I propose a boycott of Necromancy

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Laii.2780


I think this is a very unproductive way to go about improving Necro. =/

I love my necro and would only prefer a couple small changes to make them feel more ‘balanced’ to other professions.

Also they’ve buffed a couple Necro skills a patch ago and also fixed Death Shroud UI this lattest patch. Its getting better a little bit at a time thanks to all the productive suggestions people have been saying

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ezeriel.9574


Did you see the “buffs” engineers got?

Keep your head down and pray every night that we never receive that kind of attention.

The only way to play the engineer is to exploit it.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ratphink.4751


Woah there bud, enough with the Melodrama. If you’re not having fun with the Necromancer, you have every right to go play another class. All the power to ya, come back when you feel it’s more to your liking.

However I immensely enjoy my Necromancer. I’ve currently tried leveling every class in the game, and the furthest I’ve gotten is a Guardian to level 65 before I went back to my necromancer. Despite the rabid complaints about traits and bugs, this class just clicks with me.

Also, as has been stated numerous times. The handful of times Devs come in here, they get dog piled by players and whatever they say gets turned around and spat back at them for months at a time. They’d have to pay me a pretty penny to stick my head in this badger den if I were a dev.

“I have begun my journey in a paper boat without a bottom.”

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Luke.4562


These are Buffs? FIXES are needed before Buffs, you can’t try balancing a game if the actual mechanics aren’t working… over them being raw, primitive, unstable, lackluster..

As i yet said, nerds here are trying to make Necromancer work, they’re playing McGiver with the scraps Anet gave us.

And before Fixes and Balancement the basic design of the class totally sucks.

The modify to Death Shroud UI isn’t a FIX, what they did was removing a feature because it was bad projected.. this thing should have been done during betatest.

@Shafi: Want to boycott? Stop buying Gems, simply.
By the moment i don’t think this game’s gonna reach our expectations for Necromancer, just drop your dreams, it’s a matter you can’t deal with.
We’ll consider better the circumstances before giving other free moneys to Anet

ALPHA, BETA, several months, … 1 Year later…“When it’s ready”[cit.]

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kravick.4906


Boycotting a class isn’t going to change anything. ANet won’t care since they’ll be plenty of people playing other classes. If you wanna hit em where it counts, boycott gems. Make sure you let them know why you’re doing it though, otherwise they won’t have a clue whats going on.

Stuff goes here.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thresher.3049


I dunno, the class itself is much better than it was back in August and its suffered quite a bit of ‘bad rep’ by a lot of the pve-crowd for various reasons, in WvW its going great though.
Difficult class to master so it isn’t appealing to the generation of players who need hand-holding abilities, development is slower than tectonic drift and there’s a lot to hate about minions. No one also doubts that it desperately needs some form of easily accessible Stability outside of an elite and Vigour, probably a lot of work on weapons and deathshroud is still pretty much a hp-buffer/healing battery for condition specs.

But I roll out every day, pick up the big bat of beating anus and go kill a few hundred people out in wvw, because its still full of all those other things that make some guy, somewhere and dozens of his scrub mates… cry and smash his keyboard

Pinot Noir (Necromancer) Pinot Blanc (Warrior)
KnT Blackgate

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


I guess I’ve been doing it for a while now. I love Necromancer, I have 26 semi-viable builds for it. However, they are less effective than ANY other build by ANY other class. So lately I’ve been using Ranger, Engineer, and Warrior far more than any of my Necro classes, simply because of viability in tPvP.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

I will never give up on the necro class, no matter how bad it gets. I may throw my fits about it, maybe occasionally offer helpful comments, but I won’t give up no it. I honestly don’t think we’re in the horrible place so many people say we are. Yes we have problems that need fixing. No we are not a totally broken class. Boycotting necros will accomplish absolutely nothing.

~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


It’s funny, they make conditions a main-source of damage, then put down a game-breaking boon called ‘Retaliation’

I love seeing 39,593 in reflected damage.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Not going to boycott the most enjoyable class to play in the game, especially not because of perceived weakness.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Khyber.2693


and how does boycotting necromancy hurt Anet? We would just play on our alts…

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Not going to boycott the most enjoyable class to play in the game, especially not because of perceived weakness.

