Idea for Bone Minions
+1. Dude Im really liking this idea.
Yes. This would help to add counter play to them as well with it being more telegraphed. It’s a win-win for us and the enemy.
Make them frenzy charge like those cursed risen that sprint at you the instant you step into Orr.
That would be really kitten.
Yeah and should knockdown foes on path and launch targets after they explode ! Add in some conditions and boon removal too.
Actually, that’s a pretty legit idea!
Another thing would be making the Putrid Explosion ground-targeted skill so it could do better job as Blast Finisher too.
But “frienzied rat charge” is probably better when it comes to dealing damage.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Yeah and should knockdown foes on path and launch targets after they explode ! Add in some conditions and boon removal too.
I am content with just giving them a poison and/or cripple bane myself. Or just poison altogether.
They need something. Minions need a bit of tlc.
The only change I would make with bone minions, well all minions to be honest, is that they all now spawn via ground targeting just like the flesh worm.
GTX 980M – SSD 512GB R/W:550/520MB/s
17.3" 1080p – 32GB 2400MHz DDR4
One huge QoL change I would like for Bone Minions is for when I activate Putrid Explosion, it blows up the minion closest to the target, instead of the minion closest to me.
One huge QoL change I would like for Bone Minions is for when I activate Putrid Explosion, it blows up the minion closest to the target, instead of the minion closest to me.
Either that or the lower health minion.
They should also be rigged to explode on death xD at least with some trait
They should also be rigged to explode on death xD at least with some trait
Read title too fast, thought it was “Idea for boon minions”
they could make the blast location happen at the necromancer similar to the way the engineer turrets explosion works