Im not even mad
Lol? Axe training is worse than it was, our only heal worth taking was nerfed and our other heals blow. Net nerfs, minor buffs = junk. Necro will be blah
Unholy Fervor: Reduces recharge of axe skills by 20% and deal 10% more damage to vulnerable foes. how is that worse? seems way better than their original idea
Trait bg.pngTrait VIII.png
Axe Training
Trait lineNecromancer tango icon 20px.png Spite Tier MasterType MajorCost50 Silver coin + 5 Skill point.pngUnlock requirementComplete the Citadel of Flame in Story Mode.
Reduces recharge on axe skills. Increases damage while wielding axes.
Damage Damage increase: 10%
Miscellaneous effect.png Recharge reduced: 20%
— In-game description
This is what is is now. I guess you have to autoattack to make it worthwhile. No wait, vuln is the new spam, so you won’t even need to autoattack. This weapon is crap, and has not changed..
Consume Conditions now benefits from a 33% cooldown reduction trait. And combos amazingly well with Plague Sending.
And was honestly a tad overpowered before.
gryph FIRST fix ur post. second the desciption says its a flat 10% damage increase against vulned foes. no axe no nothing.
Consume Conditions now benefits from a 33% cooldown reduction trait. And combos amazingly well with Plague Sending.
Unfortunately it was the necromancer only viable pvp heal skill for both power and condi.
And was honestly a tad overpowered before.
It had a ridiculous cast time, so no it was not op.
and there goes my only condition cleaner… T_T
Raavaholic | [MM] Metro Mini Transformers Founder & Leader | SEA |
minor adept reapers might (perfect as always)
major adept spiteful talisman/bitter chill (choose what u need)
minor master deaths embrace (vuln with NO ICD)
major master chill of death/rending shroud/unholy fervor (choose again)
minor grandmaster siphoned power (even more might)
major grandmaster close to death (amazing as always)
minor adept mark of evasion (atleast something)
major adept quickening thirst (idk)
minor master vampiric (mehdps increase)
major master banshees wail/vampiric presence (choose)
minor grandmaster last rites (interactions )
major grandmaster vampiric rituals/ transfusion (maybe a niche for transfusion)
minor adept gluttony (ok as always)
major adept unyielding blast (good as always)
minor master last gasp (good as always)
major master spectral mastery/ vital persistence (longer lich vs longer shroud)
minor grandmaster strength of undeath (nice)
major grandmaster death perception (good as always)
some notes i made:
siphon heals in ds +20% baseline
+15% lifeforce
focus range 1200 baseline
well ground targeting baseline
blood is power 8 might 8 sec
cc (corruption skill) 30sec cd (from 25) 10sec vuln for 4sec
lich form (spectral skill) 15sec (22.5 with trait) + lifeforce
spectral walk not in air
im ok with these changes talking from a pve standpoint. blood magic will be replaced with reapers and were golden. so i have nothing to cry about if this comes to the live servers
I’m sad about consume conditions but otherwise some legit changes.
minor adept reapers might (perfect as always)
How does this help for condi builds? Dhuumfire is garbage now.
u cant search for condi traits in a power line same as i cant get power traits in a condi line. necro is not 100% hybrid anymore get over it.
u cant search for condi traits in a power line same as i cant get power traits in a condi line. necro is not 100% hybrid anymore get over it.
signets of suffering? Pretty sure is a condi trait actually and a lot of traits revolve around vulnerablity which bost condis now, so spite is at least hybrid in nature.
Vulnerability was spam before the update notes. Now, I do not know how Necromancer did not get nerfed by it. Axe is now useless (more so) because every profession will try to cap it ASAP for the condition damage and here is Necromancer with its same, slow application rate.
Vulnerability is not affected by the change to condition damage. The update will benefit scepter and Curses (though all professions will see similar) but axe will take it in the shorts for this.
Consume Conditions now benefits from a 33% cooldown reduction trait. And combos amazingly well with Plague Sending.
And was honestly a tad overpowered before.
The problem is that the master of corruptions trait conflicts with terror. I was looking forward to making a terrormancer that also had the corruptions trait, but that just got blown out of the water.
