After a large amount of matches as a reaper I admit that I’m a really bad Reaper.
I don’t know what’s my role now that I use the Reaper Elite Specializzation (and had to use it to be at last viable).
I use the Carrionflame build with 2 differences (a try to be more in line with my playstyle). instead of dagger offhand I use the Focus to obtain LF still using the scepter and to remove boons inflicting good damage (I’ve 2k of power). To fill the lesser amount of condi removal (no dagger offhand) I use “Suffer!” instead of the “signet of the locust”.
Then, I really don’t like the Signet Heal and then I use the shout, that have a lower cooldown (expecially when traited) and grant me heal and life force.
I’ve lesser boon corruption than the main build, but I like that more than the other one.
Sometimes I tried the Corrosive Poison Cloud instead of the wurm and I like it why grant me projectile destruction and AoE poison and weakness. I use it depending on the enemy team, expecially why when a enemy see my wurm he kill it with a single burst, leaving me without any defence (I kill always the furm when I see it).
But I really don’t know how to use at it’s best the Reaper.
I tried different ways, different roles, but every time I do lesser than if I was Playing a “meta” class or another that is not a warrior or a thief. (but I think that a good Daredevil can do really great things in a good team)
If I go home any class with range, mobility and condition clean/immunity can kill me easy and then take the point. Mesmer, Ranger, Guardian, Engi, Revenant, ele. I can kill the others, ut if any one of them (I’m talking about high level spvp, not nobbs, I kill them easy) come to close while I’m holding the point (expecially pure ranged classes) I have a limited amount of things I can do. I can’t kill a Tempest. I can’t kill a mallix Herald. I can try to kill the other classes. If they start to kite me I can’t kill them why my mobility is really bad and My ranged attack is really weak (scepter and staff), expecially if they have some condi removal skills. Then when I’m at 50% hp or lesser they come and busrt me down. I can try to defend with the RS but if the enemy know how to fight a Reaper he just know that can simply go away and make me wast time in RS and attack me by range. Then when I remove RS or they strip me away I’m defenceless and easy to kill.
If a Tempest come to close (and if the enemy have one while I hold close they always send it to kill me) I’ve nothing to do aginst him and can only die.
If I go in mid I die really quickly why everyone know that the necro/reaper is the easiest class to burst down why have not a single defensive skill. Then if I’m fighting against a good team that use the Target I play with the Target on my head all the time, finding me always downed when I go mid. And the RS foce me to go in Melee and fight under all the enemy AoE and attacks.
There’s some matches where I really can do nothing in mid why the enemy is good and I’m not able to stay more than 10-15 sec in mid without be downed, simply why I’ve not a single real defence skill.
The only matches where i find myself able to fight is where there’s not a tempest or a revenant and in mid the enemy don’t focus me all the time. And that’s bad…
I feel like I’m the +1 of the team and have a really situationally efficence.
But when I ask everyone say that the reaper is really really strong…
I need help to play that kitten ed specializzation class.