How is the necros these days?

How is the necros these days?

in Necromancer

Posted by: mompen.7952


Hi! I played this game at launch, and lost interest because the necro was bugged.
Is it fixed or at least better now? DL the game tonight, and I’m excited starting again. Maybe even make a new one from scratch (mine is lvl 50-ish).

Thanks for any answers! And a happy new year

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

How is the necros these days?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Levian.6742


Welcome back! There have been many patches since launch, sadly not many bug fixes for Necros. The big one we got is fixing the Soul Reaping tree so that the +Life Force Pool stat actually works. Its really nice especially if you’re a DS build.

Other than that though, not much. I don’t know if you left before it happened, but Blood is Power now gives you Might instead of… I can’t even remember what it used to do! Its a must have for Power based builds.

Blood Fiend is supposed to be a bit more survivable and heal for more than it used to, so minion masters got something, although minion AI is still bugged

How is the necros these days?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ezeriel.9574


Worst class in the game.

I’ve leveled the warrior, ranger, engineer, guardian, and necromancer to 80, and the necro is just can’t compete with the other classes.

People keep trying to say that engineers are the worst in the game, but I don’t understand that at all.

As an engineer, you can spec for your kits to cast a spell when equipped, doing so allows you to keep a constant light field on the ground, while in your light field you can drop bombs that heal people, and those bombs do aoe damage that would make most necros cry if they could see it.

Or give up on the melee range healing bombs and use grenades, which are still one of the best aoe skills in the game.

Or if you find those skills too clunky, and they are clunky, you can use your pistol and once again do aoe that would make most necros cry.

Or make a warrior and use a rifle to stack higher damage, longer lasting, bleeds that would make any scepter using necro wonder why anet hates us so much.

Any mesmer spec’d for conditions puts us to shame. I love how they say that they can’t remove conditions.. and then you see that they remove a condition every time they heal, and that they have a phantasm that removes conditions, casts regen, and strips boons..and on and on… they deal with conditions a thousand times better than we do.

And our bleeds just aren’t that good.

You take a warrior with a sword. Every 10 second or so they can charge a mob, root it for 4 seconds and whack it over and over with their sword.

Now if they have life stealing, and the earth sigil, they are healing themselves and stacking 15ish bleeds…

Now their 15ish bleeds might only do half the damage of our bleeds, but they can stack twice as many as we usually can, with ease, and while using a crit/tank build that is built for direct damage.

So in other words… if we spec for condition damage, we can do as much condition damage as a warrior that doesn’t !!!

Bottom line…

Necros have tricks, that can be of use when the moons align in just the right way, but largely go unused. The other classes have skills that they make use of without even noticing.

…and their skills are way better than our tricks.

The only way to play the engineer is to exploit it.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.

(edited by Ezeriel.9574)

How is the necros these days?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Enundr.9305


Ezeriel , really about engineers? i have one at 80 and those kits are scaling horribly and end up being useless ( grenades are nice for WvW Wall defense ….not much else but our only REAL competant kit) , warriors are one of the classes deemed OP so a necro not doing as much condition dmg then one no matter what spec (sorta laughing cause i have warrior and necro and im lolololing over mobs left and right with conditions and winning). so trying to compare a DECENT class to an OP class? doesnt fly man. and Engineer kits arent scaling that well , ive dropped engineers as easily as any other non op class. so yes engineers need their kits to actually scale better , and condition necros are sorta eating things up if the mob isnt a condition remover.

How is the necros these days?

in Necromancer

Posted by: thegrumbliestpuppy.5628


Depends, for pvp/pve it seems pretty balanced for both (maybe not as good for pve).

Other guy said it well, they fixed some of the stuff, all the problems with minion ai are still there, and almost all of the life-leach traits/abilities are still bugged/terrible.

Still, most the pros seem to think there are 2-3 builds that are actually viable now for pvp, so that’s pretty good.

