I'm not sure my jagged horror has ever hit anything.
Blood fiend needs some major rework as well. Jagged horrors are laughable why gain something on the death of an enemy that does damage to the enemy you just killed? Instead make it chance on hit like the lich runes. I like the idea of them dieing and leaving a poison field as it is pretty fun specing 30 into death magic and using lich form spawning 4 jagged horrors and seeing the entire area covered in poison.
Also change the minion skins I seriously thought they were place holders when I played beta but I was wrong. The fleshreaver is pretty cool also makes me wonder why this wasn’t a necro only minion.
Blackgate Apexprime.enjin.com
The models on the pets are pretty bad. Zhaitan summons undead humanoids and there are Ascalonion ghosts everywhere. The best we get are some rats and scorpions? Really? So much for master of death…
The models on the pets are pretty bad. Zhaitan summons undead humanoids and there are Ascalonion ghosts everywhere. The best we get are some rats and scorpions? Really? So much for master of death…
Maybe at level 100 we can do those ;-)