What about dinner?
Nice video
What about dinner?
Nice video
Warriors….. obviously.
lol you win againg incredible noob DHs no dodge/fighting in your aoe exp dh dodge your marks and when you use wells go back and cover behind object and then kill you.EXP dh use simple rule: dont fight where necro want and fight where you want fight so when you spamm your aoe go back drop traps and F1+pull and you are dead and using F3 1s before fight so almost all of your skill got miss and you cannot do nothing. 0:23 in video he almost kill you but when you use your aoe he standing and fighting in exp player dodge outside and swap for lb and with skill3 knock you and with rest of skill kill you.All of this DHs only stay and not move and no brain spam skills.Dont see any F1+pull to traps what is basic tactic vs class who dont have stability and dont see any try for interupt your Consume Conditions with 1 1/4 s casting what is easy for exp player interupt.
(edited by Pecar.1236)
lol you win againg incredible noob DHs no dodge/fighting in your aoe exp dh dodge your marks and when you use wells go back and cover behind object and then kill you.EXP dh use simple rule: dont fight where necro want and fight where you want fight so when you spamm your aoe go back drop traps and F1+pull and you are dead and using F3 1s before fight so almost all of your skill got miss and you cannot do nothing. 0:23 in video he almost kill you but when you use your aoe he standing and fighting in exp player dodge outside and swap for lb and with skill3 knock you and with rest of skill kill you.All of this DHs only stay and not move and no brain spam skills.
You’ve gotta understand that when people think that they can down you, they will sometimes take risks and that’s what happens to some of these Dragonhunters, they think they’re about to win and then I just turn it around with a bit of patience and not panicking just because I’m at 10% HP.
Yea most of people start panic when they have 10-20% hp and start spamming all skills but exp player with 20% hp can take down player with 100%.
nice playing, i sometimes miss old shroud
might have to give this build a shot
This is not what happening when equal skill players face each other.
Those DH are VERY VERY bad, and u giving the wrong idea , this is really whats not happening.
This is not what happening when equal skill players face each other.
Those DH are VERY VERY bad, and u giving the wrong idea , this is really whats not happening.
Yea, sometimes you’ll get owned and that’s a fact, but sometimes you will also LITERALLY 100 to 0 them. Even when they have their cooldowns and even if they are just as skilled as you.
Trust me, there’s been plenty of DHs that I’ve fought who type “what the heck” when I was done with them.
(edited by Dirame.8521)
This is not what happening when equal skill players face each other.
Those DH are VERY VERY bad, and u giving the wrong idea , this is really whats not happening.Yea, sometimes you’ll get owned and that’s a fact, but sometimes you will also LITERALLY 100 to 0 them. Even when they have their cooldowns and even if they are just as skilled as you.
Trust me, there’s been plenty of DHs that I’ve fought who type “what the heck” when I was done with them.
Are u playing in bronze cause i dont see any of those dh instadying in a 1vs 1
This is not what happening when equal skill players face each other.
Those DH are VERY VERY bad, and u giving the wrong idea , this is really whats not happening.Yea, sometimes you’ll get owned and that’s a fact, but sometimes you will also LITERALLY 100 to 0 them. Even when they have their cooldowns and even if they are just as skilled as you.
Trust me, there’s been plenty of DHs that I’ve fought who type “what the heck” when I was done with them.
Are u playing in bronze
cause i dont see any of those dh instadying in a 1vs 1
Lol Prince come on, you know just because you’re not taking out DHs, that doesn’t mean other people can’t.
no good DH would stand still in your well + not pull through test of faith + not attack while trying to escape.
A lot of bad DH, nothing more.
I seen a lot of videos like that one where a necro was able to wipe out tons of bad enemies. Also a funny one with a power necro using the GS against a large amount of insanely bad players in unranked screaming that the GS is OP.
Try to fight a real DH, then come back with a video showing you die all the time CCed, pulled, bursted down in few seconds without mercy from someone that is knowing hat he’s doing.
no good DH would stand still in your well + not pull through test of faith + not attack while trying to escape.