How is the necros these days?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Luke.4562


Still, most the pros seem to think there are 2-3 builds that are actually viable now for pvp, so that’s pretty good.

Distinguish “Viable” and “Competitive” pls. That’s not “pretty good”.

Also people keep on saying “i shoot that class so easy, so that class isn’t OP”.. Are you just blind or what?
If i kill a noob, that doesn’t mean my class and build works better than his, it’s just a matter of experience (which make OP classes and builds more dangerous when they are in the hands of and experienced player).

I’m not satisfied at all when with my Necromancer i kill a Warrior, a Thief, an Elementalist or a Mezmer, because i understand it’s their lack of experience and skill which made them lose vs a Necromancer..

@mompen: enjoy leveling, maybe enjoy some Pve, but actually GW2 isn’t a game for Necromancers. It’s clear that with skill and experience you can get some satisfation, but it won’t last, when you’ll understand the limitations that our class has.

ALPHA, BETA, several months, … 1 Year later…“When it’s ready”[cit.]

(edited by Luke.4562)

How is the necros these days?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Leadfoot.9071


Speaking from the perspective of a casual hot join pvper (which many will claim means jack kitten) I think necros are a blast. Currently, I have played necro, warrior, and thief and necro is rising to my favorite. They do not have the insane burst options that warriors and thiefs (and other classes) have but they do have the option for a good balance between damage and survivability as well as the option to be a pretty nasty condition spreading utility guy.

The build I have had the most success with is a power/DS-centric (30 in spite 30 in soul reaping with signet of undeath) using axe/warhorn (axe because I have had great success kiting with it and doing decent damage with axe #2). I can put out very reasonable damage while being very tanky through the use of DS – life force is constantly regenerating.

I have recently started messing with Hanzo’s dagger/well power build but haven’t quite gotten the hang of it yet. People say that dagger does a ton more damage than axe but I haven’t actually seen that really – of course, my opinion is purely anecdotal so take with a grain of salt.

Anyways, I think necros are really fun – I like hte DS mechanic and a lot of their utility skills are interesting. The trait structure seems a little messed up though.

My 2 cents fwiw

How is the necros these days?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Burjis.3087


I’m not gonna tell you if necromancers are good or bad but from my understanding after playing it for so long, here’s what they can be good at in various areas:

Regular PvE: They are one of the best against huge number of mobs because of how their deaths can keep your LF pool up. They also have many movement increasing skills for mapping and jumping puzzles. And they are perfect at spreading conditions.
Dungeons: They can be a good backline damage dealer class with conditions or a relatively good survivalist if built right.
Hotjoin PvP: They are a fun class to play that’s all I can say about hot join. Necromancers can shine very well in big spvp zerg fights (not talking about WvW).
Tournaments: Out of all the roles I’ve tried in tournaments , a bunker support (one who supports another bunker in the team) is the best the necromancer can pull out.

Important: They are not the best in any of the above roles, but they just can do them relatively well.

Here’s what the necromancer is sometimes falsely advertised as:

  • Defensive class: It can survive but so many other classes can do the defensive role better than the necromancer. You can only think of necromancer as a relatively durable support/damage class but not as a tank.
  • Attrition class: Total lie if you ask me. They can hope to be an attrition class but they are worse at this than Ele, Theif, Guardian and Mesmer. Yeah, you get the picture lol
Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP] (

How is the necros these days?

in Necromancer

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


My necro looks pretty. That’s about it.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-

How is the necros these days?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


One of the most fun classes in the game IMO. Not too bad at all. Not the best like a guardian or something sure, but not too shabby.

Aurora Glade [EU]

How is the necros these days?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


spvp, necros can be one of the most OP classes (not joking)
tPvP, they get decimated regularly if you don’t spec for something specific.

