How to learn how to summon minions?
Open your hero panel (press H), and go to Skills and Traits. You can see what skills you can buy from there.
In which tier of the skills is it? You have to unlock (use skill points to buy) a number of skills in one tier before you can unlock skills in the next. You may see something like 3/5 above the skill which would mean you have to unlock 2 more skills before you can get to that one.
I tried buying skills and yet it told me I can use them until im level 30
Bone Fiend and Bone Minion are Tier one Utility skills costing 1 SP each, you should have access at level 13. They aren’t a trait which starts at 30.
RIP City of Heroes
You’re trying to use the elite skills. There are tiers below those that have minion summons.
You should have obtained your first skill points and your first skill slot at level 13. Your second one at level 17, and your third one will come at level 19. Your elite doesn’t unlock until level 31.
Make sure you’re on the slot skills section of your hero panel, not the traits section!
Bone fiend and bone minion are blacked out for me, the only utility skill i have access to is Well of Power
Bone fiend and bone minion are blacked out for me, the only utility skill i have access to is Well of Power
That doesn’t sound right at all. Could you take a screenshot of your hero panel UI under “slot skills” and post it here?
Press H to open the hero panel, select the Skills and Traits tab (to the left), then select Slot Skills. you now have access to a menu where you can spend your skill points to unlock utility skills.
Choose your favourite ones and add them to your skill bar!
Yeah, Im just an idiot sorry :/ but thanks for all the help!
One or two things you might consider as you keep leveling…pay close attention to the tips/hints that show up occasionally on the screen, and mouse over/click all parts of the Level Up window, which can give additional tips/hints.
Also, the Wiki is a great source of information, and can be accessed using the Link above, or in-game by typing in chat /Wiki (Topic of choice).
Welcome to Tyria, and good luck!
minions its good for lvling but not good enough to become a build as regular use when u get to 80. the AI for the minions is an issue.
Why the heck does my blood fiend explode when i summon it??
Why the heck does my blood fiend explode when i summon it??
It doesn’t. It explodes when you use Taste of Death once it’s already been summoned.
For the record, Blood Fiend is just awful when it comes to healing. I’d opt for Consume Conditions or Well of Blood instead.
nvm, answered my own question…
Why the heck does my blood fiend explode when i summon it??
It doesn’t. It explodes when you use Taste of Death once it’s already been summoned.
For the record, Blood Fiend is just awful when it comes to healing. I’d opt for Consume Conditions or Well of Blood instead.
I found well of blood didnt heal me a lot, gave me like 300 health back.
Why the heck does my blood fiend explode when i summon it??
It doesn’t. It explodes when you use Taste of Death once it’s already been summoned.
For the record, Blood Fiend is just awful when it comes to healing. I’d opt for Consume Conditions or Well of Blood instead.
I found well of blood didnt heal me a lot, gave me like 300 health back.
Stand in it for its duration and it heals for a fair bit.
Still, Consume Conditions is better.
I found well of blood didnt heal me a lot, gave me like 300 health back.
Well of Blood’s base heal is a good bit stronger than the Blood Fiend’s, and standing in the well for the full 5 seconds gives you the bonus healing per tick. But I still only use that heal in very specific situations (like when I need to keep NPCs alive for an event or something).