How do i beat a Warrior?

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: rohnis.2715



Hey guys,
im having problems with warriors. how can i beat them? berserker stance makes it very difficult for me. i think its op

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Falcon.8713


I prefer run and kite.. Drop a lot of conditions on em and just run around..

My necromancer got upgraded to a scythe-wielding maniac.. I like it.

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Valentin.2073


use a MM build. you can even beat them 1v1 naked with it. get your pets attack him first, immobilize and then auto attack with a dagger.

PVP Ranger: Prince Valentine, PVP Warrior: Prince of Hearts I, and PVP Mesmer: Prince Valentine I

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Falcon.8713


use a MM build. you can even beat them 1v1 naked with it. get your pets attack him first, immobilize and then auto attack with a dagger.

I do the same thing, but many people prefer not to change a build I think..

My necromancer got upgraded to a scythe-wielding maniac.. I like it.

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sepreh.5924


I have been coming up against many warriors while roaming in WvW recently and although I am not expert in fighting them, here is my approach. Please note that I am a berserker necromancer so it is from that perspective.

The problem with the current warriors is the unbelievable regen from healing signet in addition to the ability to stunlock us. At least for me, beating them includes one of two strategies:

(1) I now run sigil of doom on my offhands. This allows me to apply poison on weapon swap. I poison them which reduces the effectiveness of their healing signet and then kite them. Save dodges for earthshaker/backbreaker/any other stun. Get reapers touch on them for the vulnerability, get a quick axe 2 off then life blast their HP away, using doom when needed to create a gap.

(2) Hop into Lich as soon as possible and burst them down. The auto from lich can damage them quickly enough to take them down. Stability in lich prevents CC which generally kills us. Preventing stuns in lich prevents them from taking advantage of their increased crit chance from the Unsuspecting Foe trait.

Another general piece of advice: save spinal shivers for when they use their elite signet (which they are probably running). It will completely negate the elite

Legendary Sepreh, Necromancer
[SYN] Synyster Legion | Dragonbrand Server
Youtube Necromancer

(edited by Sepreh.5924)

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: knbBlackTemplar.3059


Run and wait when they use berserker stance and stability.

80’s: Sylvari Necromancer (Main). Human: Thief, Warrior (PvP Main), Engineer. Charr Guardian

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ynot.8397


Can you link what build you are using or at least describe it? The general rule is to run around and wait while berserker stance is up. Once that is gone I just make sure I slowly use my CC. Remember that on most condi spec scepter 3, off hand dagger 1(when they try to cripple you). staff skills 3 and 5 (4 when they cripple you), and DS 2, 3, and 5 are all CC. If you space these out and only use 1 at a time that warrior will have a very difficult time following you. Tie in skills like corrupt boon for when he applies a bunch of swiftness or stability and you have a very deadly warrior killing build.

Just make sure you don’t spam and watch for cripples to transfer. If you do that the warrior should just die to conditions you apply while on the run.

If you give us the build you are running we can help you a lot more easily.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


MM actually isn’t an auto win if they run full stances and zerker. IF they do enough damage to kill you in as short of time possible while CCing you they will wreck you. However if they do soldiers or not enough stances yeah, MM is a surefire way to kill them if you can outlast any initial oomph they may have.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: rohnis.2715


@Ynot im running dhoomfire build

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stx.4857


If you are conditions, just try to keep stacking them on him, poison is especially important due to his passive healing. Try to corrupt boon his stability if he uses it to break out of a fear, and just try to kite him using scepter cripple, DS 5 root, fears, and staff chill.

Keeping weakness on him is also important to survive his damage. Rotate dagger5 with auto AE weakness on entering DS to keep it up.

2x 80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Thief

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: DayLight.9603


Curious about the build that you are using, OP. I’ve found that with wells it takes way longer to kill a warrior, and of course way more effort. It is also less forgiving if you happen to burn a skill at the wrong time.

I also haven’t really tried a full spec condition build, so I cannot speak for them. Although I can imagine that it would be a long fight.

On another note, I have found that in PVP, the MM build is extremely powerful against warriors. The little flesh shields protect you and offer a host of CC abilities that ruins life for a warrior. The only thing I have noticed is that a clever warrior will switch to longbow and kill my minions before focusing me. Still, it is a fairly balanced fight in my opinion.