It also doesn’t combo very well with plague signet. Using consume conditions will eat all your conditions but leave you with the vulnerability. Sure, you can transfer the vulnerability over, but it’s only a 4 second duration. If you hold onto it, it just makes you more vulnerable for a post-healing burst.
Not only that, but the trait will also make you take on additional conditions, which could potentially be even more harmful. For instance, if it gives you blind, you won’t even be able to use plague signet afterwards because it will just miss. We’ll have to see what the extra conditions are.
It’s not that the 33% recharge isn’t useful. It’s just that the things it’s useful for conflicts with too many other useful things. What, I’m supposed to not take terror and go for a reduced recharge on corrosive poison cloud? Give me a break.
Its hard to say how good this will actually be for us at this time. Some of it looks really good while other changes makes me scratch my head wondering why they would do that at all. Still no real access to stability or resistance which even with some of these changes we need both of those really bad. So we still wont be that great in PvE.
Why the skill tip for Signet of Vampirism? Why only that one? did they forget the others? Honestly they just need to give us access to our utility while in death shroud already.
Another change is that Lich Form had its duration nerfed again. Why? NO ONE USES THAT SKILL FOR ANYTHING BUT IT’S AUTO! I’m so sick of auto attacking on a necromancer. I’d honestly not care at all if they removed and replaced Lich form. And plague for that matter. They’re not interesting skills. Not fun to use either.
Terror being dropped down to master is nice with Lingering Curse sticking at 100% duration. This will be nice for terrormancers everywhere. The sad part is the choice of path of corruption though. Maybe you’ll be able to make up for it with Spiteful Spirit???? Maybe. Its more reliable.
There is still so much work that needs to be done for us and this really only scratches the surface of what we need. Overall, I like it. Even with my criticism its overall good for us.
EDIT: Nevermind I was mistaken about a few things here. The Active of Vampiric signet, not the passive like I thought. Also Anet said something about a vampiric aura. Was that Vampiric Presense what they were talking about? Because thats not an aura.. Not what I thought at least.. Oh well, I’d still like to see an actual aura in the future. That will be fine for now. maybe, it honestly depends on its scaling.
(edited by Lily.1935)
Lol? Axe training is worse than it was, our only heal worth taking was nerfed and our other heals blow. Net nerfs, minor buffs = junk. Necro will be blah
Espicially as:
1, Necro was already the most underplayed class in pve and pvp
2, Other classes got buffed and we got big nerfs.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
lily lich is a spectral now so u can increase its duration by 50% to 22.5 seconds. thats why it was nerfed
Consume Conditions now benefits from a 33% cooldown reduction trait. And combos amazingly well with Plague Sending.
And was honestly a tad overpowered before.
The problem is that the master of corruptions trait conflicts with terror. I was looking forward to making a terrormancer that also had the corruptions trait, but that just got blown out of the water.
It also doesn’t combo very well with plague signet. Using consume conditions will eat all your conditions but leave you with the vulnerability. Sure, you can transfer the vulnerability over, but it’s only a 4 second duration. If you hold onto it, it just makes you more vulnerable for a post-healing burst.
Not only that, but the trait will also make you take on additional conditions, which could potentially be even more harmful. For instance, if it gives you blind, you won’t even be able to use plague signet afterwards because it will just miss. We’ll have to see what the extra conditions are.
It’s not that the 33% recharge isn’t useful. It’s just that the things it’s useful for conflicts with too many other useful things. What, I’m supposed to not take terror and go for a reduced recharge on corrosive poison cloud? Give me a break.
It literally makes zero sense to put all the condition traits in the master tier. Those are basically the 3 traits out of the 9 that I would pick from that line. Most of the rest are total garbage. But nope. Anet gonna anet. I told you all – anet do not have a clue about necromancer builds and playstyles. Not a clue. And the result is shown when they put terror, path of corruption and master of corruption in the same tier. It is the end of condition necromancer
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
Consume Conditions now benefits from a 33% cooldown reduction trait. And combos amazingly well with Plague Sending.
