I can't kill anyone Nerfed?
Warriors who can just kill you without thinking. No I am not just making it sound easier than it does. Hammer wars make berserk mesmer or thief look like a kitten.
Random notes:
You should still be able to get ascended trinkets via the laurel in Dailies from playing WvW. It’s pretty slow but if you play often, you must have a bunch by now.
There are better choices than perplexity runes for necros, I think.
Condis are almost always useless in zerg v zerg due to mass cleanse, lemongrass and Melandrus. This has been the case for quite some time.
1v1, I dunno… Condi necros are still very strong here. Bad luck, maybe?
In zergs: You aren’t going to kill anyone if everyone else is running PVT (max health+cond. removal = yep, you are useless).
In 1vs1 you are probably just fighting skilled players.
And no, nothing changed as far as I’m aware.
Nothing changed at all.
Changed since when?
We have slowly had our attrition totally stripped from us.
Our perm Stability in DS is now 3sec.
Our spec skills now only do % per second life force gen, so no good vs groups.
Our DS now won’t suck up a hit of any size, and we still don’t have any endurance regen so were worst class to avoid big dam spikes over time.
If you were using a Siphon build, the ‘buff’ to them, was actually a big nerf overall, just a buff to allowing us to scale damage with power on pets.
We also had our ‘role’ of condi manipulation removed from us. Putrid Mark, is now 3 conditions only, and none from others. It will get a big patch of updating the tooltip in the future.
Apart from that, adding more condi’s than can be cleansed, has just added a bit more necro hate. So the ‘focus down the necro first, they have no defense or escape and do evil things if you let them go’ has become known to all players.
Oh, and as for the next balance patch. They just adding more nerf to how often we can apply weakness, giving us less bleeds, staff, etc. While giving Ele’s nice things like 100% immune to condi if over 90% life. Also buffing other class’s with cheaper trait costs & the like.
(At least, they were truthful about some of our terrible things "any proposal we talk about always ends up with more work than we have time to build, much less test. ")
(edited by Bweaty.9187)
This guy has little issue 3v1
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast
This guy has little issue 3v1
remember people posting video’s don’t show the times they get run over ^^
The 3vs1 win only happens when you have very bad players fighting you..
I doubt any necro can outlife a decent thief mesmer combo. or any other decent combination of players..
In last two week I cant kill anyone in wvw. Necro get nerfed?
Condi 30-30-0-10-0 ,Rabid,perplex, no ascended because I do not play pve so I do not get ascended gear.Im feel useless in zergs vs zergs because I cant do anything.
In battlefields continuos die in 1v1.What changed?
I got 30-30-10-0-0 and my bleed kills almost everything 1v1.. Rabid – S/D + Staff
Maybe you need to watch animations of other professions a little bit more ? or do some sPvP training to know what to do when you get stunned/condition overloaded/… ?
It may depend on the server you’re playing against I guess. Facing lower tier servers they can be pretty bad and it’s easy to win 1 vs 1, but for the higher tier servers it can be a bit different.
In the current round I’m seeing a lot more roaming mesmers around and not so many thieves, though both are usually too much for me to handle. The stealth abilities on both are a real pain.
Don’t take movies made for entertainment as some kind of statement on balance. Necro is one of the hardest classes, if not the hardest, to do 1vNs with. You should be holding your own in 1v1s, however.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies