July 23rd patch notes: hidden buffs edition
What other class gets an extra health bar?
What other class has their main form of CC benefit from Condition Duration?
What other class has their main form of CC deal damage on its own?Different classes are different, just because someone else has it that doesn’t mean you deserve it too.
Also, Death Shroud absorbing overflow damage was an unintended mechanic.
- Technically not being a block/evade/invuln doesn’t change this.
- Being a helpful tool doesn’t change this.
- Having Death Shroud get nerfed doesn’t change this.…
Why do people think it was OK that Death Shroud could absorb an infinite amount of damage from a single attack? What you’re asking for it a block, and Necros are not supposed to have one . Get over it.
“Different classes are different, just because someone else has it that doesn’t mean you deserve it too. "
You couldn’t be more right; you just made my argument for me. In whatever way you wish to apply your statement to necros, it applies equally to all other professions.
The other classes don’t get the extra health bar because they have access to block, evade, invulnerability, leap, and/or stealth.
The other classes don’t get their main form of CC to benefit from Condition Duration because their main form of CC can’t be cleansed (knockdown, launch, etc.).
The other classes don’t have their main form of CC deal damage on its own because their overall DPS is superior to a necro’s (barring the possible exception of the flavor-of-the-month Dhuumfire build; a trait which very few necromancers are in support of, by the way).
Link to a dev specifically stating DS absorbing overflow damage was an unintended mechanic and then you have an argument. Regardless of it being unintended or not, it became the de facto spike damage mitigator for necros. Removing it means all we’re left with is a large effective HP pool in a game where large HP pools are worthless on their own due to the over-emphasis on damage and offense. In the absence of any other defense/damage mitigator (block, evade, invulnerability, leap, and/or stealth), necros are just HP punching bags that take a few seconds longer to down.
And, no, I’m not asking for block, evade, invulnerability, leap, and/or stealth or I would have explicitly requested the same. Those skills have no resource cost associated with them and are on-demand when needed. By contrast, Deathshroud relies on building up sufficient Life Force and managing that resource so it’s available at the right time.
Furthermore, it’s a resource that is depleted when used as our de facto block/evade/invulnerability skill. There is no comparison here. The dedicated block/evade/invulnerability skills absorb all damage while active without consequence. Deathshroud may absorb the same amount of damage, but it does so at the cost of Life Force.
A more accurate comparison would be if the dedicated block/evade/invulnerability skills had their cooldowns increased by 1 second for every 100 damage they absorb or if they only absorbed 20,000 damage and anything over that amount ends the skill prematurely and/or bleeds through to their health bar. Sound fair? No? Yet necros are expected to tolerate that very situation by implementing the overflow damage from DS.
Yes, classes are different. Different does not mean “not on par with one another”. If the other 7 classes in the game have access to skills, traits, or mechanics that permit them to absorb an infinite amount of damage from a single hit and the necro has none, that is not on par. Having extra HP is in no way a substitute for a lack of damage mitigation in this game. They’re apples and oranges.
Why do you think it is OK that every class other than necro can absorb an infinite amount of damage from a single attack? Maybe you’re the one who needs to get over it.
You, sir, are one smart cookie. I wish I could open up the heads of these other deniers and pour your information to their brains directly, because apparently the obvious information just won’t make it there for some reason. And yes in response to what the dev said about “give it a try before you discount it”, I did….sooo many time these past few days I have tried to make it work, but once that LF gets low, you might as well sit down on the floor so you don’t fall as far on the next hit and break something important. Death Shroud is broken. Plain and simple. Our core mechanic. yes the damage and spikes needed nerfed, and honestly in hindsight, now that spectral armor still works in DS, putting in the cooldown was prob needed. In fact most of the nerfs, while harsh, were warranted. The DS “fix” however, was NOT
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Jesus Christ look at what you’re saying Somoe
>Just because one class gets a mechanic that doesn’t mean all classes need it.
Then Drarnor says
>Just one class? Try every class. And they all get at least 3 such skills. Necros get none.
we’re the only one with a CC that does damage, no one else should have it PURELY because we do. No one is arguing that.
what we’re saying is that all 7 other class have methods to negate ALL damage for short periods of time, necromancers do not. This in no way contradicts what you say, seriously, what are you arguing about.
Most people have no problem with saying we do massive amount of damage (mainly because of the current codi meta, where we can throw back conditions, aoe our own, then epidemic everywhere), but the people here are arguing that our defences have serious flaws in certain PvE content, and under focused fire in PvP.
