(edited by Daecollo.9578)
This is kind of an effort to help new necromancers and get warriors fixed, the only way is to make something that “they-think” is good not good.
How to beat a stun locking warrior:
- Use Minions, most of there stuns only can hit one target, so always be moving with your minions, watch them skull crack a minion and it explodes on them for lulz. (for even more laughs, play an asura that is colored exactly like the minions in tiniest form!)
- Use Soldier runes and mainhand dagger for the heal and the immobilize, this makes warriors useless since they have to run up and hit you, don’t bother stacking condition damage, your base agony/poison/bleeding/retaliation/power attack is enough damage.
- Use Axe and run away from them and use retaliation as well, each time they hit you they hurt themselves more.
- Use Melandru Runes, remember how warriors say its good? Every class can use it and you can too.
Have fun, I’m just trying to get the warrior fixed myself. <3
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
Since when have stun-locking warriors been a problem? Fear them when you get stunned and try not to let them repeatedly stun you.
Or run a stronger build vs everything else and get better at positioning. Warhorn is a good weapon to run to give you enough time to get away and allow his zerker stance to wear off too, certainly the most effective thing vs me.
Minions can work but I suppose the sacrifice to utility is something for you to decide on.
Necro is a free kill on my build if they’re not smart
I eat necros for breakfast, even without stuns.
I eat necros for breakfast, even without stuns.
Awwww sskittentt
I eat necros for breakfast, even without stuns.
And there we have it, necro’s isn’t OP and doesn’t need nerf!
Since when have stun-locking warriors been a problem? Fear them when you get stunned and try not to let them repeatedly stun you.
How do you fear that which is immune to conditions? Followed by stability when that is over.
There’s appearing more and more of these ‘condition immune’ warriors, and they are basically immortal. Conditions dont hurt them, nor cripple them. Our only counter fear, also gets nerfed by this and countered by stability. They have perma swiftness thus outrun us, keeping them VERY easely in close proximity to land the melee. IF they fail for wathever reason, greatsword 3+5 and their health resets.
Virtually impossible to kill.
i main a warrior so it might help you to get a little counter perspective on necro versus warrior.
i don’t like fighting necro’s because usually if you are going to lose then you know it 15 seconds before it actually happens. when a necro is panicking then they are easy kills, when they are calm and start kiting that is when you need to get out of there because they can shut you down, hard.
staff necro’s don’t worry me because you can dodge through the marks triggering them and not taking any damage, but scepter necro’s can perma cripple and bleed you down and there is nothing you can do about it. yeah we have a utility to reduce condition damage we take, but it only reduces the original duration of the condition, so any extra duration still gets through.
blindness wells make melee warriors free kills. if you can trap him in a small spot like the dredge caves, then the blindness well will destroy a warrior.
if you can remain calm and not get overly worried about warriors hitting you for 6k and just start kiting them then a necro can almost always out sustain a warrior. ususally warrior has only one big heal and one condition cleanse, once that is used up they either need to flee or die. so its a good thing necros don’t have access to chill, cripple and a speed boost.
Since when have stun-locking warriors been a problem? Fear them when you get stunned and try not to let them repeatedly stun you.
If you had read the actual post you’d have noticed he says “for new necros” ya big troll
Since when have stun-locking warriors been a problem? Fear them when you get stunned and try not to let them repeatedly stun you.
How do you fear that which is immune to conditions? Followed by stability when that is over.
A picture says a thousand words (or so they say) so I actually spent a few minutes making a picture of how I feel about this (because I couldn’t find one when I googled it). Fortunately I think (hope) that Anet has enough clarity of mind to see how things works on the forums. I’m not saying people are calling out for nerfs etc in here, but the people who do across all parts of the forum doesn’t see to realize that there’s a never ending cycle where rock beats scissors beats paper beats rock…
Feel free to distribute this lovely work of art as you see fit.
Flesh Wurm not only breaks CC but also gets you away from them so they can’t just CC you again right after.
I think a lot of necromancers forget we have a focus that melts buffs off warriors.
Warriors I fight with usually have 0 boons. Lol.
I think a lot of necromancers forget we have a focus that melts buffs off warriors.