Ah! Before I forget, Necromancers have easy access to chill with the focus, staff and even death shroud #2. Not to mention that we also have access to yet another chill
from blinds, if traited the blinds add a nice chill. (Shadowfiend ftw if you are an MM!)
Add some on swap sigils to gain an extra chill to cool down that pesky, overeager, facerubbing warrior! I have noticed that if you keep on chilling a warrior they become extremely easy to manage and control.

Good luck in your battles!

Sylvari for life. <3

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bweaty.9187


Depends heavily on build of warrior!

Poison is a huge help vs regen.

Putrid Mark vs condi. (Particularly vs a Bow)

CC warrior, try not to hug them…

The bunker support you just sadly hardly ever seem to see, condi’s & our siphon damage totally ignore armor. But a real one, your best with chill/imob/ and other stuff to help others lay down the pain. I’ve seen ’em where they can happily have 4 players beating on them all day, but a smart necro can change the coarse of battle for them.

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


You can’t beat well played warrior. They can always exit, reset the fight, then kill you while you are on cool downs.

Stay at range and use all your soft CC is your best bet.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


They can always exit, reset the fight …

Stay at range and use all your soft CC is your best bet.

That’s kind of a contradiction, don’t you think?
You won’t be able to kite someone who has enough mobility to escape any time they want.

My advice: if you want to beat warriors you’ll have to run a different build (power or hybrid).

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ashes.9586


You can’t beat well played warrior. They can always exit, reset the fight, then kill you while you are on cool downs.

This depends on the build, not the fact that they are a warrior. I main warrior and I have little to no options of running away from you short of jumping off a cliff, and that’s if a cliff is handy. If you want to be able to run away on a war you have to carry either a sword or greatsword (better option) or carry bull’s rush.

There’s a difference between well played and carrying run away options.

The Legion Calls

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stillmoon.6894


what? unbelievable i killed warriors like creeps and you people asking how to kill a warrior?.
-enfeebling blood is the bane of all melee class, pop that skill and he is a kitten
- you are a fool if you fight a warrior on melee range, just try to distance yourself a little bit since most of necro weapon are ranged
- ds>2 + doom will solve all your problem. it usually reduced the warrior to a running husk from what i experienced
- if you are stunned or immobilized just pop up the ds (takes a bit of training)
- don’t forget the condition transfer (dagger 4 or staff 4 or signet) even good warrior forget that their bleed stack is high so you can sneakily return those “gift” to them and watch them wet themselves
- i find using staff against an aggressive warrior very hilarious. it has everything you need. bleed + regen, poison+chill, blast finisher+ condition transfer + fear. you will skin them alive (if they don’t run away)

“Dream and hope sundered my world, it will no longer wreak such sorrow”

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rhizo.5089


If a warrior is specced for optimum mobility, you can’t do jack to them if they choose to engage disengage at will. Warriors can be specced to be practically unCCable. They usually will disengage if things start to go badly and reengage when their cool downs are reset. Basically they fish you out until YOU make a mistake. These types of warriors are just as bad as the annoying perma-stealth thieves.

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Izer.2083


what? unbelievable i killed warriors like creeps and you people asking how to kill a warrior?.
-enfeebling blood is the bane of all melee class, pop that skill and he is a kitten
- you are a fool if you fight a warrior on melee range, just try to distance yourself a little bit since most of necro weapon are ranged
- ds>2 + doom will solve all your problem. it usually reduced the warrior to a running husk from what i experienced
- if you are stunned or immobilized just pop up the ds (takes a bit of training)
- don’t forget the condition transfer (dagger 4 or staff 4 or signet) even good warrior forget that their bleed stack is high so you can sneakily return those “gift” to them and watch them wet themselves
- i find using staff against an aggressive warrior very hilarious. it has everything you need. bleed + regen, poison+chill, blast finisher+ condition transfer + fear. you will skin them alive (if they don’t run away)

U’re good to be able to solo any type warrior. For me sword shield / mace warhorn
is the most annoying warrior.
For me If the wr running with sword and shield Just get away from him. True we can remove condition or transfer it to them the problem is the cooldown and the second problem is a good player know when to dodge or the timing of using berserker stance. But most of the time… i got killed due to their regen. i mean we can put a fight, but die eventually lol.
True we have ranged weapon which people say an advantage but in any fight for me = melee because necro is slow as hell and any wr will get close to us.

I’ll give u the build of the wr…. in case u wanna try to roll to Wr Lol, but that warrior build is only useful in roaming/spvp i think..