Edit: Also in a semi related note, anti condi meta warrior builds are hilarious against necromancers, I’ll be sad if I don’t see a few in the tourny.
(edited by War Mourner.5168)
Jesus Christ look at what you’re saying Somoe
>Just because one class gets a mechanic that doesn’t mean all classes need it.Then Drarnor says
>Just one class? Try every class. And they all get at least 3 such skills. Necros get none.we’re the only one with a CC that does damage, no one else should have it PURELY because we do. No one is arguing that.
what we’re saying is that all 7 other class have methods to negate ALL damage for short periods of time, necromancers do not. This in no way contradicts what you say, seriously, what are you arguing about.
Most people have no problem with saying we do massive amount of damage (mainly because of the current codi meta, where we can throw back conditions, aoe our own, then epidemic everywhere), but the people here are arguing that our defences have serious flaws in certain PvE content, and under focused fire in PvP.
Edit: Also in a semi related note, anti condi meta warrior builds are hilarious against necromancers, I’ll be sad if I don’t see a few in the tourny.
Completely. Missed. The. Point.
I don’t know why I bother, everyone is just repeating the same thing over and over.
Completely. Missed. The. Point.
I don’t know why I bother, everyone is just repeating the same thing over and over.
They are saying the same thing over and over because you don’t understand what they are trying to tell you. Right now I think you are trolling for trolling’s sake.
nice editing by the way, with this comment cutting what you are quoting…
Way to completely miss the point…
It was to show you how that argument works both ways. You think Necros should get a block/evade/invuln like other classes so by your own logic every other class should have Condi Duration effect Stuns/Knockbacks/etc, CC that deals damage on its own, and a second health bar.
Right before this was said:
And, no, I’m not asking for block, evade, invulnerability, leap, and/or stealth or I would have explicitly requested the same. Those skills have no resource cost associated with them and are on-demand when needed. By contrast, Deathshroud relies on building up sufficient Life Force and managing that resource so it’s available at the right time.
I will take a stab at explaining it again. And I’ll try to use little words, k?
In a game where there is PvE content where there are bosses with massive amounts of HP, that groups of players must try to take down, the players are given lots of skills to reduce that HP. Good so far?
These bosses, to make the fight fun, have huge spike damage, often telegraphed giving the players a chance to use their mitigation of choice, or be put on their kittens. We no longer have something that can do this effectively outside of dodge, and with no vigor we have a very limited number of dodges to use.
Again, good so far?
Now, DS is effectively a large HP pool – no where near the size of a boss, but more than other classes. In PvP we are facing 7 classes that have been given skills to reduce the HP of bosses… do you see where I’m going with this?
Yes we have a really strong CC, one that can do damage (if traited). It’s roughly a 1k tick give or take after terror was reduced. It can even be chained a little, if we happen to catch someone with a cooldown or two down. I think getting a full chain of fears is a pretty rare occurrence outside of low level hotjoins.
In the end, many of the people I’ve seen on the necro forums that have commented on how strong we are describe situations where the necro has traited to be fully tanky, maximum effectiveness with conditions and strong power burst, with 5-6 utility skills on the bar – at least to hear them describe it.
The DS bug fix was definitely a buff, but now I need to relearn the way i deal with low health, and I’ve been downed several times as soon as my LF went low, because I’m used to soaking the last big damage spike with it.
I still lose LF fast in DS if I get focused, however, I no longer die so fast in 1vX. Nice
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
The DS bug fix was definitely a buff, but now I need to relearn the way i deal with low health, and I’ve been downed several times as soon as my LF went low, because I’m used to soaking the last big damage spike with it.
