How would you fix necromancer ?

How would you fix necromancer ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


not that anet likes us or anything maybe we can find some talent among us for Anet to hire.

i posted this after the leaks of the expac but thats just me dreaming

How would you fix necromancer ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZombieSlayeR.8702


I would delete Nec from the Game.
Atleast we wouldnt get disappointed anymore.


How would you fix necromancer ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


In case you don’t want to click the link.
how to fix the whole profession( in my perspective )
axe is cooler than dagger so make axe stronger than dagger, no one wants to carry a war horn because of fashion reasons.(life force gain on the axe auto attack will make allot of people happy)
Just because we can slow enemies doesn’t we have to be slow asWell.(badumm tsss) Just make gs faster already and give it 600 range, with the auto attack shooting off shadow slashes on the first two hits and a wide ice slash with 650 range on the third hit. (and put the poison back on the Grasping Darkness)
The reaper shroud:
just make it equally strong as elementalist
make infuse terror last longer and share the stability with 10 allies when you press terrify for some decent support.
blood magic :
we need stronger life steal(allot more stronger) I mean common guys this a necromancer.
death magic :
superior rune of revenge? toughness and ferocity
converts 7 % toughness to ferocity
(just like rune of the wurm)
dont delete Cavalier’s stats if you are planning to use this idea.
elite specs:
No longer need to equip the the elite spec trait to be able to equip the new weapon.
example: you can now wield greatsword as a necromancer as soon as you unlock the last skill/trait of your reaper. This will turn build making to a new level for all professions.
And i know that leaked info of the next expansion probably wont be used in the upcoming expansion…. so in before hand don’t use SANDshroud if you really gonna give us torch (sadly) make scorch shroud something fiery that matches the weapon.
A longbow shooting homing shadow spirits, with shadow spirit (turrets) as utility skills would allot better (but that is just me dreaming )
I hope I could help out a little bit to make necromancer cooler and hopefully better.
I’m not telling you what you guys should or must do with the game you made and designed. I just don’t want to be disappointed anymore this my all time favorite class since gw1 we are being ignored by the whole raid community and neglected by the developers.
So for me this game will die with the profession.
best regards some random Elonian necromancer who is crying in a corner in the raid lobby :’(

How would you fix necromancer ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brigg.3961


Power reaper was in a great spot before this patch. I play mostly wvw, but also some pve. The main issue I always had was condition removal on mine. I ran greatsword and axe/wh/f depending on needs. For utilities, I used spectral grasp (because I hate chasing down my targets), suffer (for small condi cleanse), and the third was usually up for grabs. My elite was always chilled to the bone because to me, it’s been the most superior elite we’ve ever received.

This patch has affected my build by changing the following (only mentioning the main changes):
Spectral grasp: I LOVE that it got the added functionality to pull up to 4 more targets. What I don’t love is the huge cooldown it received. I have used this skill on every build since playing necro because of our glaring disadvantage when it comes to the mobility versus any other class. The chill and the life force gain were always secondary to me when compared to having a way to better control the fight, especially on reaper where I want to actually have baddies close enough to me in order to boop them with my greatsword. I could live with a 30s cooldown, due to the new aoe functionality, but guardian greatsword has more utility on its skill 5 and is still on a smaller cooldown. Something to consider.

Vital persistence: I am absolutely all for this change. I’ve wanted to choose spectral mastery so many times to diversify my build, but just couldn’t due to how much shroud is needed to stay viable on power necro. HOWEVER, the decay mechanics absolutely should have been made baseline if it was going to be changed the way it was. I can totally see how we want to pave the way to scourge, and I think this change benefits them greatly since they won’t be as reliant on shroud as the other 2 specs. That said, unless the old vital persistence is made baseline, any shroud based specializations (2 out of the 3 that will be available) are going to be useless. Due to the lack of stun breaks and stability, I have always taken soul reaping for foot in the grave. We were given no other alternatives to replace such a crucial survivability, yet almost forced to drop the entire soul reaping traitline to go for blood in order to try and find other meager means of sustain that just don’t work. Making the old vital persistence shroud decay baseline would fix 98% of the issues necro and reaper have.

There are many more suggestions I’ve posted here and there thought the past few years regarding how to buff power necro/reaper. Turning focus 4 into a tether that pulses chill on bad guys in a pbaoe, and regen on myself, then rooting if they break the tether (like deathshroud 5) is one of them. Adding the ability to remove conditions every time you strike a chilled foe to blighter’s boon is another. With no cooldown… like that superpowered deathly chill trait. There are so many things that could have been done to help power specs not just become viable, but STAY viable for the future. I had dreams of seeing power reaper and condi scourge working hand in hand with each other, but the passive play of boring condition specs will always outweigh the difficult yet rewarding playstyle of an active and skilled power spec.

All classes, level 80
Dropbear Massacre, Necro Main

How would you fix necromancer ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Fix necromancer…

Step 1 : make rending shroud apply an unique debuff around you that reduce foes’s toughness instead of applying vulnerability (this need to be done at least in PvE).

Step 2 : scatter a few “deal x% more damage on foes [insert conditional application of the trait’s damage buff]”. Easy peasy trait that the necromancer lack badly.

Step 3 : Swap minion’s life stealing values and necromancer’s life stealing value on vampiric. (This is to improve survivability for builds that do not rely on minions)

Step 4 : Add traits that impact the necromancer positively when he draw a condition and/or he inflict himself a condition. (If I hurt myself I want to get stronger in exchange, not spend more of my ressources to manage the damages)

4 reasonables easy and interesting steps meant to make the necromancer valuable in PvE competitive content as well as in PvP and meant to reconcile ourself with some badly supported mechanisms. We don’t need more of this or more of that, we need to be able to take advantage of all the things we already have. We can’t take advantage of our direct damage because we lack traits tht improve them. We can’t take advantage of our self harm because we lack trait that make them interesting. We can’t take advantage of our ability to reduce foes defenses because we can’t bypass the vulnerability cap. We can’t look for build diversity in regard of life stealing because minions builds are vastly superior to any other in this domain and that is thanks to only one trait!

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

How would you fix necromancer ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tobias.8632


Increase global damage output by 40%

Would still do less damage then the top 5 or so builds

How would you fix necromancer ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brigg.3961


Just played in wvw. Speed of Shadows nerf was the worst thing to ever happen, despite the destruction of vital persistence. Rip my main.

All classes, level 80
Dropbear Massacre, Necro Main

How would you fix necromancer ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rhone.3569


It really doesn’t matter what we suggest for fixes. If Anet really cared about our opinions/concerns then they would open the lines of communication within these posts yet they haven’t done this EVEN ONCE in any of the subforums….what does that tell you?? All they do is delete posts that mention the “balance” changes were done to move people into buying the expansion. It all comes down to maximizing profit and not caring about the player base

How would you fix necromancer ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


25-60% across the board damage buff to weapon skills, including reduced casting time and recharges for the offhand weapons.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.