. I am getting annoyed at following zergs into death since people will not stop throwing themselves at castles with 5+ arrow carts on the walls/keep hallway…

How do YOU play your necro in WvWvW ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ink.6491


while in mob…. Wells Wells Wells Wells, Marks Marks Marks Marks
defend gates and choke points or assault enemy wall defenders/seige.

while in small (guild) group; depending on size I’m wells again using well of darkness for the freezing. also support role and make field combos.

while solo; why would anyone solo in WvW?

How do YOU play your necro in WvWvW ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Buff Jesus.4263

Buff Jesus.4263

marks for assaults / defense etc…
w/e the grab skill is to pull kids off the wall when assaulting

i typically lead the charge because i have 25k life + DS + plague (and blackgate kids usually run at the sight of enemies)

and with focus + DS i can stack 20+ vuln on people pretty quick and spread it

(edited by Buff Jesus.4263)

How do YOU play your necro in WvWvW ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: urtv.8791


i stand back and spam aoes and chills then let other people kill the players and hope that i loot badges

How do YOU play your necro in WvWvW ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Daiva.2394


With my support necro, I play with my guild group if we have one, smashing enemy zergs and taking names. If we don’t have a group, I usually roam around alone and look for good fights against 1-3 enemies, and assist in supply camp fights, or possibly join up with an allied guild group.

[CIR] — Blacktide
Dai Va — Necromancer
Dae Va — Elementalist

How do YOU play your necro in WvWvW ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Karther.7481


No Necromancer will solo in WvW, the profession is too weak alone. Only Thief can successfully roam solo and pick off randoms in WvW due the ability to spike someone down in the middle of a group before anyone knows what’s going and infinite escapes.

I run in a group with my Necro, leading my guild around various objectives. We’re a small scale guild (8 on average per night), so we begin by taking sentries, camps and unupgraded towers, pretty much fighting against superior numbers the entire time. Often we pick up a fan club of randoms to help us with enemy zergs and upgraded or simply well defended towers. We also help out the bigger guilds attack keeps and the like when they call for it, or when we’re nearby. Quite often we take a tower with a big group and defend it with our own smaller one for them.

I pretty much play it as a support/tank necro, I lead the charge dealing next to no damage but CCing, healing, curing and soaking up damage whilst I coordinate the group through teamspeak. Much like Buff Jesus posts above me, with a lot of life Death Shroud and Plague I can survive almost anything.

Rhelex – 80 Asura Necromancer
Time To Leave [GTFO] – a WvW Guild
Piken Square server