(edited by Izer.2083)

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

This depends on the build, not the fact that they are a warrior. I main warrior and I have little to no options of running away from you short of jumping off a cliff,

Now necros, let’s just take a moment to savor the irony of this post.

Not bashing you, Ashes, just saying that for a long time, cliffs have been considered the necro’s only escape route because we have no other options and we can drop any height without taking damage (assuming we have an unused spectral walk on our skillbar).

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


Hope this helps…

ps: use the menu to move about, for the build guide press: “back to main menu”

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

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How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


I think part of the issue with warriors is you can’t always be sure what spec they are running so it can be difficult to be prepared for them. Recently Ive seen sword/greatsword power/mobility specs, weirdly 100b warriors, stun warriors, tank builds, longbow/sword condi builds, and more. I think the strength of their heals and sustain allow for the build diversity.

Generally you can go wrong with kiting, dodging the big animations and keeping the pressure on them. Foot in the grave is helpful as are blinds, and if you have the build for it, you can burst them down and chase them away.

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ashes.9586


This depends on the build, not the fact that they are a warrior. I main warrior and I have little to no options of running away from you short of jumping off a cliff,

Now necros, let’s just take a moment to savor the irony of this post.

Not bashing you, Ashes, just saying that for a long time, cliffs have been considered the necro’s only escape route because we have no other options and we can drop any height without taking damage (assuming we have an unused spectral walk on our skillbar).

I am aware of this, and I consider it a nice trick to be able to pull off. I alt a necro (still learning the class) and getting the hang of timing for those kinds of tricks with spectral walk just isn’t my thing apparently (least in a fight).

The Legion Calls

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Falcon.8713


At pvp I defeat Warriors most of the time.. But I had a duel once against a shark rank warrior.. Sword-Shield and Longbow build..
I didn’t make it (closely but still) , my MM had failed that day, not that I minded because I’m only rank 17 against a high rank with way more experience in pvp , but I mean that a MM isn’t always a good solution against Warriors

My necromancer got upgraded to a scythe-wielding maniac.. I like it.

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rhizo.5089


Defeating a warrior is possible IF they stay and fight for the full duration. How do you guys pin down a warrior long enough to kill him if he specced for mobility? A necro’s lack of mobility and lack of disengages will always makes us inferior unless we are defending or taking a point or we have allies help force an enemy to engage in battle.

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: OMNIBUS.2913


When they hit beserker’s stance just run around for 8 second or even run away(i slot signet of the locust for speed sometimes and you might wana bring at least 1 stunbreaker) then start fighting wen it ends. Its pretty much the only thing u really can do with beserkers stance with conditions. But after… corrupt their stability(they will probably pop another) and now u can slow them with cripple/chill. Makes things easier.

(edited by OMNIBUS.2913)

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: SmoothHussler.6387


Kite out their Zerker stance. Then blind and/or dodge their cc. If you get caught use ds to absorb the damage. If you are condition specd keep up the poison as long as you can since most warriors run healing signet. They may have condi immunity BUT they are just as susceptible to conditions outside of it just life everyone else, especially to weakness and poison so a sceptre dagger setup is good.

Maguuma: Thug Life: [DERP][ME][PYRO] and other assorted dead guilds.

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Falcon.8713


Defeating a warrior is possible IF they stay and fight for the full duration. How do you guys pin down a warrior long enough to kill him if he specced for mobility? A necro’s lack of mobility and lack of disengages will always makes us inferior unless we are defending or taking a point or we have allies help force an enemy to engage in battle.

Think. What’s a disadvantage for a warrior ?
• CONDITION REMOVAL ! (Unless specced for it / runes of the soldier)
We as necros can apply : CRIPPLE CRIPPLE more CRIPPLE + Decent amount of ways to ‘chill’ them – We can also provide some nice immobilize / fear (ever feared a warrior during gs 5 or sword 2 ? Hilarious n.n )
Make advantage of our condition applying !

My necromancer got upgraded to a scythe-wielding maniac.. I like it.

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Deathspike.1870


Assuming a Conditionmancer…

If you’re facing an x/Warhorn build with Heal Shouting and Runes of the Soldier, you cannot beat a decent one with with the usual ‘throw condition pressure and wait for it to die’-routine. These builds are the counter build for the current meta that is the condition tank, will convert conditions into boons and cleanse the entire burst pressure without caring a bit. If you can keep them in a crowd control, they can’t convert conditions with the warhorn, but if you can’t, you’re screwed; sorry.