It’s almost like you’re in denial. We are the weakest class in the game. Plain and simple. We lack even the most basic things every other class has such as basic boon variety.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


And yet there are people like Symbolic and Khalifa, and Nemesis. I’d say a win/lose record of 2000-400 speaks a lot for itself.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: OMNIBUS.2913


Something to point out though. engineer was probably the least played class and look at all the buffs/changes they recieved(edit:apparently they were nerfed and not buffed?). Im not gunna quit nec however. I was very happy with the deathshroud change. The only things that really bug me is minion AI and bleed cap! There are some other things i dont like about nec but they dotn bother me enough to leave the class. I have enough fun with my nec in pvp and certain dungeons :]

(edited by OMNIBUS.2913)

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talentless.5708


Instead of a boycott, I would suggest you play your necro more so that one day you might L2P

Talentless Necro – Talentless Engineer
Jade Quarry – Strike Force | Wilsonian Institute
new video pending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDVc34_SFKM&feature=youtu.be

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alkaline.2809


Instead of a boycott, I would suggest you play your necro more so that one day you might L2P

Always responding negative on the forums do not help.

(edited by Alkaline.2809)

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

Did you see the “buffs” engineers got?

Keep your head down and pray every night that we never receive that kind of attention.


15 chars.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: ShadyNZL.9018


I’ve just started playing Necro after dedicating to my Guardian and Warrior primarily. I have read plenty about the Necro’s weaknesses so I was fully aware going into it…and personally, I like my Necro more than my previous characters….

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Exade.2309


I don’t really understand why there is so much hate against the Necro. I think it’s a great class. It’s true that we don’t have as much burst as other classes (looking at you, mister Thief whom I played before the Necro), but we have a danglot of survivability as well as some nice conditions.
I don’t really see the reason why it needs a major fix, I think it’s fine.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Considering we’re bottom rung compared to what other classes are capable of. Elementalist needs a huge nerf, and Necro needs a huge buff. Period.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Turbo Whale.1738

Turbo Whale.1738

Nty I love necro

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talentless.5708


Instead of a boycott, I would suggest you play your necro more so that one day you might L2P

Always responding negative on the forums do not help.

Agreed, but I gave up hope on an OP that says he wants to boycott a class. There are plenty of positive posts, suggestion threads and even podcasts on the necro to help people who have trouble. I’m sorry if I have no sympathy for people who dont want to make any effort and just go out in WvW, press a single button and kill everyone.

Talentless Necro – Talentless Engineer
Jade Quarry – Strike Force | Wilsonian Institute
new video pending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDVc34_SFKM&feature=youtu.be

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: HiSaZuL.2843


Instead of a boycott, I would suggest you play your necro more so that one day you might L2P

Always responding negative on the forums do not help.

Agreed, but I gave up hope on an OP that says he wants to boycott a class. There are plenty of positive posts, suggestion threads and even podcasts on the necro to help people who have trouble. I’m sorry if I have no sympathy for people who dont want to make any effort and just go out in WvW, press a single button and kill everyone.

And I have no interest in l2p comments nor seeing “proof” in form in wvw ganking of underleveled and undergeared players getting “melted”. Granted boycotting sounds like a pretty boring and unproductive way to get attention. And cashshop is one of few things that works well. You aren’t forced into it like with 99.9% of so called “free2play” where free mostly stands for free to install.
People keep saying we have the most variety… oh joy… mediocre semblance to being on par in very specific situation. Every single of one of the so called builds is pidgenholed into a very specific situation and nothing else, outside of that situation you are immediately hit will walls and the fact that you aren’t doing jack that could ever be called productive. Yeah… the rest of classes are also pidgenholed into 2-3 viable specs with few small variation but frankly I’d take 2-3 specs that work on par with everyone else over an infinite amount of worthless garbage that can’t compete on any reasonably equal ground.
I was going to make a l2… jab… but frankly people who refuse to see anything past their own opinion are not really worth trying to have a conversation with.

(edited by HiSaZuL.2843)

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kravick.4906


And yet there are people like Symbolic and Khalifa, and Nemesis. I’d say a win/lose record of 2000-400 speaks a lot for itself.