The question is whether or not they realized there was a well there, the brightness of traps and the blue hue of the Shield of Courage obscures the effect of the wells. People don’t realize it’s there.
A lot of bad DH, nothing more.
I seen a lot of videos like that one where a necro was able to wipe out tons of bad enemies. Also a funny one with a power necro using the GS against a large amount of insanely bad players in unranked screaming that the GS is OP.Try to fight a real DH, then come back with a video showing you die all the time CCed, pulled, bursted down in few seconds without mercy from someone that is knowing hat he’s doing.
I love it when I show people getting bursted down and you guys think these people aren’t good. I’ve actually lost to those same people, it’s just that the build I’m using has the potential to just DESTROY so much and I’ve played against DHs so many times that, my win-loss ratio is literally dependent on whether or not I act a fool.
(edited by Dirame.8521)
It’s always the same. Whenever somebody else achieves something, others hurry to belittle their efforts and achievements. Dirame beats his opponents and all the “Experts” say that they HAVE to be bad. Very very bad, there is no other explanation!
Sometimes I get the idea that this forum is full of people who are actually bored of playing the game and instead find a perverted satisfaction in frowning upon everything other persons write. Keep going! What you don’t know is that in secret all you do is amuse us
Dirame, let the haters hate, I like the vid! You made my eyes widen in astonishment with your spikes and your keeping calm at 10% HP.
I like the guy who used F3 and then immediately turned his back to you to run away.
no good DH would stand still in your well + not pull through test of faith + not attack while trying to escape.
The question is whether or not they realized there was a well there, the brightness of traps and the blue hue of the Shield of Courage obscures the effect of the wells. People don’t realize it’s there.
A lot of bad DH, nothing more.
I seen a lot of videos like that one where a necro was able to wipe out tons of bad enemies. Also a funny one with a power necro using the GS against a large amount of insanely bad players in unranked screaming that the GS is OP.Try to fight a real DH, then come back with a video showing you die all the time CCed, pulled, bursted down in few seconds without mercy from someone that is knowing hat he’s doing.
I love it when I show people getting bursted down and you guys think these people aren’t good. I’ve actually lost to those same people, it’s just that the build I’m using has the potential to just DESTROY so much and I’ve played against DHs so many times that, my win-loss ratio is literally dependent on whether or not I act a fool.
I don’t say that you are bad, that you can’t kill aDh because you practiced a lot and more, I just say that there specifical DH made a large amount of mistakes from the start of the video, showing that they’re not good DH but only low rank players.
-The first one was like “ehy, I’m losing hp and there’s a large and visible well under my feets, can it be it that is killing me? Let’s do some bad burst combo don’t caring about my life, without using my elite because I’ve a Block skill!” and just died like a noob.
-The second one don’t pushed you out and in of his trap (probably he forgot to equip the LB? And where’s the F1 skill to push you in after the knock back? Was he so bad to don’t use this easy win combo?) that is his first error, losing 6k of damage, he activated his elite to recharge his virtues and protect himself from your skills just after you bursted him and to press F3 and run away showing you his back like a totally noob player. (also his equipmet was like a new dh made just to try it, but it also can be a personal choice of the player, we will never know)
-The third activated his pull+push combo Before using his trap…and that’s an error only a really distract, bad or noob player can do (come on, it’s the basic rotation of the dh, his best combo, and he totally missed it!). And who downed him was not you but your ally. Just to say, unless the DH had so low hp pool that a critical of 483 can steal 37% of his hp (I’m also wondering if your mark 4 hit or not the enemy, the game don’t showed it, but still you’ll not be able to inflict so much damage with these two hits to down a DH with 37%hp, expecially because your direct damage is really bad. Then, tecnically, is your ally that killed him, not you.)
-About the number four… there’s not so much to say unless: wat a noob!