I still lose LF fast in DS if I get focused, however, I no longer die so fast in 1vX. Nice
Maybe it was just the builds I was using, but I never died “too fast” when in DS before. Also, using DS for that last chance hit avoidance was the mechanic of our class. Now we’re left with twice the work for half the results. And no, I’m not just talking in pve (although that’s where we got hit the hardest with this) I did my fair share of pvp too lately to see how it held up. While we can take more small direct hits in DS, those spikes, those hits DS was meant to negate to allow us to survive, to “drag out” those fights (hence the whole “attrition” thing) no longer works, in fact it works against us directly by spilling over to our actual hp pool, and thus reducing our survivability. I don’t think anyone is arguing the other changes were necessary, and also the “bug” which they fixed and never should have been there in the first place (I said something about this many months ago but was dismissed by the whole community regarding the taking too much direct dmg in DS, although I thought it was a toughness scaling issue). I know the community is divided over this (the DS overflow), and might be for a long time. Also I seriously doubt they will change it, they seem to be happy with the changes they made, but it has forever crippled our class. We have all been posting for months and months the same things that needed fixing, with may constructive and non-off-the-wall ideas but they went the exact opposite direction. They’ve even went directly against their own description of the necromancer on their website. If you doubt me, go read it some time. I can forsee only one way to make this better so both sides of the argument get what they want- Remove the cooldown on DS altogether. It’s still bound by how much LF we can build, and if we’re hoping to negate big hits, only building 10% just won’t cut it anymore. That would require enough planning, and skill to pull off. and it would still require us to jump through hoops to pull off our own class mechanic, since that seems to be the intended plan for our class. If you want some conclusive testing on that, get a thief to backstab you while you have, say, 5k normal hp, and only 20% DS-to be generous-. See if you survive. Not even the changes I proposed would save you from that if it was a properly geared and traited theif, or heck even any generic cookie cutter 100b warrior or a shatter mesmer. Each of those are even more common than a BS thief and have far more utility in random fights (let’s just assume the warrior catches you offguard or manages to cc you so you can’t walk out of the 100b). The thief still has to set up their attack, giving you plenty of time to plan (and I will argue that until I’m dead. You still have a small window to plan for BS in 1v1 duels. Anyone else around though and you’re toast. At least the old DS allowed a margin of error so they couldn’t 1 shot you). Take my pvp critique as you will, I know I’m not the best pvp strategist, I’m fine with that. But the flaws in their decision are glaringly obvious, moreso in pve. What astounds me is that so many people can’t see it.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
What other class gets an extra health bar?
What other class has their main form of CC benefit from Condition Duration?
What other class has their main form of CC deal damage on its own?Different classes are different, just because someone else has it that doesn’t mean you deserve it too.
Also, Death Shroud absorbing overflow damage was an unintended mechanic.
- Technically not being a block/evade/invuln doesn’t change this.
- Being a helpful tool doesn’t change this.
- Having Death Shroud get nerfed doesn’t change this.
I’m sorry I tried to resist but I had to answer this one, it just made me mad enough to risk mod’s wrath.
1. While not an extra hp bar, every other class does get an invulnerability skill, which usually lasts minimum 3-5 seconds, which a full DS would last through under focused fire, or a heavy hitter dumb enough to blow cd’s on a DS and so, you could equate DS to a block or invuln if you’re that hard up to grasp straws (and overlooking the fact it still has to be charged up with life force and not on-demand based off a set cooldown)
2. Uhh…pretty much any class using CC….do you even understand what you just said?
3. None. Only necro deals damage off a single CC when traited , therefore you have to sacrifice other traits to use said effect, and thus, it does not do damage on it’s own
Now to address your errant baseless comment:
- By your logic, just because ele has condition cleanses, cc, massive condition applications, and combo fields- not to mentions self-finishers, means every other class should not have access to those. Well, congratulations you just made this game Ele Wars 2.
- Show me, in even a hinted version of it, where a single dev, on the entire GW2 team, ever once said DS was not meant to soak overflow. And unless you are a dev, you cannot make that claim. moving on.
- Actually there’s nothing to move on to, the rest of your argument is just playing off your one baseless assumption that you are an undercover developer with inside information on the inner workings of the GW2 engine.
Have a nice day.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
(edited by Nay of the Ether.8913)
Someone just approached me asking why did I think the DS changes were nerfs and not buffs (meaning the direct dmg reduction vs the overflow issue). I want to thank this person for pointing this out to me because up till now I was ranting more than explaining (mostly due to people being too thickheaded to make valid arguments). So let’s consider the scenarios:
Now you can take a few more direct hits (which one might equate to better focused fire prevention) and they would be right of course, focused fire of smaller hits could be more easily soaked if each hit was reduced.
However, now you also have overflow to your actual HP pool, which, in the end, is what will down you, not losing all your LF and being forced out of DS. but this shouldn’t be a problem right? You can negate more of the damage because you take less.
Few problems with this:
First off, everyone is accustomed to just waiting out the necro’s DS. Not much the necro can do in DS will make them nervous about them being in that form other than them not actually touching the real health pool. So how do players combat this? Usually by CC. The necro has no options to negate CC while in DS, nor any option to heal. All the other classes know this by now. They also know now that the end damage we recieve in DS overflows. So guess what will happe?
Just in case you haven’t guessed it yet: they will CC us, let our own natural DS degen us out (possibly while just auto attacking or throwing a few aoe’s down while continuing to CC) and right before our DS runs out, they burst. Guess what happens? Yep you got it right. All of it dumps over to our HP pool, and if yuo hit your DS on low HP, you’re dead.
Another scenario;
You’re low on HP, you know they haven’t burst you yet so you’re holding out, waiting to use your only defensive option to negate that burst. They go in for the burst, you DS guess what? DS fails you because you didn’t have enough LF, you get 1 shot- instantly. Or you had full DS, they were bad players, they 1 shot your DS with their burst anyway, and now you’re still left with no defense your only defense mechanic against burst failed you and we’re right back to the very original problem with necro, because at that point, they’ll most likely CC you or stealth on you. See where I’m going here?
Moving on to PvE:
Boss fight is hard, people are struggling, you are struggling. boss does a massive hit (20k or more, most likely in the 50k range) everyone pops their invulnerabilities or blocks. You hit DS. butwait, you already hit DS earlier for a similar hit when you were low on HP, but since it’s a single target, building sufficient LF is hard and you get 1 shot. Everyone rushes to rez you…and subsequently get 1 shot too because it takes longer to rez in combat that it takes a single engine cessna to cross the pacific.
See the pattern here? I outlined it as clear as I possibly can. If people still don’t understand it by now, there’s no way to make them.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
(edited by Nay of the Ether.8913)
You do realise most of this thread was from before people discovered that our LF went from 60% to 100/120% right?
Shenanigans. This buff was right in the patch notes as soon as they were released. Everyone just QQed about it before seeing what it meant.
I do feel bad for the PVE Necros who were relying on a sketchy mechanic, but my build got substantially buffed with this patch. I can finally sustain in a fight instead of hoping I kill someone before my life force is gone.
We were well aware of the buff ahead of time. The buff only affects consistent damage applications without burst. With a lack of stability/invuln/block/vigor, or any other way to eat burst it was an effective nerf every time your DS went below 40 percent.
The issue is that players, who call everyone else QQers, are comparing full DS with Spectral armor on against a bunch of Hot join heros who don’t simply knock you down until Spectral armor is gone and then just free kill you. Sure if two guys train on you while you have a full DS with Spectral armor you will laugh at them, but when DS is down, you die against one semi decent player who knows you have limited access. Plus you just stupidly blew your only stun break to simply absorb damage.
So any smart player would simply let you pop it to absorb and then stun you and dance on your humorously badly played grave. Heck, if I was playing a necro against you, I would laugh as you popped Spectral armor than fear you away while it was on and corrupt boon it and kill you.
The change only mitigate consistent non-hammering damage. Any burst damage or control plus damage build will destroy you just the same. The players who don’t realize this haven’t played against anyone with a semblance of skill yet.
In one of the last 1vsX i had i wvw (becouse sometimes happens even if you don’t want :d ) i was with low hp, no vigor and some skills in cd. Just popped DS when a warrior shotted me with arcing arrow. Just for saying that “Any burst damage or control plus damage build will destroy you just the same.” is false, now they can destroy us better :p
Nay of the Ether.8913, I do agree with most of what you said, however, old DS was good for one shot spike damage, not continuous damage. So skills such as Backstab, killshot, Eviscerate were totally negated by the old DS, on the other hand, skills that did continuous damage, as soon as you lose DS, the damage will go on. Hope that made sense.
If Anet doesn’t screw us further, I think necromancers are in a sweet spot now. We aren’t overpowered but we aren’t underpowered. The scenarios you posted don’t always go as simple as that, and if you know your own weakness, try to work around it.
In other words, if you see a warrior stunning you, stun break and run away from the warrior as you CC him away. if people start to focus you down, switch to staff, use 5# and move back to take a breath. Adapt to the new changes, which if played right, you can become very strong.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Someone just approached me asking why did I think the DS changes were nerfs and not buffs (meaning the direct dmg reduction vs the overflow issue). I want to thank this person for pointing this out to me because up till now I was ranting more than explaining (mostly due to people being too thickheaded to make valid arguments). So let’s consider the scenarios:
Now you can take a few more direct hits (which one might equate to better focused fire prevention) and they would be right of course, focused fire of smaller hits could be more easily soaked if each hit was reduced.