This means nothing when you analyze whats really happening. This game doesn’t have any ranking system for tournament play, so that record is them going up against aimless PUGs most of the time.

Stuff goes here.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


And yet there are people like Symbolic and Khalifa, and Nemesis. I’d say a win/lose record of 2000-400 speaks a lot for itself.

Playing the devil’s advocate here, you do realize that there are some players that are much better at these games and their class, to the point of intuition reflexes, right? Although their track record is that high means nothing to what the average player can do when in the same situation, or build.

edit: also see above ^

Having said that, they need to address the condi cap because as it is dps is king and seeing as our class isn’t as well suited to dps as others we feel like the forgotten class. Most weapons need an overhaul as do our utilities. But OP, I’m not going to boycott I’m just going to deck out my warrior and play him off and on till I see something done to the necro that makes us stand out from the crowd.

(edited by Tommyknocker.6089)

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: DarkniteJ.8053


I will never give up on the necro class, no matter how bad it gets. I may throw my fits about it, maybe occasionally offer helpful comments, but I won’t give up no it. I honestly don’t think we’re in the horrible place so many people say we are. Yes we have problems that need fixing. No we are not a totally broken class. Boycotting necros will accomplish absolutely nothing.

+1 No matter what I do, I have no desire to play other classes even if they can do things a thousand times better. Other classes bore me to death because they are too easy for me. Guardian – 1,2 repeat.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


I can’t do it… I’ve tried mostly all of the other classes, and leveled them up to 10-30 and I enjoyed Necromancer the most. The theme of a class/profession is important to me, I’m just a sucker for Dark Magic class/professions.

So unless they add a Heavy Plate class that uses Dark Magic like a Deathknight, then no.


I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: HiSaZuL.2843


And yet there are people like Symbolic and Khalifa, and Nemesis. I’d say a win/lose record of 2000-400 speaks a lot for itself.

Playing the devil’s advocate here, you do realize that there are some players that are much better at these games and their class, to the point of intuition reflexes, right? Although their track record is that high means nothing to what the average player can do when in the same situation, or build.

edit: also see above ^

Having said that, they need to address the condi cap because as it is dps is king and seeing as our class isn’t as well suited to dps as others we feel like the forgotten class. Most weapons need an overhaul as do our utilities. But OP, I’m not going to boycott I’m just going to deck out my warrior and play him off and on till I see something done to the necro that makes us stand out from the crowd.

This pretty much sums up the whole… <x> has mad skills so you all need to l2p arguments. Your win to lose ratio means absolutely nothing. Also it has no bearing on anything outside that… a meaningless score. Does that score make a game better? Does it make EVERYONES experience more enjoyable? Does it make community a better place?
This is just my opinion but I just can’t see how that kitten score could affect anything past being a random forum badge.
What I want isn’t what everyone else wants… but I still would rather have a community that cares for each other. Where people simply have fun playing a game. A game is there to be enjoyed not frustrated because the path you like happens to plainly not be considered by devs as fun/good/balanced/productive/blah blah blah.
Would this ever happen? No. Pretty kitten sure that could never happen. There’s always that 1 guy who needs to prove to someone that he is better then everyone else. I can’t honestly see how it matters in general… even less so in a game where sole purpose is to have fun.
But on topic I still agree that boycotting is silly lol.

(edited by HiSaZuL.2843)

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talentless.5708


Instead of a boycott, I would suggest you play your necro more so that one day you might L2P

Always responding negative on the forums do not help.

Agreed, but I gave up hope on an OP that says he wants to boycott a class. There are plenty of positive posts, suggestion threads and even podcasts on the necro to help people who have trouble. I’m sorry if I have no sympathy for people who dont want to make any effort and just go out in WvW, press a single button and kill everyone.

