How latency friendly is this class?
As someone who has previously played at around 250ms on a Telstra connection, I think with 250 you should be fine with most classes in this game as long as it sits at around 250 stable and doesn’t spike much. Atm I still manage a zerk melee ranger in dungeons and a zerk med guard in pvp which can be a little shaky at times, both on a 600ms ping.. (Optus sucks)
If you are in PvE its not a big deal at all. If you are in WvW/PvP it will kill you on Necro, too many things on the profession require you to quickly react to enemies, if you watch Zombify play when he’s got lag even he gets totally screwed over sometimes. The profession just isn’t forgiving enough in those modes.
Warrior is probably the most forgiving overall.
If you are in PvE its not a big deal at all. If you are in WvW/PvP it will kill you on Necro, too many things on the profession require you to quickly react to enemies, if you watch Zombify play when he’s got lag even he gets totally screwed over sometimes. The profession just isn’t forgiving enough in those modes.
Warrior is probably the most forgiving overall.
Totally screwed is an understatement, though some of the things that really bug me when i am lagging can happen to any class like getting hit mid dodge/skill cancel delay. Staff marks are actually very latency based. It was tested awhile back and the lower ms would always land or trigger faster even if there wasn’t heavy lag. I would say necro is susceptible to lag just due to the fact we have limited amount of dodges. Really hurts when you use them and you still get hit haha.
My stream gameplay does paint a pretty good picture to how lag effects the class since my internet is completeeeeee poop and i always get delay while streaming
Edit- To answer your main question, around 250ms i think would be the same lag as playing a different region. Its doable since i play EU at times, but its also noticeable.
Twitter- @ZombifyGW2