PvE, they rock.
Dungeons, they’re pretty good, if not in the top 3 classes for dungeons.

glad to be of service

How is the necros these days?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Voidrunner.5093


Necros need a buff
they need minion spam like the classic

Quaggan wants to sit in chair
Quaggan has been trying and trying, but Quaggan cannot sit on chair.
Quaggan does not think sitting exists. . .Quaggan sad.

How is the necros these days?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Voidrunner.5093


I miss having 12 bone horrors pop up like daisies as I laugh maniacally

Now I cant do anything, I squeeze out 6 minions, I cant maniacally laugh about it, all I can do is say “hey, check out my possey”

Quaggan wants to sit in chair
Quaggan has been trying and trying, but Quaggan cannot sit on chair.
Quaggan does not think sitting exists. . .Quaggan sad.

How is the necros these days?

in Necromancer

Posted by: mompen.7952


Thanks for all the answers guys, I still havent managed to log in to the game yet (too much going on in my “real” life).

Seems like not much have been fixed in terms of bugs, but Im a fan of the “underdog”-classes, so I might just keep on lvl’ing him I’m doing manly PvE anyways, and after what I read its mediocre at that, and that is totally fine for me.
Gonna hit WvWvWvW after a while as well, see how that goes

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

How is the necros these days?

in Necromancer

Posted by: SallyStitches.4096


Worst class in the game.

I’ve leveled the warrior, ranger, engineer, guardian, and necromancer to 80, and the necro is just can’t compete with the other classes.

Any mesmer spec’d for conditions puts us to shame. I love how they say that they can’t remove conditions.. and then you see that they remove a condition every time they heal, and that they have a phantasm that removes conditions, casts regen, and strips boons..and on and on… they deal with conditions a thousand times better than we do.

Bottom line…

Necros have tricks, that can be of use when the moons align in just the right way, but largely go unused. The other classes have skills that they make use of without even noticing.

…and their skills are way better than our tricks.

I am only using some of your post, since I can’t attest to the rest, but this is wrong. I also have a mesmer, and I can tell you that they do not do more condition damage then a necromancer. Confusion builds really only have a place outside of PvE. I wouldn’t say mesmers can remove conditions better then necromancers, it depends on the build of each class. If neither are traited for conditional removal, necro wins hands down. Consume Conditions is amazing. Mesmers have to trait if they want their heal to remove ONE condition.

As far as damage, I can’t say who does more, because once again, it depends on how you’re traited. Right now, my mesmer is traited for more support, while my necro is using a hybrid build. My necro is my farming character, because she can kill things so easily and come out at full health. Karka don’t stand a chance against her (conditions ftw). I’ve had guildies asking me about my necros build and gear, because they are impressed when we are all farming together or running dungeons (thanks for the build, Nemesis!)

Yes, necros have issues. I won’t deny that. However, there are ways to work around them currently. Gear and build properly, and you’ll see a huge difference. Comparing necros to other classes isn’t going to do anything.

How is the necros these days?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Distaste.4801


The necro is still in tatters. They tried(I assume) to design the class to be diversified all the time. Meaning that if you want pure DD you’re going to be doing a lot of conditions as well. It is truly a jack of all trades master of nothing scenario. While we have a lot of conditions they certainly aren’t the hardest hitting. Our Direct damage on some skills is okay, but others might as well not do any due to how low the damage is. The one thing we are good at is aoe damage/conditions(specced for it of course), but even then there are more than a few classes that do it nearly as well and are also the best at something else. We are decent at support but most won’t notice it because it’s condition based(who watches the enemy condition bars?); although I’m the damage and build cohesiveness we gave up isn’t worth what we got instead.

The devs need to reorganize/change skills/traits so we can spec to be masters of certain things like most of the other classes. If I want to be a jack of all trades then let me spec for that, but don’t force it on me. Of course I’d advocate on removing stat buffs from traits and making that a separate progression mechanic. Then just organize traits into lines based on what they do and add some more so we some better options than most of the lacklusters ones we have.