Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: krippler.9826


Can somebody please clear this up for me. I play a lot of Necromancer in WvW and often equip this skill. Sometimes it works great, other times it does nothing. I make sure to get the player in range, face in their direction, don’t see any reason for it to fail, but it just doesn’t work. I see a lot of other people claiming it doesn’t work reliably, but I also have seen people who say they have no trouble with it. So I am wondering if this is on ANet’s official bug list or not.

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Morgul.1302


I think it can be blocked by agies.. Its not supposed to be, but it still happens.

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


It used to fail all the time, for numerous reasons. Then they fixed it, and it just fails some of the time now. It fails too much to be on my hot bar in WvW, unless im doing a friendly duel with someone. I have it fail frequently against guardians after ageis is removed, still don’t have a good explanation why.

On the flip side, BIP and Epidemic work all the time. Thank God epidemic doesn’t suffer from “obstructed”, “blocked” “invulnerable”, but I am sure that is in their short list of fixes for necromancer.

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hepan.2709


Its a pretty crappy skill tbh…somebody might have stacked 15+might with vigor, rejuv, swift with 30 secs and all kinds of other boons and it turns them into these weak conditions…not thx.

Its good when guard use that skill that gives them all boons when they’re about to die, but even then boons are way to easy to come by for some classes and clensing them also isnt really hard.

They need a complete revamp of how boons turn into conditions…For instance vigor turns into bleeding, but guess what vigor stacks duration, while any bleed under 8-10 stacks is crap.
I also noticed that duration isnt transfered, so lets say 30 secs of swiftness doesnt become 30 secs of cripple, altho that may have something to do with how easy it is to remove conditions.

For instance, D/D eles are often running around with highly stacked boons, and on more then 1 ocassion of droping this skill on them thinking they’re dead now for sure, they would have 80% of conditions cleared and restacked in 7-8 seconds while im left there looking stupid for another 30.

tl,dr: crap skill, dont use

edit: gave me an idea…what if instead of turning the boons into condis this would “implode” boons, dealing damage for every boon, but also higher for stacked boons (might).

(edited by Hepan.2709)

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Galrukh.6532


Its a fantastic skill for WvW IMO. It fails rarely and tbh most times I think its because they evaded at just the right time but sometimes it just seems to be a random fail that I have no idea of why is happening.
It is probably bugged.
I dont care that the conditions are only on the enemy for 5-10 sec, I care about removing the boons from the opponent and turning stability into fear is the greatest feeling ever.

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Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jewel.1457


Its a pretty crappy skill tbh…somebody might have stacked 15+might with vigor, rejuv, swift with 30 secs and all kinds of other boons and it turns them into these weak conditions…not thx.

Its good when guard use that skill that gives them all boons when they’re about to die, but even then boons are way to easy to come by for some classes and clensing them also isnt really hard.

They need a complete revamp of how boons turn into conditions…For instance vigor turns into bleeding, but guess what vigor stacks duration, while any bleed under 8-10 stacks is crap.
I also noticed that duration isnt transfered, so lets say 30 secs of swiftness doesnt become 30 secs of cripple, altho that may have something to do with how easy it is to remove conditions.

For instance, D/D eles are often running around with highly stacked boons, and on more then 1 ocassion of droping this skill on them thinking they’re dead now for sure, they would have 80% of conditions cleared and restacked in 7-8 seconds while im left there looking stupid for another 30.

tl,dr: crap skill, dont use

edit: gave me an idea…what if instead of turning the boons into condis this would “implode” boons, dealing damage for every boon, but also higher for stacked boons (might).

yeh i would like to see the conversion system updated.. for instance might should be turning into blleds as they are both the most common type, short bleed like 3 secs but still.

The issue with it is it is quite badly affected by terrain, more so then many other skills for some reason, it should be more like epidemic it has a long enough cooldown to justify something better.

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Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Liability.8261


Glad to see this topic because while I love this skill, at least once a night it makes me want to tear my hair out. As people have mentioned, it is extremely susceptible to being blocked or obstructed by terrain. If you fire it off at someone upslope from you, it’s going to fail most of the time. I may be imagining things, but I also feel like it fails more often if I’m moving when I use it.

What I’m saying is this: save it for use when you’re facing your target, and the target is on level ground, and neither of you are moving. If you follow these simple rules, it’ll work like 75% of the time.

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: krippler.9826


If you use it under condition a, b, and c, it will work 75% of the time! lmao

Up slope isn’t an obstruction, so if that is affecting the skill, that’s a bug. But I agree, if we want to use the skill, we need to figure out when it bugs out and when it doesn’t. I think you’ve probably figured a lot of that out.