Seriously, the speed he died without activate a single stun break in the right time, a virtue, elite or heal make me belive that he is seriously a noob. More than that, you can easy see that he had not his virtues ready, probably not even the elite, and that can explain how you killed him: he was a free target with all his skills in cooldown and with a defensive bunker build of support. To notice that there’s another time a bad equipped dh with probably a bad build (fragments of faith? not even a large amount of bunker dh use it and chose better skills instead, still if it’s a possible choice in the metabattle build. He used a bunker build no one use anymore). He was a mediocre player fighting without his virtues, elite and with wathever other skill on cooldown. Wow, that’s a really great win! Like shoot at the red cross…
Seriously, thats a video of you fighting against 4 Bad dragonhunters, nothing more.
They don’t know how to fight you and missed they’re combos all the time, using the wrong skills at the worst moment and go on with tons of errors.
If you want to show us your build show us how to fight Real Dragonhunters, not random pugs that let you kill them easy just because they’re bad.
Man you disrespecting my opponents. I can’t have that.
-The first one was like “ehy, I’m losing hp and there’s a large and visible well under my feets, can it be it that is killing me? Let’s do some bad burst combo don’t caring about my life, without using my elite because I’ve a Block skill!” and just died like a noob.
Just like I said earlier, sometimes you’re too busy thinking to yourself “I CAN DOWN HIM! I CAN DOWN HIM!” to care about whether or not there’s an eviscerate coming from your left side. I’ve been in that position several times and I understand how it feels to see someone who is low on HP and just stretching to take him out, only for you to be downed and stomped yourself.
That’s what happened to the first guy and it was unfortunate. It’s not that he wasn’t or isn’t good, he just thought he could win and found out the hard way, that he could not.
-The second one don’t pushed you out and in of his trap (probably he forgot to equip the LB? And where’s the F1 skill to push you in after the knock back? Was he so bad to don’t use this easy win combo?) that is his first error, losing 6k of damage, he activated his elite to recharge his virtues and protect himself from your skills just after you bursted him and to press F3 and run away showing you his back like a totally noob player. (also his equipmet was like a new dh made just to try it, but it also can be a personal choice of the player, we will never know)
The second guy started his combo but simply couldn’t finish it because; He used his F1 but I went into DS, got stability and tanked the pull, then my transfer trait procced, converting is stab to fear, he stun breaks out of it using Shield of courage but I dodge backward behind his Shield of courage so that I could land the Boon Conversion with plague signet, then I place poison cloud and Well of corruption on him. He drops his heal, I try not to step on it, I daze his F2 but I step on his heal whilst doing that but the poison I already have on him prevents him from getting the full benefit of the heal. He has no choice but to pop his Elite, and then I wait for him to come out of the invuln, wait for him to try to use his F2 and Pop my elite to land the fear from it. Then GG.
He was just outplayed.
-The third activated his pull+push combo Before using his trap…and that’s an error only a really distract, bad or noob player can do (come on, it’s the basic rotation of the dh, his best combo, and he totally missed it!). And who downed him was not you but your ally. Just to say, unless the DH had so low hp pool that a critical of 483 can steal 37% of his hp (I’m also wondering if your mark 4 hit or not the enemy, the game don’t showed it, but still you’ll not be able to inflict so much damage with these two hits to down a DH with 37%hp, expecially because your direct damage is really bad. Then, tecnically, is your ally that killed him, not you.)
Yea, he made a mistake. What kind of player would I be if I didn’t capitalize on a mistake? And he did pop his trap right after, only to get hit by my boon conversion proc though. And yea, I didn’t get the final blow the point of showing that clip was the fight and the tactics I used to wittle the guy down, not necessarily that I got the stomp.
-About the number four… there’s not so much to say unless: wat a noob!