And I have no interest in l2p comments nor seeing “proof” in form in wvw ganking of underleveled and undergeared players getting “melted”. Granted boycotting sounds like a pretty boring and unproductive way to get attention. And cashshop is one of few things that works well. You aren’t forced into it like with 99.9% of so called “free2play” where free mostly stands for free to install.
People keep saying we have the most variety… oh joy… mediocre semblance to being on par in very specific situation. Every single of one of the so called builds is pidgenholed into a very specific situation and nothing else, outside of that situation you are immediately hit will walls and the fact that you aren’t doing jack that could ever be called productive. Yeah… the rest of classes are also pidgenholed into 2-3 viable specs with few small variation but frankly I’d take 2-3 specs that work on par with everyone else over an infinite amount of worthless garbage that can’t compete on any reasonably equal ground.
I was going to make a l2… jab… but frankly people who refuse to see anything past their own opinion are not really worth trying to have a conversation with.

enjoy your boycott. I hope you find what you are looking for. Fortunately the devs are smarter and wont make this class OP to suit kiddies.

Talentless Necro – Talentless Engineer
Jade Quarry – Strike Force | Wilsonian Institute
new video pending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDVc34_SFKM&feature=youtu.be

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: HiSaZuL.2843


Instead of a boycott, I would suggest you play your necro more so that one day you might L2P

Always responding negative on the forums do not help.

Agreed, but I gave up hope on an OP that says he wants to boycott a class. There are plenty of positive posts, suggestion threads and even podcasts on the necro to help people who have trouble. I’m sorry if I have no sympathy for people who dont want to make any effort and just go out in WvW, press a single button and kill everyone.

And I have no interest in l2p comments nor seeing “proof” in form in wvw ganking of underleveled and undergeared players getting “melted”. Granted boycotting sounds like a pretty boring and unproductive way to get attention. And cashshop is one of few things that works well. You aren’t forced into it like with 99.9% of so called “free2play” where free mostly stands for free to install.
People keep saying we have the most variety… oh joy… mediocre semblance to being on par in very specific situation. Every single of one of the so called builds is pidgenholed into a very specific situation and nothing else, outside of that situation you are immediately hit will walls and the fact that you aren’t doing jack that could ever be called productive. Yeah… the rest of classes are also pidgenholed into 2-3 viable specs with few small variation but frankly I’d take 2-3 specs that work on par with everyone else over an infinite amount of worthless garbage that can’t compete on any reasonably equal ground.
I was going to make a l2… jab… but frankly people who refuse to see anything past their own opinion are not really worth trying to have a conversation with.

enjoy your boycott. I hope you find what you are looking for. Fortunately the devs are smarter and wont make this class OP to suit kiddies.

Good job not even managing to read second sentence. That is why I said talking to people like you is a waste of time.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talentless.5708


Instead of a boycott, I would suggest you play your necro more so that one day you might L2P

Always responding negative on the forums do not help.

Agreed, but I gave up hope on an OP that says he wants to boycott a class. There are plenty of positive posts, suggestion threads and even podcasts on the necro to help people who have trouble. I’m sorry if I have no sympathy for people who dont want to make any effort and just go out in WvW, press a single button and kill everyone.

And I have no interest in l2p comments nor seeing “proof” in form in wvw ganking of underleveled and undergeared players getting “melted”. Granted boycotting sounds like a pretty boring and unproductive way to get attention. And cashshop is one of few things that works well. You aren’t forced into it like with 99.9% of so called “free2play” where free mostly stands for free to install.
People keep saying we have the most variety… oh joy… mediocre semblance to being on par in very specific situation. Every single of one of the so called builds is pidgenholed into a very specific situation and nothing else, outside of that situation you are immediately hit will walls and the fact that you aren’t doing jack that could ever be called productive. Yeah… the rest of classes are also pidgenholed into 2-3 viable specs with few small variation but frankly I’d take 2-3 specs that work on par with everyone else over an infinite amount of worthless garbage that can’t compete on any reasonably equal ground.
I was going to make a l2… jab… but frankly people who refuse to see anything past their own opinion are not really worth trying to have a conversation with.

enjoy your boycott. I hope you find what you are looking for. Fortunately the devs are smarter and wont make this class OP to suit kiddies.

Good job not even managing to read second sentence. That is why I said talking to people like you is a waste of time.


Talentless Necro – Talentless Engineer
Jade Quarry – Strike Force | Wilsonian Institute
new video pending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDVc34_SFKM&feature=youtu.be

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monoman.2068


Well I got my crit guardian on stand by for whenever I get too frustrated with necromancer but still wish to have some stupid fun. Too bad the allure behind cliff diving and spectral abilities always has me coming back to get frustrated again. With a few skill/trait tweaks, decreased cool downs, and some tweaks to DS (for conditions etc), I can already start to see necromancer becoming a more attractive class.

Since march was the month of some wonky engy fixes, I’ll hold my breath for similar treatment on necromancer in april.

Laviere – Hybrid Wellomancer
Makonne – Hybrid Regen Ranger

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: LastDay.3524


Anet said that the Necromancer is the hardest Profession to master.
So your average Necro will probably never be as good as your average Warrior.
The learning curve is completely different.

For example the way you can off-set cast times of skills like Dark Pact with the slow projectiles of Spectral Grasp and Dark Path is something I don’t think any other profession needs to do.
Cast a skill with the projectile in mid-flight, and with the correct timing your skill finishes just as you appear in range of the target.
Just landing the projectile can be tricky in of itself.

I feel that the Necromancer is one of the best rounded Professions out there right now.
Warriors are incredible in PvE, but they are pretty bad in PvP.

Thieves are crazy good at roaming in WvW, but in dungeons at any part with huge swarms of mobs you rely heavily on your team to keep things off you.
Necro doesn’t have that problem. At all.
Quite the opposite: You get tons of Life Force from a swarm of mobs dying.

Also pretty much every Thief seems to run Stealth, bad build variety.
Much how Warriors tend to run Greatsword and/or something combined with an off-hand Axe.

Engineers are quite common in sPvP, but almost an extinct species in PvE.
Might have changed after the turret buffs, but we’ll see.

In PvE Necromancers aren’t incredible, but they are decent.
They don’t die all the time, output steady damage and have lots of AoE.
Yeah you don’t do CoF speedruns as fast as Warriors do, but to me that seems more like a Dungeon Design/Warrior cleave issue than a Necro issue.

In sPvP Necromancers are very good bunker busters thanks to Corrupt Boon and Spinal Shivers.
Minion Master Necros are surprisingly awesome at 1vs1, even with the bad Minion AI.
A Condition Damage Necro seriously messes up some builds that just don’t have space for lots of Condition removal.
Necros are also pretty good underwater, just throwing that out there. :P

That’s not to say that I think the Necromancer is perfect the way it is.
While the Necromancer’s lack of mobility is more than fine in sPvP it’s highly annoying in PvE and WvW.
In WvW it means you can’t run from a Zerg and die every time one chases you if there are no cliffs nearby.
In PvE it means that it’s really annoying to skip mobs unless a Thief or a Mesmer babysits you by Stealthing you.

Some of the other things I don’t like are how little Stability we have (A Grandmaster Trait and Elites? Meh.) and how we have no Reflection nor Projectile Destruction.
If Spectral Armor gave Stability and Spectral Wall destroyed projectiles I might use them quite a bit.

Surprisingly I felt that some of the traits are useless, too, but looking at the trait list I think I’ve used every trait at least once.


I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

Anet said that the Necromancer is the hardest Profession to master.

I tot that was the Ele.

This kind of thread belongs in the Ranger forums, especially after this latest patch.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: LastDay.3524


Anet said that the Necromancer is the hardest Profession to master.

I tot that was the Ele.

This kind of thread belongs in the Ranger forums, especially after this latest patch.

Anet thought it’d be Mesmer, but were surprised in play tests when they noticed that it turned out to be the Necromancer.
And yeah Necro has issues, but they aren’t bad.
They just take quite a while to learn so people with 8 alts and 100h on each will dismiss Necro as weak.


I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Halcyon.7352


Something to point out though. engineer was probably the least played class and look at all the buffs/changes they recieved(edit:apparently they were nerfed and not buffed?). Im not gunna quit nec however. I was very happy with the deathshroud change. The only things that really bug me is minion AI and bleed cap! There are some other things i dont like about nec but they dotn bother me enough to leave the class. I have enough fun with my nec in pvp and certain dungeons :]

My signature will attest to the actual effects of the March patch.

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Already did about two weeks ago. But at least the DS UI fix is a sign of goodwill. Agony resist on minions is a sure sign of hope. I think by the time I gear up my guardian, Necros will be in better shape, but right now, it’s just not fun. They absolutely need to do something about that condition cap. Honestly, it’s more about bug/UI fixes as opposed to any actual need for buffs.