As far as Aegis goes, last night I tried it and that didn’t seem to be an issue anymore.

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Liability.8261


You might be tempted to read my previous post as being humorous, or otherwise making light of the state of Corrupt Boon, but while it is funny, my post was in no ways meant as a joke.

Corrupt Boon needs to be fixed because it fails more than it actually works.

I spent most of this evening fighting on open and relatively level ground in wvwvw (although I was moving most of the times I cast Corrupt Boon), and I managed to land it roughly 25% of the time I cast it.

This skill is what I consider a class defining ability, and it is broken beyond belief. I don’t think it is too much to ask for the devs to make it function like literally every other ability in the game.

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Morgul.1302


I really like that idea that it would make the boons implode instead of converting them.. I do use corrupt boon, and i find it helpful against the classes that stack a lot of boons, but like was mentioned, those classes have so much access to boons that they can usually clear the conditions and restack boons very fast.

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aelial.6314


Fantastic skill…. when it’s working.
It simply CRUSHES boon centric builds and is a major pain for guardians. Also it is quit versatile: enemy uses speed and runes: NOPE crippled! Enemy buffes himself with 500 stacks of might: NOPE weakness!
I love the fact, that it messes with the head of my opponents. They want to achieve something specific with their boons and this skill counters that and causes the exact opposite of what they wanted.

But (and that is a huge but) it is the necro version of engineers flame thrower, regarding the targeting system. So in short: completely unreliable skill, that wins fights if it hits the desired target by accident.

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheAngryLlama.7641


Bugged, not really.
Bad design however yeah. Basically from what I’ve seen it seems to have a projectile component that functions the same way as spectral grasp (with the same problems) but to make things more fun its not a visible projectile so all we see is it simply not work.

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thresher.3049


It can be dodged… which is fairly frustrating because there isn’t anything to dodge, I’ve also seen it just not work for some reason lately which doesn’t seem to be a ‘block’. The kitten thing just doesn’t do anything at all and I’ve no idea why.

Unfortunately, its the only thing that we have to kill guardians and DD elementalists, otherwise they just don’t care about necro’s pissant damage and conditions at all. (small tip- also use focus buff-stripping off them AFTER a Corrupt Boon, wait for them to start reapplying and rip them off while applying constant pressure on them from the sceptre/staff)

Pinot Noir (Necromancer) Pinot Blanc (Warrior)
KnT Blackgate

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hanzo.9624


I frequently encounter the same issues with this spell just not doing anything. It won’t get blocked or dodged or anything. Not obstructed or out of range. It’ll cast the entire animation and then produce no effect on the target. Same goes for downed Fear.

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


It is not bugged, but unreliable. To reduce risk make sure you
a) look directly at your opponent
b) strip off guardian aegis
c) use it on flat terrain if possible (“obstructed” -,-)
d) read your opponent and try to use it while they won’t dodge

Despite it being hard to use properly, it’s one of the best utilities the necro has.

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


corrupt boon is one of the amazing utilitys imo, it does NOT get blocked by aegis.

Aegis will be corrupted to Burning
Fury Blind
Might Weakness
Protection 3 Vulnerability
Regeneration Poison
Retaliation 3 Confusion
Stability Fear(works with trait fear deals dmg)
Swiftness Crippled
Vigor Bleeding

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


The range for Corrupt Boon is in the shape of a cone in front of you. So if people are too far to the left or right it won’t work. Additionally if you are strafing and turning at the same time, your front-facing cone is often in a different direction than you are looking, which will cause Corrupt Boon to miss. If you take the additional half a second to line it up it won’t ever miss.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: DrXer.2918


It’s a cone? It’s only single target though, right?

Xryl Xyn, Tsarcasm, SoR

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


It’s single target, but the area in which your target has to be for it to not miss is cone-shaped.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


The range for Corrupt Boon is in the shape of a cone in front of you. So if people are too far to the left or right it won’t work. Additionally if you are strafing and turning at the same time, your front-facing cone is often in a different direction than you are looking, which will cause Corrupt Boon to miss. If you take the additional half a second to line it up it won’t ever miss.

This is an excellent piece of information here, and now that you have mentioned it, I can think of twice I had it fail last night when I had my opponent in front of me, but outside a frontal cone (between a 90 degree cone and the 180 absolute range).

Aegis never seems to block it for me anymore (no BLOCK). But it certainly can be dodge rolled and obstructed. The obstructed issue is effecting a lot of people though, notably mesmers and phants.