And was honestly a tad overpowered before.
The problem is that the master of corruptions trait conflicts with terror. I was looking forward to making a terrormancer that also had the corruptions trait, but that just got blown out of the water.
It also doesn’t combo very well with plague signet. Using consume conditions will eat all your conditions but leave you with the vulnerability. Sure, you can transfer the vulnerability over, but it’s only a 4 second duration. If you hold onto it, it just makes you more vulnerable for a post-healing burst.
Not only that, but the trait will also make you take on additional conditions, which could potentially be even more harmful. For instance, if it gives you blind, you won’t even be able to use plague signet afterwards because it will just miss. We’ll have to see what the extra conditions are.
It’s not that the 33% recharge isn’t useful. It’s just that the things it’s useful for conflicts with too many other useful things. What, I’m supposed to not take terror and go for a reduced recharge on corrosive poison cloud? Give me a break.
It literally makes zero sense to put all the condition traits in the master tier. Those are basically the 3 traits out of the 9 that I would pick from that line. Most of the rest are total garbage. But nope. Anet gonna anet. I told you all – anet do not have a clue about necromancer builds and playstyles. Not a clue. And the result is shown when they put terror, path of corruption and master of corruption in the same tier. It is the end of condition necromancer
Same here. I’d like to take terror and master of corruption on my build. I’d prefer that than any of the things in the grandmaster line.
Egh, I dunno what I’m gonna do.
They also made it so plague signet only transfers a maximum of 5 conditions instead of all of them, so it synergizes even worse with master of corruption which makes no kitten sense at all.
lily lich is a spectral now so u can increase its duration by 50% to 22.5 seconds. thats why it was nerfed
Fair enough. XD
I still feel the same way about it. I’m not a fan of just auto attacking for days on end. I’d like to actually use my other skills.
yeah a lich rework would have been nice. only number5 is useful other than number1. but still im ok with these changes. there are already 6 hate topics no wonder anet doesnt change necro. this community is too toxic to be taken seriously
It also would give you 20% LF. Though Lich is still pretty badly designed imo, same with plague.
It’s not worse then now but the game is changing at an alarming rate so it’s meh.
The Dhuumfire thread
‘Lingering Curse: Gain 150 condition damage while wielding a scepter. The base duration of all scepter conditions is increased by 100%.’
Am I correct in assuming that this wording means that ONLY the scepter skills are affected by this trait now? This would be really bad considering only the autoattack and skill two even apply condi at all.
‘Lingering Curse: Gain 150 condition damage while wielding a scepter. The base duration of all scepter conditions is increased by 100%.’
Am I correct in assuming that this wording means that ONLY the scepter skills are affected by this trait now? This would be really bad considering only the autoattack and skill two even apply condi at all.
Yes, I believe it’s only the sceptre skills.
Otherwise, there would be no point in skills like fear of death, which only improve duration of fear by 50%.
Basically it allows you to maximize your bleed and poison potential, with even longer lasting cripples.
However, the 150 condition damage bonus should be applied to all conditions, whereas only the duration will be applied to the sceptre skills.
i changed my general pve build for the upcoming changes. see how its not as bad as people make it
‘Lingering Curse: Gain 150 condition damage while wielding a scepter. The base duration of all scepter conditions is increased by 100%.’
Am I correct in assuming that this wording means that ONLY the scepter skills are affected by this trait now? This would be really bad considering only the autoattack and skill two even apply condi at all.
yeah but it’s base meaing you can double that again up to 20 sec.
The new lingering curse works pretty much like the current one, only 100% increase instead of 33%, and 150 condition damage on top. Its basically just a super-upgraded version of our current one, that allows for 20 second duration bleeds on AA. I’m guessing it will be really useful for soloing.
The new lingering curse works pretty much like the current one, only 100% increase instead of 33%, and 150 condition damage on top. Its basically just a super-upgraded version of our current one, that allows for 20 second duration bleeds on AA. I’m guessing it will be really useful for soloing.
The thing is with the loss of 30% it’s a bit harder too reach that 100% bleeding duration.