Seriously, the speed he died without activate a single stun break in the right time, a virtue, elite or heal make me belive that he is seriously a noob. More than that, you can easy see that he had not his virtues ready, probably not even the elite, and that can explain how you killed him: he was a free target with all his skills in cooldown and with a defensive bunker build of support. To notice that there’s another time a bad equipped dh with probably a bad build (fragments of faith? not even a large amount of bunker dh use it and chose better skills instead, still if it’s a possible choice in the metabattle build. He used a bunker build no one use anymore). He was a mediocre player fighting without his virtues, elite and with wathever other skill on cooldown. Wow, that’s a really great win! Like shoot at the red cross…
About number four, he had no cooldowns I guess. But he thought he could hold me off till he got them. He didn’t know I had turned on my Teacher mode.
(edited by Dirame.8521)
I like the guy who used F3 and then immediately turned his back to you to run away.
That guy probably got feared.
I like the guy who used F3 and then immediately turned his back to you to run away.
That guy probably got feared.
The first time yes, the second time no, he was just so bad to turn his back to the enemy thinking that his F3 block also from behind.
Anyway, a good player will not stand in your wells for so long to grant you the kill or you will not last enough to see you victory, he just not even actived his elite (maybe he had several skills in cooldown, coming from a middle fight) and he died like a noob, nothing more. He was bad and you lucky. He can be a good player but in that case he just played bad, really bad. Two steps aside and he would be able to totally kill you without any problem.
The second one was outplayed because was bad, with for shure not a meta build or skills in cooldown. He don’t inflicted you any decent amount of damage, activated his elite too late, tried to flee from you giving you his back and granting you the victory in a noob way. He was shurely been took by surprise by your strong combo, but still he’s not a skilled player.
You recorded a victory against someone that made all the possible mistakes and don’t even get the final blow, fleeing around the corner while another one killed your target. He would probably kill you with a second burst if he had the chance (and if he was good as you say).
The last one just was using a bunker build bad for 1v1, trying to defend the point with all his skills in cooldown. yes, you killed him and he thinked he was able to stand a little more, eventually waiting for his cooldowns to end, but still you won one of the easiest fight ever! You won as the same way he would be able to kill you without lf and with all your skills in cd. Wow, he would be the best player ever and would totally be able to counter you! wow, magnificent! He’s the best player ever!
Seriously, that was not a fight to show in a video to show how strong your build is because you lose all your credibility with similar examples.
Turn back with another video where you fight real DH with no cooldowns and that don’t play bad, please. I’m be really curious to see your build during a Real fight. Just to know if it’s really viable or not.
Turn back with another video where you fight real DH with no cooldowns and that don’t play bad, please. I’m be really curious to see your build during a Real fight. Just to know if it’s really viable or not.
Bleh, don’t care enough to appease your sensibilities. I’m pretty sure your eyes will fall out if I show my montage of Warriors and Mesmers.
(edited by Dirame.8521)
obviously when people see the name of this thread they think “o kitten someone made a build capable of wrecking that plague” and take a look, but when you’re just killing new players or people with their stuff on cooldown, it’s a bit disappointing.
obviously when people see the name of this thread they think “o kitten someone made a build capable of wrecking that plague” and take a look, but when you’re just killing new players or people with their stuff on cooldown, it’s a bit disappointing.
It’s only the last guy who had his stuff on CD but it’s up to you if you want to believe in the build or not. Personally, my caring levels are quite low. It might be incredibly hard to see how I outplayed at least two of those guys because there’s a few things I’ve decided not to disclose about the build. But you know….. who cares?
change the rune to nightmare anf get 100% fear duration which double your dmg
also deadshot amulet is better with more DS time and hp pool
and sigil of earth for faster bleed stacking
change the rune to nightmare anf get 100% fear duration which double your dmg
Fear does partial ticks, no need for the extra duration as it wont “doube” the damage. With his build he has 87.33% fear duration so fear will do 1 tick then a second tick for 87.33% the first ones damage.
change the rune to nightmare anf get 100% fear duration which double your dmg
also deadshot amulet is better with more DS time and hp pool
and sigil of earth for faster bleed stacking
Deadshot is great for a character with high toughness. Sigmoid has covered my reasoning for not using Nightmare, and I’ve thought of using sigil of earth but I’m not chasing bleed stacks, rather I’m chasing faster auto-attack speed so I can land the corrupt a lot faster. But maybe having more bleed stacks is better… yea might as well give it a try.
Turn back with another video where you fight real DH with no cooldowns and that don’t play bad, please. I’m be really curious to see your build during a Real fight. Just to know if it’s really viable or not.
Bleh, don’t care enough to appease your sensibilities. I’m pretty sure your eyes will fall out if I show my montage of Warriors and Mesmers.
You playing a war and a mes or you fighting war and mes?
If you show me a video of you killing tons of people using a war or a mesmer I will not be so much surprise, you’re a good player, you know how to make combos and keep the dps up. Don’t talking about how good mesmer and warrior is in this meta, when used by someone that know what he’s doing.
If you show me a video where you brutally own bad war and bad mes all the time, my eyes wil not fall out for shure. Not if the enemy skill level is the same you show in the previous video.
A good warrior would just eat you alive without any kind of problem, expecially with your build, and a mesmer will be a good fight but will end at 90% with your death (mistakes happens, as you show plently of time in your video).
I just don’t like who post videos of bad fights talking about how his build can kill everyone while it’s another remake of old builds everyone throwed out of the window because ineffective at high level (and against players knowing what they’re doing and with they’re skills ready).
You’re a good player, I just don’t like what you’re trying to say with that video: a lie.
If you want to make my eyes fall out try to make another video showing you killing players that don’t seems to came out of the lowest tier of this game, where they show how they’re good and you show how you’re better than them. Because in this video you show only how to kill a bad player, nothing more. And everyone know how to do that, still playing as a necro against a dh.
(edited by Silv.9207)
Enough with these dumb builds that allow you a little more success in 1v1 type situations but are actually much weaker over all then the typical reaper condi specs. Sorry no one reinvented the wheel.
Enough with these dumb builds that allow you a little more success in 1v1 type situations but are actually much weaker over all then the typical reaper condi specs. Sorry no one reinvented the wheel.
“Weaker overall than the typical Reaper condi specs”
Yea, that’s why those people playing typical reaper condi specs are totally having a great time right now. Do tell.
wow why the hell are you lot so salty? they just wanted to share a video, chill. for real
u lot are acting like ur gods gift to pvp, maybe just lighten up. dont like the video? k, just say so or keep it to urself and move on
I normally don’t comment on threads like this, but the Dragonhunters in that video were painfully bad and this is a poor representation of the quality of your build. Most of your foes didn’t even dodge out of the initial AOE fields.
I normally don’t comment on threads like this.
wow why the hell are you lot so salty? they just wanted to share a video, chill. for real
u lot are acting like ur gods gift to pvp, maybe just lighten up. dont like the video? k, just say so or keep it to urself and move on
Don’t even try to understand this, it seems to be the normal way of communicating in this forum. “Look, i got this video/build/idea/pictures of cute kittens…” “It’s bad enemies/build/idea/ugly kittens”. If it weren’t for all those haters out there who seem to have nothing to do than hate everything in this forum, never adding the slightest piece of advice but just ranting all the time, this forum would actually work as a hub for information exchange and information gain. But as it is, it servers merely as an alternative to afternoon talk shows.
I used to come here to seek information, nowadays I only come here to laugh at all these haters, imagining them sitting all day in their mother’s basement, eating cheetos and ranting about everything in at least 12 forums at once. Oh, what a life I can only dream of this.
I like the vid, but maybe I am a bad player as well… Most likely even. But then again, there is world outside of GW2 * dramatic gopher * which sadly consumes more of my time then I spend playing or ranting about other player’s play. And in the few minutes I got left of my day, I come here to catch a laugh
Make terrormancer great again
I used to come here to seek information, nowadays I only come here to laugh at all these haters, imagining them sitting all day in their mother’s basement, eating cheetos and ranting about everything in at least 12 forums at once. Oh, what a life
I can only dream of this.
