I got an awesome roaming build to share

I got an awesome roaming build to share

in Necromancer

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


This is for WvW Solo Roaming.
Looking for comments/advice especially on runes and sigils choices if there are better or viable alternatives.

Build name: Shout Signet Chiller


  • Good might stacking,
  • Good vulnerability stacking,
  • High chill up-time,
  • Good life-force generation,
  • Good number of transfers against condi.


  • Your chances against a good Diamond Skin ele is very low, not impossible, but very low.

1) Shout trait gives 3 shouts that all does chills on lower CD
2) Grenth runes that gives your healing shout a chill
3) Grenth runes that increases chill duration and chance on hit to chill
4) Sigil of Ice and Sigil of Chilling that keeps the chills up
5) Bitter Chill trait gives application of vulnerability on Chill
6) Signet Trait gives both your signets boon conversion and might stacking and lower CD
7) Chilling victory gaining lifeforce on trait is your awesome LF sustain mechanism because the opponent is almost always chilled, not to mention the extra might stacking.


Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)

I got an awesome roaming build to share

in Necromancer

Posted by: Starfall.6425


My constructive feedback:

1) In my experience Death Perception is better than Dhuumfire even in a condi build. Shroud is normally a dps-loss to your weapons and so you only want to go into shroud for short times. During those short times you will mainly use #2-#5 and not AA. Death perception will give you more damage on #2-#5 than Dhuumfire will give on that occasional AA.

2) I’m not a real fan of the stat-sets on the gear. Why not dire and rabid all the way? Don’t like the soldiers. Carrion could be argued with.

3) I would change the sigills on your staff. Going for Chill with all four sigills is a bit over the top. Maybe something defensive would be good on staff. I would go for energy and as second Corruption or Doom.

Beside those points I kind of like what you did with the shouts, signets and grenth.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

I got an awesome roaming build to share

in Necromancer

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


My constructive feedback:

1) In my experience Death Perception is better than Dhuumfire even in a condi build. Shroud is normally a dps-loss to your weapons and so you only want to go into shroud for short times. During those short times you will mainly use #2-#5 and not AA. Death perception will give you more damage on #2-#5 than Dhuumfire will give on that occasional AA.

2) I’m not a real fan of the stat-sets on the gear. Why not dire and rabid all the way? Don’t like the soldiers. Carrion could be argued with.

3) I would change the sigills on your staff. Going for Chill with all four sigills is a bit over the top. Maybe something defensive would be good on staff. I would go for energy and as second Corruption or Doom.

Beside those points I kind of like what you did with the shouts, signets and grenth.

thanks for the feedbacks.
My thoughts on your points

1) Death perception might prob be better if i had taken the curses trait line for bleed on crits and/or condi-on-crit sigils. I got none of those and have almost nothing in my build that works with crit. Dhuumfire on shroud auto is great. pulling a couple of aa off won’t be hard and it gives you might too with the spite line. those burns tick well too.
Death perception might still be something i will try though if it gives me a better shot against diamond skin eles.

2) Carrion and soldiers because i wanted that small small chance of having enough power to bring a good diamond skin ele below 90% HP and hopefully keep him low and win. I might swap the soldiers for cavelier and get Death perception as you suggested.

3) I’m open to trying this!

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

I got an awesome roaming build to share

in Necromancer

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


Anyone gave this build a roam?
I’ve not lost for 5 straight days of roaming in 1vs1, even when playing badly!

not to mention, the runes and sigils are cheap!

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)

I got an awesome roaming build to share

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Used something like this, but in spvp worked well enough but I eventually dropped the shouts, the shout trait, and chilling victory in favor of crit for vuln and chill explosion trait. And dropped Grenth runes. And used hydromancy over sigil of chilling.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

I got an awesome roaming build to share

in Necromancer

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


Used something like this, but in spvp worked well enough but I eventually dropped the shouts, the shout trait, and chilling victory in favor of crit for vuln and chill explosion trait. And dropped Grenth runes. And used hydromancy over sigil of chilling.

hmm…I can understand your changes since PvP consists of group fights and on-point fights…

I gave my build further testing and there are two major counters to the build…

1) Diamond skin ele/tempest

  • Even with 2k power, you don’t do enough damage to break a good DS ele.

2) Sword/Dagger daredevil with unhindered combatant traited and withdraw healing and shadow step utility (even worse if he has shadow’s embrace traited)

  • I never thought a class could and will pack so many condition removals in his build. This daredevil I fought recently did just that. S/D skill 3 removes condition on return, unhindered combatant removes condition on evade, withdraw healing removes condition on use, shadow step utility removes condition on use. All these happen to target the Chill condition which is my build’s main source of damage.

There isn’t any burst in my build. It depends mainly on the constant application of chill to slowly grind down the enemy. Putting aside the DS ele/tempest, S/D daredevil with those skills in their build as above totally shuts down my chill build. They remove chills faster than I can reapply them.

I am now testing a slight modification to the build. I replaced scepter with axe and soldiers ammy/rings with berserker ammy/rings. Hopefully I’ll have better burst against them though I lose around 300 armor…

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

I got an awesome roaming build to share

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


Does the power damage prevent Scrapper from facerolling you?

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I got an awesome roaming build to share

in Necromancer

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


Does the power damage prevent Scrapper from facerolling you?

so far don’t have much problems with scrapper.
The hardest one i fought went into his invis gyro and healed back up 3 times.
But I out-sustained him.

It was mainly the chill that grinded him down.

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video: