How long do I play to know if I like Necro?
I would at least try to unlock all weapon and Death Shroud skills. Those are the skills you have to use the most. Try them all, get a feel for all the skills and how you think they would work best. Try a bunch of different combinations of weapons. If you feel you’ve tried it all and don’t like anything move on to another profession.
The only thing you can’t get a feel for between level 1 and 20 is the staff. The staff gets an incredible boost in power (and fun) if you have the Greater Marks trait. So if you like some of the Weapon Skills but you think the Staff is stupid, go get that trait at level 20 and try it again.
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by BadJas.5178)
Until you stop having fun with it
Until you stop having fun with it
I thought of that but that’s exactly why I made this topic. It’s not fair to judge a class too soon if perhaps trying something at a later time will make me enjoy it more.
I’m torn between Thief, Necro and Guardian. What to do :S
If you need strangers to tell you when you will have fun, then you should rethink what playing games mean to you.
Until you stop having fun with it
I thought of that but that’s exactly why I made this topic. It’s not fair to judge a class too soon if perhaps trying something at a later time will make me enjoy it more.
I’m torn between Thief, Necro and Guardian. What to do :S
-Necros are awesome outside tpvp. Great for WvW leveling and farming. Some ppl dont want them in dungeons/fractals though.
-I haven’t played thief pass lvl 10 so I can’t speak for them.
-Guardians are awesome everywhere except for solo leveling, but great for dungeons/fractals.
I thought of that but that’s exactly why I made this topic. It’s not fair to judge a class too soon if perhaps trying something at a later time will make me enjoy it more.
I’m torn between Thief, Necro and Guardian. What to do :S
Do you prefer to:
Dash from point to point in a fight, or be a sturdy point that others have to move around?
Empower yourself to overwhelm your enemies, or debilitate foes until they crumble?
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.
I think you should at least reach level 30 and get elite skill….
How many levels does it take to unlock Epidemic?
sad but true, necromancer is most useless class in gw2..
- Nobody wanna necro for PvE cause poor dps, no support skills etc.
- Necro isn’t good in wvwvw too.. no mobility, poor dps, no healing. U can hit many ppl with aoe damage but it’s only good for u not for zerg or team.. (think ele, guardian, ranger, mesmer)
- Also it’s not good for tPvP. For the same reasons
i pref thief, more fun, much much more burst damage, much more cond. damage…
How many levels does it take to unlock Epidemic?
This made me smile.
I actually play Necro since BWE1 and have now clocked close to a thousand hours on it. Because I kind of hated scepter in the beginning, I always steered clear of condition builds. So I also never really used Epidemic, until slotted it in during a Molten Facilities run (God knows why) and O..M..G… I’ve had so many “crisis’s of fate” during these past months (basically, I always felt I like could do my fair share in a group, but nothing I did ever felt unique) but kitten , this skill single handedly solved all that. I still don’t really know why, but a well placed epidemic just makes me happy.
I’ve leveled thief and necro, working mesmer now, and I think you can’t really know a class until you get it to 80. You can look at all the builds and opinions, backed by others’ experience of course, but you have to use the tools the way you use them to know if it works for you.
I tweaked my necro build last night, again! I’m more of an in-and-out at 900 range guy. You have to find that spot where the stars align for you. Playstyle, traits, skills, gear. Tweak tweak tweak. You know when you’re close, and you know when it just feels wrong. Once you get it just right, yeaaah boooy!
You might be better off hitting sPvP hard with different builds. Give each build a few nights to see how it goes. I still have nights where I’m like a lil asura death engine, and I still have nights where I’m like a lil asura engine that died on the interstate. Point is, you need to try classes at 80 with the full trait load to really see how it flies.
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
I just gonna ask: if you are comming back after a “8-month break” in a game thats bin out for 9 months, is class-choice really your issue since you basicly jumped ship on launch ?
Servant of Dhuum
I just gonna ask: if you are comming back after a "8-month break" in a game thats bin out for 9 months, is class-choice really your issue since you basicly jumped ship on launch ?
Maybe his first ship sunk. *grin* Or he was taking a cruise on one of those disease boats with the engine fire and poop floods.
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
I would recommend getting Lich form, epidemic, and some minions and see if you enjoy them.
Personally I find necro much more enjoyable than most classes’ play styles between the styles and builds you can potentially make work.
Depending in what you want to do, though, those other classes may be better choices. Necros are great but not the most powerful or desired class in every situation.
I would recommend getting Lich form, epidemic, and some minions and see if you enjoy them.
But not at the same time. Entering Lich Form destroys all minions.
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast