Is Reaper amazing? Yes or yes?
I really LOVE Reapers.
Aside of being buffed to the degree of being a POWERFUL DPS now, the most I like is the whole THEME of the class. Always want to be a death god, holding a Scythe, tearing anyone who oppose me
The animation and art-style is awesome too!
Now just give me some kitten ed PANTS for my Reaper, and I will truly feel badkitten <3
Actually takes 28 seconds of auto attacking, which is impossible without Vital Persistence (which still requires you to take less than 44% of your LF in damage over that time period), for Death Shroud, and around 17s for Reaper’s Shroud. Which just doesn’t happen, you need to use other abilities for utility, you lose LF, etc.
And this is why I ended up swapping in Traveler runes instead of Strength runes. Because You still get decent uptime for might from the extra boon duration, and speed increase and slight condi duration bump is nice as well. Yeah, 5% extra damage is nice, but Traveler just gives more utility. Still plenty of might, too
And that’s why you know it’s OP. Because on it’s own it keeps up with Might stacking builds that invest far more than a single trait.
Just unbelievable that you plebs are so self serving that you’re actually arguing for some kind of entitlement to have an overpowered mechanic in play to carry your kitten
So somebody got rolled by a Reaper and now his bum hurts?
No, I was playing Reaper all weekend because I was disappointed with the Scrapper spec for Engi. I laid waste to everything. It was a lot of fun. The Might stacking is over-tuned though for a build that doesn’t invest heavily in Might stacking.
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
Reaper is fun to play yes, but it’s still ineffective in some game modes and gets outclassed by even base professions. so until Anet fixes the base Necro, Reapers will only remain fun to play which may be fine for some, but not for me as other professions are BOTH fun AND effective. i hope Anet get Necros straight before the expansion or we will end up in the same position; fun to play, but ostracized, grossly sub-optimal and in some cases a handicap.
Actually takes 28 seconds of auto attacking, which is impossible without Vital Persistence (which still requires you to take less than 44% of your LF in damage over that time period), for Death Shroud, and around 17s for Reaper’s Shroud. Which just doesn’t happen, you need to use other abilities for utility, you lose LF, etc.
And this is why I ended up swapping in Traveler runes instead of Strength runes. Because You still get decent uptime for might from the extra boon duration, and speed increase and slight condi duration bump is nice as well. Yeah, 5% extra damage is nice, but Traveler just gives more utility. Still plenty of might, too
And that’s why you know it’s OP. Because on it’s own it keeps up with Might stacking builds that invest far more than a single trait.
Just unbelievable that you plebs are so self serving that you’re actually arguing for some kind of entitlement to have an overpowered mechanic in play to carry your kitten
So somebody got rolled by a Reaper and now his bum hurts?
No, I was playing Reaper all weekend because I was disappointed with the Scrapper spec for Engi. I laid waste to everything. It was a lot of fun. The Might stacking is over-tuned though for a build that doesn’t invest heavily in Might stacking.
dude enough already, just stop. Necro is NOT over-tuned and coming from a guy who plays an Engie that is kittening laughable. might does not just auto lead to victory, if you actually mained a Necro you would know that while Reaper is fun it is actually under-tuned relative to the rest of the base professions and elite specs out there. so please gain some perspective oh and also Necros have had that trait for a while now it’s funny that you are calling it OP after all this time, smh.
Aside of being buffed to the degree of being a POWERFUL DPS now
ummmm, what? where are you getting this information from? seeing big numbers != high dps, please remember that.
Actually takes 28 seconds of auto attacking, which is impossible without Vital Persistence (which still requires you to take less than 44% of your LF in damage over that time period), for Death Shroud, and around 17s for Reaper’s Shroud. Which just doesn’t happen, you need to use other abilities for utility, you lose LF, etc.
And this is why I ended up swapping in Traveler runes instead of Strength runes. Because You still get decent uptime for might from the extra boon duration, and speed increase and slight condi duration bump is nice as well. Yeah, 5% extra damage is nice, but Traveler just gives more utility. Still plenty of might, too
And that’s why you know it’s OP. Because on it’s own it keeps up with Might stacking builds that invest far more than a single trait.
Just unbelievable that you plebs are so self serving that you’re actually arguing for some kind of entitlement to have an overpowered mechanic in play to carry your kitten
So somebody got rolled by a Reaper and now his bum hurts?
No, I was playing Reaper all weekend because I was disappointed with the Scrapper spec for Engi. I laid waste to everything. It was a lot of fun. The Might stacking is over-tuned though for a build that doesn’t invest heavily in Might stacking.
If I can just ask, good Mr. Hacks, what would you give us in return? I’ve seen you on this crusade in several threads really. I m just asking because the main thing is damage modifiers, as well as unique team support utili
Also, would you nerf forceful greatsword on warrior as well as the might stacking capabilities on elementalist?
guys, i’d already stack up on ghost pepper poppers
I love that we finally got a high skill-cap weapon in GS
Servant of Dhuum
Actually takes 28 seconds of auto attacking, which is impossible without Vital Persistence (which still requires you to take less than 44% of your LF in damage over that time period), for Death Shroud, and around 17s for Reaper’s Shroud. Which just doesn’t happen, you need to use other abilities for utility, you lose LF, etc.
And this is why I ended up swapping in Traveler runes instead of Strength runes. Because You still get decent uptime for might from the extra boon duration, and speed increase and slight condi duration bump is nice as well. Yeah, 5% extra damage is nice, but Traveler just gives more utility. Still plenty of might, too
And that’s why you know it’s OP. Because on it’s own it keeps up with Might stacking builds that invest far more than a single trait.
Just unbelievable that you plebs are so self serving that you’re actually arguing for some kind of entitlement to have an overpowered mechanic in play to carry your kitten
So somebody got rolled by a Reaper and now his bum hurts?
No, I was playing Reaper all weekend because I was disappointed with the Scrapper spec for Engi. I laid waste to everything. It was a lot of fun. The Might stacking is over-tuned though for a build that doesn’t invest heavily in Might stacking.
If I can just ask, good Mr. Hacks, what would you give us in return? I’ve seen you on this crusade in several threads really. I m just asking because the main thing is damage modifiers, as well as unique team support utili
Also, would you nerf forceful greatsword on warrior as well as the might stacking capabilities on elementalist?
I would absolutely not nerf it. Someone in the other thread explained that Warrior has this might stacking functionality as well – which is what I asked for.
That’s all I needed to hear to see it as balanced.
Carry on.
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long