However, now you also have overflow to your actual HP pool, which, in the end, is what will down you, not losing all your LF and being forced out of DS. but this shouldn’t be a problem right? You can negate more of the damage because you take less.
Few problems with this:
First off, everyone is accustomed to just waiting out the necro’s DS. Not much the necro can do in DS will make them nervous about them being in that form other than them not actually touching the real health pool. So how do players combat this? Usually by CC. The necro has no options to negate CC while in DS, nor any option to heal. All the other classes know this by now. They also know now that the end damage we recieve in DS overflows. So guess what will happe?
Just in case you haven’t guessed it yet: they will CC us, let our own natural DS degen us out (possibly while just auto attacking or throwing a few aoe’s down while continuing to CC) and right before our DS runs out, they burst. Guess what happens? Yep you got it right. All of it dumps over to our HP pool, and if yuo hit your DS on low HP, you’re dead.Another scenario;
You’re low on HP, you know they haven’t burst you yet so you’re holding out, waiting to use your only defensive option to negate that burst. They go in for the burst, you DS guess what? DS fails you because you didn’t have enough LF, you get 1 shot- instantly. Or you had full DS, they were bad players, they 1 shot your DS with their burst anyway, and now you’re still left with no defense your only defense mechanic against burst failed you and we’re right back to the very original problem with necro, because at that point, they’ll most likely CC you or stealth on you. See where I’m going here?Moving on to PvE:
Boss fight is hard, people are struggling, you are struggling. boss does a massive hit (20k or more, most likely in the 50k range) everyone pops their invulnerabilities or blocks. You hit DS. butwait, you already hit DS earlier for a similar hit when you were low on HP, but since it’s a single target, building sufficient LF is hard and you get 1 shot. Everyone rushes to rez you…and subsequently get 1 shot too because it takes longer to rez in combat that it takes a single engine cessna to cross the pacific.
See the pattern here? I outlined it as clear as I possibly can. If people still don’t understand it by now, there’s no way to make them.
^ This.
In other words, if you see a warrior stunning you, stun break and run away from the warrior as you CC him away. if people start to focus you down, switch to staff, use 5# and move back to take a breath. Adapt to the new changes, which if played right, you can become very strong.
^ not this.
I have been adapting since day one, i now own all sets of armor thinkable on my necro.
tried most viable builds in spvp and honestly people only accept me in tourneys because they know i can play.
I can can say with certainty that what you just said is hogwash.
Use your #5 fear the people on your tail away, so after i feared them away and i may have gained 600 range with that what stops them from " stepping" to me immediately?
or catch me a few seconds later when my fears are on cd? (why use a staff now anyway? only use i see for a staff now is at the skyhammer platform^^)
So I used my stunbreaker (1 utility or DS) I used my fear #5 or DS. I burn trough my healing since the warrior had 1 second to do serious damage diminishing my DS and or taking down my HP.
I am down 1 utility, 1 heal, 1 stunbreaker.. all on a minimum CD of 20 dseconds.
just to get away and breath a few seconds?
If i was a thief/ele/mesmer/ranger/warrior and even guardian.
I would have used 1 skill. to break/heal and cleanse and 1 to kite a fair distance.
I play right and i notice that on my lvl 1 wiki ranger i am way more powerfull just by autoattacking i can negate way more damage and conditions, laugh at bursts and literally stand still in my healing spring and #1 necro’s down in no time while i have my pet hiding around the corner taking all my damage.
let’s not mention all the cleansing going around even adding the so called new necro condition to other professions?
I can go on but you get the picture.
(edited by Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046)
Boss fight is hard, people are struggling, you are struggling. boss does a massive hit (20k or more, most likely in the 50k range) everyone pops their invulnerabilities or blocks. You hit DS. butwait, you already hit DS earlier for a similar hit when you were low on HP, but since it’s a single target, building sufficient LF is hard and you get 1 shot. Everyone rushes to rez you…and subsequently get 1 shot too because it takes longer to rez in combat that it takes a single engine cessna to cross the pacific.
Every PVE necro has been in this situation since the recent changes to DS. This is exactly my problem. Forget about Dhuumfire, they need to address THIS issue.
Nay of the Ether.8913, I do agree with most of what you said, however, old DS was good for one shot spike damage, not continuous damage. So skills such as Backstab, killshot, Eviscerate were totally negated by the old DS, on the other hand, skills that did continuous damage, as soon as you lose DS, the damage will go on. Hope that made sense.