And honestly, nerfing the engineer just shakes my confidence in general.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: OMNIBUS.2913


Something to point out though. engineer was probably the least played class and look at all the buffs/changes they recieved(edit:apparently they were nerfed and not buffed?). Im not gunna quit nec however. I was very happy with the deathshroud change. The only things that really bug me is minion AI and bleed cap! There are some other things i dont like about nec but they dotn bother me enough to leave the class. I have enough fun with my nec in pvp and certain dungeons :]

My signature will attest to the actual effects of the March patch.

thats too bad. i wanted to see engineers become more popular but based on everyones posts the patch did not help with that =/

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I doubt a boycott would really do anything unless you had more people doing it than you would actually get. Anyway, my necro is probably my favourite character… I’m just forever annoyed with how much more effort it takes to achieve the same result as other classes I’ve played. I also feel like with its utter failure in flight or evasion I simply must take a tanky build, because taking hits is what it does better than anything else, while I can’t rely on its DPS nearly as often.

That, and I wish the DS skills would somehow adjust to suit different builds, rather than me needing to adjust for DS or use it as an ‘absorb damage’ button. No other class’s special ability has proven so boring for me: the others may not always be hugely varied either (e.g. guardian) but at least in that case they’re subtle enough not to get in my way. For a staff or sceptre it more or less fits, but when I focus on fast attacks at shorter ranges I don’t want to suddenly have this slow-firing hadoken thing for my primary. It’s made all the more bizarre because the thing where I zap over to them and apply chill, plus the life-drain thing would go really well with melee.

I feel that the Necromancer is one of the best rounded Professions out there right now.
Warriors are incredible in PvE, but they are pretty bad in PvP.

Also pretty much every Thief seems to run Stealth, bad build variety.
Much how Warriors tend to run Greatsword and/or something combined with an off-hand Axe.

Surprisingly I felt that some of the traits are useless, too, but looking at the trait list I think I’ve used every trait at least once.

-Warriors aren’t inherently bad at fighting other players though. I’m not sure if it’s the different stats in PvP or what that makes them fail there, but I’ve found they’re very good in WvW. You can get good mobility, tankiness, damage output, condition removal, and buff allies – at the same time. Sure the ones like KS or HB get a lot of kills off scaled up players and break like old glass when hit, but they’re not limited to ‘kill as fast as possible’ there in the first place, so how well those fare is pretty meaningless.

-Was off-hand axe buffed or something? It used to be good for tagging mobs in farming, and building adrenaline, but otherwise the damage output was poor and the fury it granted was both short and redundant. I was kinda hoping it would improve someday but if it did I guess I missed it.

-I find that necros have pretty good traits, besides those annoying minion things wasting slots when you want toughness and the main traits there without using minions. If anything my issue was with their placement; it’s much easier for me on a warrior to get almost all the traits I want for a build on at the same time, whereas necro seems to have some lines full of things I want and some I hardly want at all… or just don’t want.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Meh. Necro probably has the highest skill floor of any class (particularly in tPvP), but it isn’t broken by any stretch of the imagination.

Yes, there are some annoying deficiencies that have been there since Beta, and yes, there are classes who have suffered less, but no, what you are proposing is not a viable way to fix it.

There are a lot of things I would like to see A-net get around to (fix the trait trees to make sense, re-works some of the weapon sets to make them viable, etc.), but there are perfectly viable, playable versions of Necromancer in all modes of the game. They just lack the “easy-button” builds that some (not all) other professions have.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: spoj.9672


Not sure you guys understand why he wants us to boycott necro. Its so necro drops to the most underplayed class in the game so devs actually take a closer look. Pretty logical idea if you ask me.

I love playing my necro but its a joke how underpowered the class is in almost every field. As much as I love the necro I tend to avoid taking her into high level dungeons these days. Feel alot more comfortable and useful as a mesmer/guardian/warrior.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ratphink.4751


And I think what a lot of the responses here in this thread are trying to get across is that a lot of the weaknesses of the Necro are blown way out of proportion. It becomes self-perpetuating where old bugs (which get resolved) are still harped about (ie people in december were still complaining about Chilling Darkness being bugged despite it having been fixed in I believe mid october/early november). This circular negativity eventually makes its way into the game and suddenly people everywhere think that Necromancer is in some seriously dire straights.