Warriors I fight with usually have 0 boons. Lol.
The spec I use has 3 ways to gain stability and 1 immunity to condis. How do you fight that?
The best thing you can do is chill them when they pop stab and get as much distance as you can muster.
3 ways to get stability and immunity to condis isn’t exactly that special on its own, hell we can have 3 second of stability every 7 seconds, and frankly better condi counters than immunity. The real thing is what can they do during that time, and how do we counter it.
The point capture system is the great equalizer. If you want to beat a Warrior, get off the point and poke him till he pops berserker stance. After that wears of, you can rip into him.
Also Wurm and Spectral Walk.
This guy a war that’s trying to get more necro’s to be no-dam bunker MM’s with axe?
Stun locking warriors are a thing in high end PvP, i have seen it… they have really high mobility and a lot of stuns which is key in focus firing someone.
One of the worst things to be focused fired by is mesmer + ranger + warrior… if that happens you mind just lift your hands, put them in behind you head and laugh as you wait for the revive option…
They are not a problem 1v1… problem is we can’t stop them from running away, that’s the only problem, but in team fights… again… necromancer is still the worse class to be.
You simply can’t do what the others can… any other class can survive focus firing at least 60% more times then a necromancer. That’s just how it is…
If a necromancer + something focus fires a guardian he will live another 25 seconds no matter what you do, between 3 knockdowns 2 invulnerables and 2 dodges… at least 25-30 seconds…
If a necromancer + something focus fires an elementalists, he just goes away… same as thief.
If 2 somethings focus fire a necromancer, there are times when you die instantly, you can’t hide… you can’t run… you can’t stand your ground…
(edited by Nemesis.8593)
3 ways to get stability and immunity to condis isn’t exactly that special on its own, hell we can have 3 second of stability every 7 seconds, and frankly better condi counters than immunity. The real thing is what can they do during that time, and how do we counter it.
no sorry immunity trumps any counter we have
just like invul trumps any way we have of mitigating damage or healing it back up
My way to counter stunlock wa’s (and burst thieves maybe)
i run a terror build in pvp…what helps with stuns imo are the traits reaper’s protection(fear when cc’d)//terror(extra dmg)//master of terror(50% fear duration).
didnt choose foot on the grave cause i like the extra crit chance:).
But thats simple, i also use well of power and well of darkness. First as a stun breaker, and well of darkness can save u from some annoying hits. And the wells are combined with Ritual of protection trait( 3s protection from wells) and the chilling darkness trait (apply 1s chill for every blind) works perfect with the well of darkness, since it slows down the hits and delay cooldowns.
Against 2 opponents necro cant stand the burst easily, but if he does he can counter nice. For example, Foot in the grave + one well (any well, personally prefer darkness + chill) , and then once u have like 6 condi on you (easy when 1v2) plague signet+epidemic. Only problem is, u have to get the timing with the stability from ds…or use plague signet+well of power+epidemic Then put all staff marks down, watch them run, switch to another weap and kill whoever seems weaker.
no sorry immunity trumps any counter we have
just like invul trumps any way we have of mitigating damage or healing it back up
8 seconds of immunity to conditions every 60 seconds at the cost of a utility skill does not compare to being able to not only void conditions on yourself multiple times, but punish your enemies for using them on you, without costing us anything.
That warrior ability only works for conditions applied AFTER that.. if you apply them all at once before he uses that ability, those abilitys are not effected at all…
I know how… after the recent patch i made a build that i always always wanted to make but was never possible, and it can counter stun locking warriors as well.
It is by far my most favorite PvP build thus far… i will make a video about it next week.
These may work for spvp, but in tpvp, these tips are not really helpfull for the standard condi necro, not that i care since the class is overbuffed.
Since when have stun-locking warriors been a problem? Fear them when you get stunned and try not to let them repeatedly stun you.
How do you fear that which is immune to conditions? Followed by stability when that is over.
