Idea for a Unique Skill
Necromancer are already a valid option in PVE party/dungeon play – don’t listen to the complainers
Still I commend your creativity + 1
TBH (yes I know this will never happen) They should implement someonething like Unstable Affliction from wow’s warlock. For those which never played it, it’s basically a condition that if removed silences the target for 5 secs – could be replaced with stun/vulnerability whatever really – would encourage more tactical use of condition removal
Someone suggested that exact condition some time ago “Necrosis”.
The way you put it, sounds awesome. +1
BUT FIRST, fix current bugs please.
@OP: i like it but can i suggest a change to it’s unique part?
Each stack of necrosis consumes 1 condition-removal skill/effect.
This way, you’ll still have poison damage going on and targets will need to spam their removals (or whirl in a light combo field…) ^^
Hmm, or they could replace reanimator with either of these unique parts :p
We NEED this. Always find myself competing with warriors and thieves for bleed stack.
When fear was first announced they said that it would be specific to necros. If you are doing a guild wars reference the condition you suggested should really be Disease.
I agree with the fear thing tovarren, it just so happens that our fears are actually worthless apart from interrupting. Considering that we have no launches or knockbacks, and only 1 knockdown on an elite active skill i believe if our fears lasted 3 secs it would not be OP.
+1 we need it !