Does anyone know if there’s any lore in game regarding probably THE main problem of being a Necro?
If you watch shows like Bones (my wife and I do, its a good show) then one of the things they go in depth about is the smell and overall gooeyness of dead humans.
I would have liked to see Necromancers in game perhaps have their own separate areas of each city, as perhaps a courtesy to others who don’t share their ability to ignore the physical downsides of their profession. Of course, it would have been nice for each profession to have an exclusive area, such as a Warrior’s Hall, a Mesmer’s Globe Theatre, an Engineer’s Workshop/Lab etc. where professions could congregate, but it seems that in the Necromancer’s case such would be almost necessary.
After all, can you imagine what a Charr Necromancer must smell like after years of summoning undead creatures? It would get into their fur and to be able to be around others within a hundred yards a Charr would have to shave itself pretty regularly.