Infos about trait Transfusion
“Life Transfer” is Death Shroud #4 on land (the skill named as such).
It’s referring to the DS4 skill.
EDIT: kitten , got beaten to it.
Then the trait is useless….
Yeah its very poor scaling and base heal aswell. If it was a decent heal then it would actually be very good for bunker necro.
Yeah its very poor scaling and base heal aswell. If it was a decent heal then it would actually be very good for bunker necro.
If we could heal at all while in DS it might. We’ll see what proposed changes ANet has for this and perhaps it might not be such a useless trait after that.
It doesn’t usually help you, but it is a decently sizeable AoE heal for your allies (nearly 3k in a very large radius)
It doesn’t scale at all.
Ah soz i was getting this mixed up with deathly invigoration haha.
It is useless for much more than a partial minion heal because the amount is so small and it does not heal the caster. I only choose it when in MM.