Pretty sure its fairly doable in PvE/WvW with food/runes, but definitely harder than before.
atm u run might duration runes for pve solos because 30% duration from trait tree 20% from traits and 40% from food almost max u out (+sigil if u really need it). so after the patch u might need to run a bleed duration rune like krait for a change which synergyzes with flesh golem pretty well too but might duration is pretty important for soloing
The new lingering curse works pretty much like the current one, only 100% increase instead of 33%, and 150 condition damage on top. Its basically just a super-upgraded version of our current one, that allows for 20 second duration bleeds on AA. I’m guessing it will be really useful for soloing.
The thing is with the loss of 30% it’s a bit harder too reach that 100% bleeding duration.
45% from Krait runes, 20% minor trait, 20% from sigil of agony or 40% from food, and you’re pretty much capped.
The new lingering curse works pretty much like the current one, only 100% increase instead of 33%, and 150 condition damage on top. Its basically just a super-upgraded version of our current one, that allows for 20 second duration bleeds on AA. I’m guessing it will be really useful for soloing.
The thing is with the loss of 30% it’s a bit harder too reach that 100% bleeding duration.
45% from Krait runes, 20% minor trait, 20% from sigil of agony or 40% from food, and you’re pretty much capped.
Not to mention the +150 condi damage + Target the Weak —> gain condition damage equal to 13% of your precision which can easily translate into +300 condi damage….
YouTube Channel
The new lingering curse works pretty much like the current one, only 100% increase instead of 33%, and 150 condition damage on top. Its basically just a super-upgraded version of our current one, that allows for 20 second duration bleeds on AA. I’m guessing it will be really useful for soloing.
Its not any real difference from what it is currently. Only its worse when compared to traits other professions have with similar functions… Why did they nerf this so hard from the preview before? The only reason I can think of was fear. But even then It doesn’t seem like a good enough reason to me.
The new lingering curse works pretty much like the current one, only 100% increase instead of 33%, and 150 condition damage on top. Its basically just a super-upgraded version of our current one, that allows for 20 second duration bleeds on AA. I’m guessing it will be really useful for soloing.
Its not any real difference from what it is currently. Only its worse when compared to traits other professions have with similar functions… Why did they nerf this so hard from the preview before? The only reason I can think of was fear. But even then It doesn’t seem like a good enough reason to me.
so lets take a 2 second fear. master of terror increases base duration now its 3 seconds 100% condi duration make it 6 seconds + additional condi duration as this trait does not go towards the duration cap lets say 40% from food and 20% from runes/sigil make like a 9sec+ fear that deals damage. and we have a lot of fears.
The new lingering curse works pretty much like the current one, only 100% increase instead of 33%, and 150 condition damage on top. Its basically just a super-upgraded version of our current one, that allows for 20 second duration bleeds on AA. I’m guessing it will be really useful for soloing.
Its not any real difference from what it is currently. Only its worse when compared to traits other professions have with similar functions… Why did they nerf this so hard from the preview before? The only reason I can think of was fear. But even then It doesn’t seem like a good enough reason to me.
so lets take a 2 second fear. master of terror increases base duration now its 3 seconds 100% condi duration make it 6 seconds + additional condi duration as this trait does not go towards the duration cap lets say 40% from food and 20% from runes/sigil make like a 9sec+ fear that deals damage. and we have a lot of fears.
They could have easily made it only apply to burn, poison, bleeding and torment, et voila. But no, they had to make it crappy.
The new lingering curse works pretty much like the current one, only 100% increase instead of 33%, and 150 condition damage on top. Its basically just a super-upgraded version of our current one, that allows for 20 second duration bleeds on AA. I’m guessing it will be really useful for soloing.
The thing is with the loss of 30% it’s a bit harder too reach that 100% bleeding duration.
45% from Krait runes, 20% minor trait, 20% from sigil of agony or 40% from food, and you’re pretty much capped.
Not to mention the +150 condi damage + Target the Weak —> gain condition damage equal to 13% of your precision which can easily translate into +300 condi damage….