A picture says a thousand words (or so they say) so I actually spent a few minutes making a picture of how I feel about this (because I couldn’t find one when I googled it). Fortunately I think (hope) that Anet has enough clarity of mind to see how things works on the forums. I’m not saying people are calling out for nerfs etc in here, but the people who do across all parts of the forum doesn’t see to realize that there’s a never ending cycle where rock beats scissors beats paper beats rock…
Feel free to distribute this lovely work of art as you see fit.
Actually the picture is sensible, no win should be 100%. :p
I know how
… after the recent patch i made a build that i always always wanted to make but was never possible, and it can counter stun locking warriors as well.
It is by far my most favorite PvP build thus far… i will make a video about it next week.
I wish I was about 1/4 as productive as Nemesis. How the hell do you make all these videos? :-p
I eat necros for breakfast, even without stuns.
my my, you must be quite the good warrior then. to play as a warrior and beat a necromancer, i mean.
kind of like a thief saying he beat a bad ranger.
There are no reasons for necro cry about berserker and stability. Berserker last 8 or 10 seconds, and stability can be converted.
The problem are that necros don’t want challenge, they just want go melee and spam all conditions without any inteligence or hability.
Utilites that can be used pretty much hardcoutner: WoD, WoC, Sarmor, Swall, Sgrasp (in melee use as knockdown, people dont really expect that from a necro), Flesh Wurm.
There are no reasons for necro cry about berserker and stability. Berserker last 8 or 10 seconds, and stability can be converted.
The problem are that necros don’t want challenge, they just want go melee and spam all conditions without any inteligence or hability.
Wut? Do you know anything about Necro? Positioning is the single biggest thing on playing condi necro there is. Without it, you will die every single time someone looks at you funny; all we got recently was now we do enough damage to take one person down with us.
well of darkness > stun locking warriors (the hammer variant). Now the axe shield mace mace ones are slightly different…
There are no reasons for necro cry about berserker and stability. Berserker last 8 or 10 seconds, and stability can be converted.
The problem are that necros don’t want challenge, they just want go melee and spam all conditions without any inteligence or hability.
Wut? Do you know anything about Necro? Positioning is the single biggest thing on playing condi necro there is. Without it, you will die every single time someone looks at you funny; all we got recently was now we do enough damage to take one person down with us.
Well that kinda doesnt count now, at least if its not hard focus, since 15 SR and Swall are 2 pretty good (even if soft) peels.
It still heavily counts. SWall can only protect you from a single angle, and is nullified by stability, 15 SR will get you out of a stun if you are lucky, and now will help protect against burst in 1v1. But 1v1 isn’t the problem, or where positioning is important; if you play condi necro and get caught out in a team fight, you are going to die, flat out. You don’t have any way to get you, at best you take someone down with you.
Ah, all these new warriors, yet another reason why Corrupt Boon will never leave my bar.
Ah, all these new warriors, yet another reason why Corrupt Boon will never leave my bar.
This. End of “how to counter”. It’s so amusing watching the boons transformed. Add a fear afterwards..see how well it goes.
Ah, all these new warriors, yet another reason why Corrupt Boon will never leave my bar.
Well of Corruption is objectively better, AoE, a dodge doesnt stop it, cannot be blocked by small map problems/obstruction, deals damage to enemy and not yourself.
Ah, all these new warriors, yet another reason why Corrupt Boon will never leave my bar.
Well of Corruption is objectively better, AoE, a dodge doesnt stop it, cannot be blocked by small map problems/obstruction, deals damage to enemy and not yourself.
and also to add, CB has always been hit or miss, not something that you can put a lot faith in. nerfing it to only remove 5 boons effectively killed it for me. you would think they would make if more reliable first before ner…trimming it.
how to counter stunlock warriors? kill them , but then well be OP cause BS / stealth spam thieves arent , so wed get nerfed again for no reason whatsoever…..i guess cause we have the ability to KILL and almost nothing in defense? XD
There are no reasons for necro cry about berserker and stability. Berserker last 8 or 10 seconds, and stability can be converted.
The problem are that necros don’t want challenge, they just want go melee and spam all conditions without any inteligence or hability.
yes , cause you know a thief that can spam stealth / backstab going in stealth near death with conditions , coming out full health no conditions while dropping you like a rock , complete challenge there <rolls eyes>
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