How is the Bleed Cap real?
It’s been a thing since launch. And, conceptually, it’s been tried in other games without success. The problem is that when you manage damage by stacks on a boss, consider adding 10 more condition necros or 10 more zerker warriors to a fight. With the warriors you get an expected increase in damage; with the necros you get an inconsequential increase in damage.
DoT damage is exactly the same as direct damage (it depletes a health pool); it’s simply delivered differently. Rather than being front loaded, it’s delivered over time. This creates all kinds of trade-offs and makes for a very interesting, for some players, playstyle.
The answer, of course, is simple. DoT damage is simply damage/tick times a number of ticks—i.e., damage done by player. There are factors of adjustment like armor penetration, but, bottom line, it’s simply damage done by player. Lose the stacks, move the damage to damage by player, problem solved. Btw, this will continue to be a problem for all condition builds in the game until it’s fixed in the same manner other games have fixed it.
It has to do with how the server recognizes conditions. Apparently there is a considerable amount of pressure put on the server whenever conditions are applied and creating individual stacks causes too much strain on them.
So as far as we know it’s a technical limitation and there’s no eta on a fix.
Basically, the argument why it’s there is that every condition stack in the game is tracked separately by the server. Hence removing it would cause performance issues somehow (the more I think about it, the less I see how, but ok ).
A fair solution I could possibly see is that at 25 stacks, the condition would basically ‘blow up’ dealing a certain % of the total damage the stacks would have performed in the form of direct damage and resetting the stack back to 0.
Basically, the argument why it’s there is that every condition stack in the game is tracked separately by the server. Hence removing it would cause performance issues somehow (the more I think about it, the less I see how, but ok
A fair solution I could possibly see is that at 25 stacks, the condition would basically ‘blow up’ dealing a certain % of the total damage the stacks would have performed in the form of direct damage and resetting the stack back to 0.
like the blow up idea