Don’t forget we already lose 300 condi dmg from the Curses line not giving that stat. So this few extra condi damage and the increase on gear makes up for that loss…
The new lingering curse works pretty much like the current one, only 100% increase instead of 33%, and 150 condition damage on top. Its basically just a super-upgraded version of our current one, that allows for 20 second duration bleeds on AA. I’m guessing it will be really useful for soloing.
Its not any real difference from what it is currently. Only its worse when compared to traits other professions have with similar functions… Why did they nerf this so hard from the preview before? The only reason I can think of was fear. But even then It doesn’t seem like a good enough reason to me.
so lets take a 2 second fear. master of terror increases base duration now its 3 seconds 100% condi duration make it 6 seconds + additional condi duration as this trait does not go towards the duration cap lets say 40% from food and 20% from runes/sigil make like a 9sec+ fear that deals damage. and we have a lot of fears.
Conditions are capped at 100% duration increase. a 2s fear would become a 4s fear, the end. Also the previous version did count towards the cap. This new version doesn’t though which is nice.
Lol? Axe training is worse than it was, our only heal worth taking was nerfed and our other heals blow. Net nerfs, minor buffs = junk. Necro will be blah
Maybe because you now get the 10% damage buff without even using an axe? You only need vuln on your target.
The new lingering curse works pretty much like the current one, only 100% increase instead of 33%, and 150 condition damage on top. Its basically just a super-upgraded version of our current one, that allows for 20 second duration bleeds on AA. I’m guessing it will be really useful for soloing.
Its not any real difference from what it is currently. Only its worse when compared to traits other professions have with similar functions… Why did they nerf this so hard from the preview before? The only reason I can think of was fear. But even then It doesn’t seem like a good enough reason to me.
so lets take a 2 second fear. master of terror increases base duration now its 3 seconds 100% condi duration make it 6 seconds + additional condi duration as this trait does not go towards the duration cap lets say 40% from food and 20% from runes/sigil make like a 9sec+ fear that deals damage. and we have a lot of fears.
Conditions are capped at 100% duration increase. a 2s fear would become a 4s fear, the end. Also the previous version did count towards the cap. This new version doesn’t though which is nice.
good to see that u know how a trait behaved that never went to the live servers mate if necro would have gotten a trait that gives them 100% condi duration thats not stacking why would there be runes/sigils traits etc. the intention must have been a base duration increase like the current and new lingering curse. same goes for master of terror.
The new lingering curse works pretty much like the current one, only 100% increase instead of 33%, and 150 condition damage on top. Its basically just a super-upgraded version of our current one, that allows for 20 second duration bleeds on AA. I’m guessing it will be really useful for soloing.
Its not any real difference from what it is currently. Only its worse when compared to traits other professions have with similar functions… Why did they nerf this so hard from the preview before? The only reason I can think of was fear. But even then It doesn’t seem like a good enough reason to me.
so lets take a 2 second fear. master of terror increases base duration now its 3 seconds 100% condi duration make it 6 seconds + additional condi duration as this trait does not go towards the duration cap lets say 40% from food and 20% from runes/sigil make like a 9sec+ fear that deals damage. and we have a lot of fears.
Conditions are capped at 100% duration increase. a 2s fear would become a 4s fear, the end. Also the previous version did count towards the cap. This new version doesn’t though which is nice.
good to see that u know how a trait behaved that never went to the live servers mate
if necro would have gotten a trait that gives them 100% condi duration thats not stacking why would there be runes/sigils traits etc. the intention must have been a base duration increase like the current and new lingering curse. same goes for master of terror.
Well i’m not going to argue with you over something that isn’t even happening anymore. In the future pay attention to their wording, it is intentional not just random.
I am mad.
-Revert Spectral Walk to useable in mid air
-Revert Consume Conditions and give it the Shelter treatment
-BUFF OTHER HEALS instead of nerfing our only decent heal.
Op is just wrong.
First consume conditions is not dead. We have nothing to replace it with but garbage, o it lives.
Second, Axe training was not a nerf. The 10% buff just needs vulnerability, not axe.
Axe needs to be fixed. Necromancer gonna start taking axe training with no axe now.