Thankfully this self-perpetuating negativity has lightened up since early December, as can be seen in other boards (Such as sPvP) the community is starting to realize that while the Necromancer still has some kinks that need to be worked out, it’s not nearly as bad as some people are intent on making it seem.

“I have begun my journey in a paper boat without a bottom.”

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


We are the second least played class in the game already, if the old statistics still stand.

Also, we perfectly understand he wants a boycott because he feels we are UP. I disagree, I’m not going to boycott the most enjoyable class in the game that is actually in a pretty good spot just because other people don’t like it.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zardar.7508


I can agree with this post on the fact tha yeah,there’s nothin to distinguish us from the other classes…Sad but true.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: linck.9186


Did you see the “buffs” engineers got?

Keep your head down and pray every night that we never receive that kind of attention.

Totally agree with you. I wish we didnt ask for any “buffs” pre-patch..

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: MethaneGas.8357


Lol… if you dislike Necromancers so much, seriously, don’t play one and stop complaining. You are doing no good. Maybe you like a dark-themed classes, but just not the Necromancer’s playstyle. They are kind of a slow-moving class but if you learn how to play one, they are very, very deadly (I’m talking from a WvW perspective). They may not have a skill that lunger them forwards or backwards, but they have AoE cripple, chill, fear …. The AoE conditions are unbelievale and the survivability, at least for me, is excellent. It took me a long time to figure out a satisfying build and I finally found one that I really like. The class is a bit hard to get used to (requires a bit of brain)if you are coming from an Ele or Mesmer because they are more mobile – different playstyles, but if you play enough and the skills become muscle memory, you will be a force to be reckoned with. The only time I’ve ever lost a fight in 1 vs 1 was against a warrior who had 1000 conditions removals and I underestimated.

But it comes down to whether the PLAY style is for you or not, and it seems like it isn’t.

Necro, Ele, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior, DR[OHai]
YouTube Channel

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Engels.8537


Are we talking about PvE? WvW? Spvp? Dungeons? Fractals?

In WvW there’s 2 viable builds, both of them above the average,

In Spvp almost any build is completly viable,

In my opinion our best outcome comes from the management of conditions, nobody can do that better than us,

Also we are good duelists, however we have not chance against many classes mainly due our sluggish cast times, (for example countless people claim in this forum that the ranger sucks, obviously they never fought a good one interrupting you the whole fight),

This thread makes me laugh, people arguing each other, (many of them self claimed pros making broadcasts, videos, Q&A and kitten), but nobody asked if we are we talking about PvE? WvW? Spvp? Dungeons? Fractals?

It all depends on your build and the context,

If i could ask for a boost it would be a reduce in cast times, in this game the difference between .5 and .25 is crucial and most of our skills are not that “shocking” to justify such cast times,

Maybe is a L2 kitten ue as talentless, (the noob’s worst nightmare in WvW) said, maybe i shouldn’t face this classes by myself, but i find myself helpless against some classes when I’m trying to hold a point and they interrupt me, push me, knock me down the whole fight and i can’t cast a single hability,

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

(edited by Engels.8537)

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Also we are good duelists, however we have not chance against many classes mainly due our sluggish cast times, (for example countless people claim in this forum that the ranger sucks, obviously they never fought a good one interrupting you the whole fight),

Heh. You know those sonic periscope things? Try standing in front of one attempting to summon the flesh golem. Harmless but at the same time hilarious/depressing.

I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alurazle.5430


I have a healer/support necromancer and everyone loves her!!! Necros can be built into any role as long as believe.


I propose a boycott of Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

I will never give up on the necro class, no matter how bad it gets. I may throw my fits about it, maybe occasionally offer helpful comments, but I won’t give up no it. I honestly don’t think we’re in the horrible place so many people say we are. Yes we have problems that need fixing. No we are not a totally broken class. Boycotting necros will accomplish absolutely nothing.

I was mistaken…badly. After this latest debacle I don’t know if I can ever go back….

~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…