If you’re facing a Berserker Stance/Mace/Shield+Hammer build, all you need to do is run for ~8 seconds for it to wear off and then put the condition pressure in. These builds usually depend on a lot of crowd control, high damage and their initial immunity to kill you. It will usually run Melandru or Hoelbrak and will have limited condition cleanse. Do whatever you can do to avoid that for the time when your burst/blind conditions are ignored, then put them into their place with blind and condition pressure. Take the damage and keep at least one dodge for the burst skill (Earthshaker or Skull Crack) to negate it every ~8 seconds to avoid Cleansing Ire from clearing their conditions with that burst skill. (Note: Nerfed a ton on the 10th)

Active: Mesmer, Warrior
Inactive: Guardian, Elementalist, Ranger, Thief (ex-main)
Leveling: Engineer, Necromancer

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Forsaker.9213


How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


Defeating a warrior is possible IF they stay and fight for the full duration. How do you guys pin down a warrior long enough to kill him if he specced for mobility? A necro’s lack of mobility and lack of disengages will always makes us inferior unless we are defending or taking a point or we have allies help force an enemy to engage in battle.

Think. What’s a disadvantage for a warrior ?
• CONDITION REMOVAL ! (Unless specced for it / runes of the soldier)
We as necros can apply : CRIPPLE CRIPPLE more CRIPPLE + Decent amount of ways to ‘chill’ them – We can also provide some nice immobilize / fear (ever feared a warrior during gs 5 or sword 2 ? Hilarious n.n )
Make advantage of our condition applying !

And the warrior will bless your name for the insane amount of soft CC you put on him, Dogged March says hi!

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Izer.2083


seriously warrior is OP….. if u really want to defeat a warrior easier, create a pistol mesmer ^^ or a spirit ranger will be nice.

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: honovi.7893


Depends on the build but the regular hambow is easy IMO. Here are the basics of what i look for when fighting warriors (i run a terror build with corrupt boon, signet of spite, and plague signet, s/d staff, flesh wurm).

1. Look for his obvious hammer animations. If he is spinning, dodge. If he has his hammer held up for a longish time, dodge. When he jumps in the air, dodge.

2. Save at least one dodge for when he pops zerker’s stance. DO NOT attack him while he has this skill activated. Do. not. attack. him. at all. Just run.

3. Wait until he pops his 8s stability and use corrupt boon when he does. The hardest part of fighting a warr is if they use zerker’s stance AND stability at the same time. If they do this, you’re gonna be in some trouble, and you HAVE to dodge his big hammer skills.

4. Learn to freecast behind you. You can set the camera to “free” and then cast marks/ scepter 2 behind you. This allows you to use soft cc while evading his attacks because he will either be too slow or lack stability (due to traits, you can look into this on your own).

5. Try to know the animation of his arrow 5 skill. This is very hard to get down but since i run s/d/ plague signet/ and staff. I have 3 ways to transfer conditions. It’s a bad idea to use it on me to start with for him.

6. USE SOFT CC. Hambow warriors have little mobility and if they take the 25% speed trait, they will lack stability. Remember to freecast behind you.

7. Count dodges. If they dodge twice in a short period of time, know that your heavy hitters (corrupt boon, signet of spite,) are free game.

8. Use your heavy hitting skills WHILE the warrior is feared. Once you see that he has no stability, fear him with deathshroud or staff 5 and try using signet of spite, corrupt boon, or deathshroud 2.

How do i beat a Warrior?

in Necromancer

Posted by: honovi.7893


9. Keep up pressure while he is soft cc’d. If the warrior is chilled or cripled, you can just strafe backwards and he wont be able to catch you.

10. Remember to use deathsroud 5 as you get into it UNLESS you need instant fear. The torment from the 5 skill adds up and will really hurt a warrior who relies.

11. Use your fear when you are cc’d. Fear is almost like a stunbreak for necros. The moment i get a big stun/kd/ whatever, if i know the enemy does not have stability, i quickly hit f1 and then 3 to fear the enemy. The fear is instant and can be used when disabled.

The takeaways of this are:

1. dodge his big skills.
2. keep up pressure when he is cc’d.
3. Use heavy hitting skills when he is hard cc’d.

Good luck. I generally have no problem with warriors 1v1. The only annoying thing is warriors who run GS because they cam just run away, but pvp is based around nodes so…. sux 4 them i guess.

If you have any questions about the build you can pm me or request that i post it but the general tactics for fighitng warr’s remain the same for everyone.