Is Axe usable after buff?
Axe?! What is that?!
That thing you use to gather lumber.
For me, Axe buff makes me kinda more painful to deal with.
why axe? why would you want to use axe in the first place…? For melee you have dagger’s and GS, and for far away you use staff for the 1200 range…. Axe is margianlly usefull if you are only fighting single targets and dare not to close…. I have used it sometimes in WVW standoff builds on zerker necro with wells. problem is if you get pressured and get 2 or more melee attackers to fight you, you die.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
If you didn’t like the axe before the patch, the new buffs probably won’t entice you to pick it up now.
However, as someone who was already using the axe, the extra damage is very noticable for once, definitely more than the usual slight tweak. And the extra corrupted boon is nice too, so I’m happy.
I was running axe lastnight while roaming in wvw and i had plenty success. I usually run gs/staff but decided to test axe/warhorn out after the buffs to axe. I did notice that the boon corrupt on axe 3 doesnt corrupt aegis and instead gets blocked. It was pretty annoying when it came to fighting guards/dh. I might try axe and focus today after class but i do like daze.
Wvw yes. Everything else? I would not recommend it in the slightest.
Maguuma – Predatory Instinct [HUNT]
If you didn’t like the axe before the patch, the new buffs probably won’t entice you to pick it up now.
However, as someone who was already using the axe, the extra damage is very noticable for once, definitely more than the usual slight tweak.
This. I’ve been using Axe since forever and the extra damage is nice.
For my Power Build I never run Staff so I prefer Axe as mid/long range option. The dmg buff is nice, the Boon-Convert is great to have 4 Boon Converts and 8k+ dmg on Axe#3 and instant follow up with Shroud enter is really strong dmg. In that burst u also can slot Hydro for 2k+ and proc Chilling Nova for another 2-3k…
Its a fast burst that takes alot of ppl by suprise.
Servant of Dhuum
Axe was used by some before the patch, for those that enjoyed Axe, they loved the patch. For those of us that never liked Axe, the buff won’t change your mind. The only thing that makes Axe better now from the patch is the additional boon corruption buff to Axe 3.
The damage increase isn’t anything to get excited about. Problem with Axe is that Axe auto still doesn’t cleave and it still sucks damage wise. Axe 2 while has good burst potential, gets evaded/dodged/blocked in PvP against mildly competent players.
Lastly Axe wielding power necros still get owned by condi reapers. I mean I don’t know about anybody but I hate to get owned by the class I play.
With that said, I’m happy to see Axe get buffed, it’ll help those that enjoy Axe builds. But this is so classic Anet, buffing crap weapons with small increments pretending they’re fixing or doing anything with the class. How many times have they buffed Axe by small increments now within the past year? Oh yeah, lots. That’s how long they’ve dangled that carrot in front of us pretending to be fixing necromancers.
Robert Gee said, before HoT launch right here on these forums, that anet will never allow axe to be good because it is ranged but does have a dodge able/avoidable projectile.
So, OP, Axe will never be good.
Robert Gee said, before HoT launch right here on these forums, that anet will never allow axe to be good because it is ranged but does have a dodge able/avoidable projectile.
So, OP, Axe will never be good.
I’m still baffled by that logic. Instead of reworking it in a way so that it can be good at something, they’d rather have it be kitten/mediocre just so it doesn’t have projectiles.
Robert Gee said, before HoT launch right here on these forums, that anet will never allow axe to be good because it is ranged but does have a dodge able/avoidable projectile.
Here’s what he really said:
One of the reasons we are more conservative about axe when it comes to balance is because axe uses a unique attack action in our game that cannot be avoided using positioning.
Also, in the very same thread and a million times after that in others, Robert Gee’s argument was debunked by several people.
There’s simply no reason to assume that Robert didn’t read or ignored all the replys , so whatever changes they have or have not made since then are probably not as havily influenced by the ranged non-projectile nature of the axe as people tend to infer.
Lastly Axe wielding power necros still get owned by condi reapers. I mean I don’t know about anybody but I hate to get owned by the class I play.
Sounds like a challenge!
Seriously though, depends on your opponent. If you were to face me (with an axe) in some duels you’d probably lose more often than not.
why axe? why would you want to use axe in the first place…? For melee you have dagger’s and GS, and for far away you use staff for the 1200 range…. Axe is margianlly usefull if you are only fighting single targets and dare not to close…. I have used it sometimes in WVW standoff builds on zerker necro with wells. problem is if you get pressured and get 2 or more melee attackers to fight you, you die.
Axe may only be 900 range, but it deals more single target damage than staff, can’t be dodged by strafing like staff 1, and can’t be reflected. Staff has its uses, but DPS isn’t one of them.
I’ve used axe for my power build for years now and have zero complaints about the buffs it got. I actually got yelled at by a few baddies for running a cheese condi build because I was corrupting so much of their boons… with axe/wh and my gs. It’s been a great few days in wvw
All classes, level 80
Dropbear Massacre, Necro Main
Axe is actually a decent ranged DPS weapon now. Ghastly Claws hits harder than Gravedigger if you land the full channel, so that is definitely not insignificant at that range. I’m about to calculate its new power coefficients.
Axe is actually a decent ranged DPS weapon now. Ghastly Claws hits harder than Gravedigger if you land the full channel, so that is definitely not insignificant at that range. I’m about to calculate its new power coefficients.
This statement tells more of the state of greatsword and gravedigger especially than of axe. Gravedigger that was supposed to be the crazy hardhitting skill that is super slow and easy to avoid/block/interupt and look at it now. You could say that it dug it’s own grave. Ba dum tss! I’ll see myself out.
Axe is actually a decent ranged DPS weapon now. Ghastly Claws hits harder than Gravedigger if you land the full channel, so that is definitely not insignificant at that range. I’m about to calculate its new power coefficients.
This statement tells more of the state of greatsword and gravedigger especially than of axe. Gravedigger that was supposed to be the crazy hardhitting skill that is super slow and easy to avoid/block/interupt and look at it now. You could say that it dug it’s own grave. Ba dum tss! I’ll see myself out.
Gravedigger does still hit like a mack truck. It’s easy to land hits of 10k+ with it (I rarely see those numbers because my Power armor is Zealots, not ’Zerker) and 15k is not out of the realm of possibility.
Axe is actually a decent ranged DPS weapon now. Ghastly Claws hits harder than Gravedigger if you land the full channel, so that is definitely not insignificant at that range. I’m about to calculate its new power coefficients.
This statement tells more of the state of greatsword and gravedigger especially than of axe. Gravedigger that was supposed to be the crazy hardhitting skill that is super slow and easy to avoid/block/interupt and look at it now. You could say that it dug it’s own grave. Ba dum tss! I’ll see myself out.
Gravedigger does still hit like a mack truck. It’s easy to land hits of 10k+ with it (I rarely see those numbers because my Power armor is Zealots, not ’Zerker) and 15k is not out of the realm of possibility.
and considering the time it takes to actually hit with it and aftercast that’s kinda average.