How to Fix the Minion Master

How to Fix the Minion Master

in Necromancer

Posted by: NecropsY.8649


A Mesmer and a Ranger can both run “pets” without diminishing their build at all

necromancers however cannot

to fix Minion Master, place Bone Minoins on F2 (have it cost life force to summon)
F3 (Bone Horror from gw1) (have it cost life force to summon) (tanking style attack)
F4 (Risen Knight) (have it cost life force to summon) ( f4 trigger a vampiric drain life attack ) (again costing life force) 15%

Then you can run your normal eleite minions on your utilites or run combinations of other utility skills

the necro is now fixed and has a trade off mechanic so that death shroud must be interchanged with minion usage causing interesting game play trade off

Wouuld love Arena Net to Consider this Idea

How to Fix the Minion Master

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teknomancer.8475


The problem with Anet implementing something like this ( a nice idea at that) is that they would now have to balance every single build that we could do around the possibility of the necro also having pets out. I would not want to be the dev who would have to go back through abilities and re-balance and entire class from the bottum up now =( Good idea though.

How to Fix the Minion Master

in Necromancer

Posted by: NecropsY.8649


hire me ill do it

seems easy

doesnt seem any less unballenced then a ranger with his pet skills on f1-f4

How to Fix the Minion Master

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kefka.5189


To fix the minion master, just make it that when you pop out a minion, an addition bar comes out (with f2 to f4) where u can control you minion…


And of course, gotta need to fix it that sometimes my minions just stands there and watch me dies, then high five the one who killed me…