So what you’re saying is that the OP shouldn’t try to showcase his build against more competent targets? He shouldn’t try to be more informative regarding how this build operates against high-skill enemies? You’d rather he be only praised for the random video with no feedback given whatsoever?
Look, I get it, some people have a rotten attitude about this sort of thing (ie. you), but if the OP would like this build to be taken seriously he needs to better showcase what it’s capable of. Last season I ran power Necromancer exclusively in high diamond and it was good (and worth it for surprise factor), but it was not nearly as good as the OP’s video makes it seem and required gross numbers of team peels to keep alive under high duress. Balance hasn’t changed enough to make me feel like that has changed.
I used to come here to seek information, nowadays I only come here to laugh at all these haters, imagining them sitting all day in their mother’s basement, eating cheetos and ranting about everything in at least 12 forums at once. Oh, what a life
I can only dream of this.
So what you’re saying is that the OP shouldn’t try to showcase his build against more competent targets? He shouldn’t try to be more informative regarding how this build operates against high-skill enemies? You’d rather he be only praised for the random video with no feedback given whatsoever?
Look, I get it, some people have a rotten attitude about this sort of thing (ie. you), but if the OP would like this build to be taken seriously he needs to better showcase what it’s capable of. Last season I ran power Necromancer exclusively in high diamond and it was good (and worth it for surprise factor), but it was not nearly as good as the OP’s video makes it seem and required gross numbers of team peels to keep alive under high duress. Balance hasn’t changed enough to make me feel like that has changed.
What I’m saying is that pro uber gamers shouldn’t take everything too seriously. Sometimes this community reminds me of a mathematician going berserk for somebody telling him that math is an auxiliary science. (Which it is.)
A lot of people come here to find informations about how to play better, how is this class, how to be good using it.
If you come here to find informations and see someone able to overkill guardians all the time, you will immediatly try this build. But that build is just a new (not really new) remake of the terrormancer, an old build that was good for merely few weeks and now is garbage because there’s a insane amount of Stability, invulnerability, block and stunbreak skill in this game.
The OP showed his build and how it work, but only against bad players who made all the possible mistakes to make him win, and also keep some “misterious secrets” for himself of how his build work (as he wrote in a post).
He also wrote that these same guardians came and fight him granting him difficult fights (and some horrible deaths, I presume).
That build can’t work in this meta unless against bad players, low rank fights and is extremely hard to master.
If you want to come here and find real informations, that post is the wrong place from the start.
change the rune to nightmare anf get 100% fear duration which double your dmg
Fear does partial ticks, no need for the extra duration as it wont “doube” the damage. With his build he has 87.33% fear duration so fear will do 1 tick then a second tick for 87.33% the first ones damage.
nightmare gives 100% fear duration and +15% to other conditions as well
sunless 87%
nightmare gives 50% chance for fear 2 sec cd 60 sec – this is the main reason to take this amulet
sunless when using plague which is on 180 sec cd for 1.87 sec so only 0.6 sec
change the rune to nightmare anf get 100% fear duration which double your dmg
Fear does partial ticks, no need for the extra duration as it wont “doube” the damage. With his build he has 87.33% fear duration so fear will do 1 tick then a second tick for 87.33% the first ones damage.
nightmare gives 100% fear duration and +15% to other conditions as well
sunless 87%nightmare gives 50% chance for fear 2 sec cd 60 sec – this is the main reason to take this amulet
sunless when using plague which is on 180 sec cd for 1.87 sec so only 0.6 sec
They removed the fear from nightmare runes.
so this build downs bad dh
also, if they are so bad, care to prove why you are so much better? maybe the op wont mind. they seem to have their ego in check.
this is my first time that someone uses WELL skills since like 2015 lol
no ones going to stand still on that well unless u are zerging backline
more like skilled dh will never lose to a reaper/necro 1v1
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