I deleted my 27 necromancer...

I deleted my 27 necromancer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: ostracize.8316


… Because I enjoyed it so much I wanted to level again.


My first necro was a Charr, and I loved it, except I thought maybe I wanted a Charr engineer, but I didn’t want two charrs. So I made the decision to nuke him and remake him human, and so far I’m loving the comedic touch human males offer necromancer.

Love live necromancer!

I deleted my 27 necromancer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Haligator.9615


I’ve been torn between the Necromancer and the Engineer, and went with the Necromancer. Now, I’m hooked.

I deleted my 27 necromancer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: HogWash.3928


I made a salad Necromancer.

I deleted my 27 necromancer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nismu.4019


i bought several character slots when you still got plenty gems per gold so i got space for 2 different necros (mm and wellmancer ) and other classes

I deleted my 27 necromancer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Archmagel.1350


I ditched my lvl 80 Saladmancer for a human. They just pull off the, for a lack of better description, “pretty boy” look that I have and like to have in common with my characters. The humans are so much easier to mold. Necros- “Just so nice, I had to do it twice”.

Fort Aspenwood~ Archmage Logan(80 Necro)
(“Big Hat”)Praise the Sun!

I deleted my 27 necromancer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nismu.4019


yeah humans racial skills fir pretty well for necro.. i used to use the 12 second condition to enemy/boon self skill at start though then it got replaced by wells. but human racial gives conditionmancer specially some access to burning damage with the balthazar.

i wonder what race would be best, chars get charrzooka which seems pretty nice.

I deleted my 27 necromancer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stenc.1394


At least some people enjoy playing necro and not whining about how it is broken, how Anet doesn’t care about it…
I love it. I really do. 2 days ago I just finished “A light in the darkness” with my lvl48 necro without any problem. I regulary get gold reward and tons of loot from any DE I participate, even if there are nukers and melees who finish group of mobs in seconds… I die in such rare ocasions that I forget to repair my armor.
Seriously, where would the fun be if necros could wipe out entire mobs in seconds? As it is now it is fun. I did’t try it after last update (some called it last nerf), but in general, necro is for people who can and do think some seconds in advance.

I deleted my 27 necromancer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kisses.1054


Come on OP, obviously the people qqing also enjoyed necro or liked some aspect of it or they wouldn’t have rolled it.

I deleted my 27 necromancer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: ostracize.8316


When did I say anything about the people complaining? All I did was expressed how much I enjoy the profession.

I deleted my 27 necromancer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avatar Rage.4369

Avatar Rage.4369

Ah reincarnation, very necro of you

I deleted my 27 necromancer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stenc.1394


When did I say anything about the people complaining? All I did was expressed how much I enjoy the profession.

I didn’t say you say anything about the people complaining. I was saying that posts like yours are jewels on this forum, witch is full of “buhaha, Anet nerfed my necro, it’s full of bugs, I won’t play it any more, I’m UP, I can’t kill 10 mobs in under 3,5 sec, mamiiii, mamiiiiiiiiiiiiiii”

I deleted my 27 necromancer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: They are hashes.4523

They are hashes.4523

Oh… my lovely Soulstone… how i miss you.