How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wayfarer.2051


So far, what I’ve been seeing most in this forum regarding changes is Deathshroud, Minion AI not counting because it should be a kittening given that Minion AI works.
But many different approaches to how to!
I myself made quite a few propositions, but what I’d like to think is: HOW would you like to see the LF and DS mechanic changed.
We can all agree that what it needs is more flexibility and a way to accustom every playstyle at least 75%.
I do not want to discuss about which abilities should be implement or replaced or changed, because there is a kittenton of those. This is all about the general ways, the end Product should look and feel like-

So here are the ways to change DS I’ve seen so far:

  1. Remove the favouring of DS towards certain builds (Power Dagger most notably) and add usefulness for every build via traits, Minor traits if necessary. So to say to strip DS down and keep only the most basic things.
  2. Add more Deathshrouds, either by making them dependant on weapons or just giving us 3-4 DS that each favor one approach to Gameplay.
  3. Remove DS and instead give us 3-4 skills that use LF as aressource, enabling us to use them seamlessly on the fly.

Which would be your favourite?

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Manticore Five.9867

Manticore Five.9867

Get a trait that lets you build lifeforce with each condition inflicted so that conditionmancers can actually use DS?

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: digitz.2701


I like #3 in the OP. Those 3-4 skills could go into F1-F4 slots.

If DS is to remain I’d personaly like to see a bit more mobility assosiated with this form like shadow walking, evades that do something nasty. Maybe even faster move speed without having to use trait points on it… It’s a necro’s playground in a way, so he/she should be able to do more than just suck life out of people :/

Seafarer’s Rest Dimond Slacker [AR]

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: EthernetHub.1607


Add a 5th skill that is determined by your main-hand weapon.

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: digiowl.9620


A start would be for it to act like other transforms, by allowing it to show our conditions and such.

From that i would really like to see it modeled after the human elite skill Reaper of Grenth. Meaning that it would be a effect put on us that except for directing damage towards LF would do little else in its basic form. Then we could spec it so that it would apply different effects as a PBAOE and on weapon attacks. If they want us to have the ability to fear or gap close at the drop of a hat, they can then spin those of to the F keys and have them perhaps spend LF on use.

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Infectious.4836


To not bug out with vamp runes like the last patch said they fixed…

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wayfarer.2051


There is a thread that keeps resurfacing every once in a while about using “pacts” or something as a deathshroud mechanic. I always thought that would be a neat rework to the current (IMO boring) mechanic. I guess that would go under #3 on your list in the OP.

That was actually mine.
Yeah, i tried to use the guardian’s virtues as inspiration, but tried to not completely rip them off.

In the end, the focus of anything should be on the following:
Direct Damage
(Minions, Healing or Buffing, the latte rbeeing universally applicable)

having in the End at least 3 possible modi.
Expanding on them with Traits is a must.

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


shaken not stirred.

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheWalkingDead.7298


First 3 abilities determined by MH, next 2 determined by OH. (double hand weapons would be all 5 of course). That way it directly fits in with your build.

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheWalkingDead.7298


shaken not stirred.

11/10 would read many times over

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: bravoart.5308


1. Same, calculate damage based on distance to enemy or your conditions applied, whichever is higher.
2. Same, add aoe snare, allow rubberband like spectral walk.
3. Same, add confusion or daze or damage
4 same, add boon stealing chance that decreases with #mobs siphoned
5. Cast a reaper’s scythe that does more damage the lower health the mob has.

Hell, i don’t know, I honestly don’t use DS much because it feels so weak or doesn’t coincide with the gear/playstyle.

Finally I recalled the stopgap solution of a great princess who was told that the
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


It should be like another weapon, not that “downed style” it has, fear is way too short, and life transfer should recover the necro’s actual health, not the life force one…

The way it is now, I mainly use it for staying alive a little longer or waiting (and guessing) for when my healing cd is done…

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: War Mourner.5168

War Mourner.5168

Add a 5th skill that is determined by your main-hand weapon.

I always thought DS should be more like a normal transform, thats is replacing your normal skills, not covering up your UI because LOL DON’T NEED THAT, but I never liked the idea of making all the skills weapon dependent. This I think is a rather simple and effective solution though, and has my vote.

(edited by War Mourner.5168)

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I’d actually like Death Shroud to offer more flexibility for Necros who don’t necessarily like to enter it. For instance, while I will sometimes pop into DS to use Fear or Life Transfer, 95% of the time I’m sticking with my weapons and minions.

I’d like to see a system where you can utilise DS to increase your other Necromancer abilities. For example, perhaps you can reserve portions of your DS in order to summon additional minions. After summoning a Blood Fiend, you could summon a second one, but at the cost of reserving 25% of your DS bar. You can repeat this up to four times to have 5 Blood Fiends following you around, but you wouldn’t be able to enter DS at all in that situation.

You could also mix and match minions in this regard, ending up with 2 Blood Fiends, 2 Bone Fiends, 4 Bone Minions and 2 Flesh Wurms. (Perhaps Flesh Golems can’t be summoned more than once, owing to their much more powerful special ability.)

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


I wish that Death Shroud let you still access your utility skills (Spectrals would either be greyed out or end DS immediately or something, I think) and I really, really wish that it would still show you what boons / conditions were affecting you. I mean really: DS underwater practically demands that condition transfer is the major focus but I’m not allowed to see if I’m bleeding / poisoned / weakened?

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: RashanDale.3609


i’d definitely prefer Option 1, with the addition of some other skills that would use life force.
If kitten-traits like Protection of the Horde, Siphoned Power, Reanimator, Blood to ppower or Parasitic Bond are gone, there should be plenty of room for DS-customisation via minor traits.
And 3-4 death shrouds and 2 weapon sets would be 22-26 skills. a bit too much imo.

With Option you would just end up with 2 or 3 F1-F4-Buttons that you will almost never use.

And if they cant balance their Necromancer with 1 death shroud, how do you think we would end up when anet has to balance a necromancer-class with 3-4 death shrouds?

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Gunnar’s Hold

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dredlord.8076


Add a 5th skill that is determined by your main-hand weapon.

this is the best idea of the bunch!

sorry but pacts just seem really lame, too generic, been done in too many other games with other names.

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monarch.4026


Would like it removed.