Is power reaper viable for solo roaming?
Yes it is viable as Solo Roamer and works really well vs Melee Classes tho it suffers vs Ranged. Specially hard has the Power Reaper vs Ranger/Druid and Revenant useing Hammer due to the fact closeing the gap vs a skilled player isnt easy on the Necro and even harder on a Reaper with no range dps i Shroud.
Its however much easier to raom on Condi or Hybrid such as Sinisterand my latest try Viper… You get so much more out of your Chills if specced for that and Revenant for ex. is very weak to Condi if specced like 99% of them are.
Power Reaper for Solo Roam is tough to learn and even harder to master and Iam nowhere near that yet after multiple hours daily but duelling great players helps. Instead of takeing Spite you can use the very good Traits in Curses specially Chilling Darkness and Path of Corruption I love those with Reaper Shroud #2 much more so then I ever did on DS-Necro.
Servant of Dhuum
Yes it is viable as Solo Roamer and works really well vs Melee Classes tho it suffers vs Ranged. Specially hard has the Power Reaper vs Ranger/Druid and Revenant useing Hammer due to the fact closeing the gap vs a skilled player isnt easy on the Necro and even harder on a Reaper with no range dps i Shroud.
Its however much easier to raom on Condi or Hybrid such as Sinisterand my latest try Viper… You get so much more out of your Chills if specced for that and Revenant for ex. is very weak to Condi if specced like 99% of them are.
Power Reaper for Solo Roam is tough to learn and even harder to master and Iam nowhere near that yet after multiple hours daily but duelling great players helps. Instead of takeing Spite you can use the very good Traits in Curses specially Chilling Darkness and Path of Corruption I love those with Reaper Shroud #2 much more so then I ever did on DS-Necro.
I think I have to agree with you here…
Power necro > Power reaper when there are so many kiters roaming out there…
You shouldn’t be solo roaming on either a necromancer or a reaper because you are slow and have few escapes.
But the reaper is additionally screwed against anybody with a ranged weapon.
I’m running power necro and solo roam quite a bit, but problem is, of all power builds I got, every build have significant weakness to somthing.I run shout build and have much success and getting chronos,rangers and dragon hunters. but having really tough time against Daredevil or just thief players with brain, every herald no matter how skilled as a player and no matter if he even got a brain, and cele scrappers.I also started to stream and already have footage against chrono and herald.
I usually stream solo roaming as power reaper(yeah you gonna see me dying alot since no escapes and such but if you love the class like I do, you will endure).
I will upload my footage against chrono if you want(champ illusionist).