If Anet doesn’t screw us further, I think necromancers are in a sweet spot now. We aren’t overpowered but we aren’t underpowered. The scenarios you posted don’t always go as simple as that, and if you know your own weakness, try to work around it.
In other words, if you see a warrior stunning you, stun break and run away from the warrior as you CC him away. if people start to focus you down, switch to staff, use 5# and move back to take a breath. Adapt to the new changes, which if played right, you can become very strong
I understand all that, but sustained dps was never a problem for necros, at least not for any build I ever ran. We could siphon/regen/blind over the weaker hits and very easily manipulate conditions to spike heal over the larger ones, while using DS to negate the biggest hits. Now, with not only the nerf to DS, we can’t take big spikes, we also suffer on sustained smaller hits with the spectral nerfs ( I do understand why they did it, because it did make DS too sustainable, but it hurts other builds when used solely as stunbreakers, so in essence those types of skills have no business being stun breakers).
I feel the need to point out that most stuns have no casting time and very short animations, so there’s no “seeing the warrior stun you and run away-CC him” especially when there’s so much aoe going on you can barely see your own character much less a single warrior sneaking in a CC with his normal spambot attacks. You mentioned stun breakers, but if you already used it to negate not only the BS thief on you but the ranger using rapid fire (for the prot buff and measly LF regen) just blew through your protection, you have no stun breaker, or suppose you haven’t blown it yet, and use it for an actual stun, you still get trained down. And why? because your DS will overflow, because after you burned your stunbreaker and your pitiful protection, which they will anticipate, they know you’re free game. You hit DS to survive and you might as well just log out and hand them the win. They focus you down, DS disappears, they spike you, game over. There is no counter for that. In your perfect world of rainbows and unicorns, yes it works fine, in real pvp, you will never see those ideal conditions in a match. Necro is always primary target. We get hit first and dropped first. There’s a reason for that. It’s because we’re easiest to kill. If we weren’t they would go for a class that’s (on paper) squishier than us. The numbers speak for itself. If you’ve ever done tourney matches you know the first one people put a target mark on usually is the necro.
Oh also, almost missed one thing…staff #5? Since when in forever has anyone going for a spike on necro not used stability…you go ahead and use stakitten to ’catch a breath" let me know how that works out for you.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
@Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046 and @Nay of the Ether.8913.
I’m a powermancer, not a conditionmancer. If I get them to burn their burst on me first, and I survive it, it is my win. The only time I don’t survive such an encounter is when the opponents chain their CC, and none from my team offering any support. Even if I don’t survive it, they have just threw their CCs on me, and now left to fight the rest without them. Oh, and they are welcome to try and stand in my wells while trying to get to me. I use well of corruption and well of suffering, I have an off hand focus, so I can easily remove stability if I want someone off my back. My DS throws an AOE weakness plus few bleeds.
I’m not talking blindly, trust me, I just love to see a group of people and jump right between them, my survivability totally depends on how many from my team joins the fight later on. Whether it was in WvW or sPvP.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
So guyz, […]u guyz are arguing because i dont really read all yo comments lol… […] lawl. […] sucks balls […] lol […] bein dat when u see like 3-5 peeps ahead of you do dis steps. […] #doomsday
@Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046 and @Nay of the Ether.8913.
I’m a powermancer, not a conditionmancer. If I get them to burn their burst on me first, and I survive it, it is my win. The only time I don’t survive such an encounter is when the opponents chain their CC, and none from my team offering any support. Even if I don’t survive it, they have just threw their CCs on me, and now left to fight the rest without them. Oh, and they are welcome to try and stand in my wells while trying to get to me. I use well of corruption and well of suffering, I have an off hand focus, so I can easily remove stability if I want someone off my back. My DS throws an AOE weakness plus few bleeds.
I’m not talking blindly, trust me, I just love to see a group of people and jump right between them, my survivability totally depends on how many from my team joins the fight later on. Whether it was in WvW or sPvP.
That’s some piec baddies you’re against if they not only:
1. blow cooldowns on first engage fo a necro
2. don’t bury stability under their endless supply of boons available to every other class except necro
3. Have more condition cleanses than you have conditions on your entire bar (exaggerated, but you get the idea)
4. only “a few” people focusing you, seeing as how necro is priority target in any serious pvp team.
5. your team giving a kitten about you being focused when they know there’s no way in the world they can save you and hope to salvage that fight. You served your purpose as a punching bag while they did the real leg work.
Who the hell stands in wells anymore? You don’t even have to dodge out. 2 sidesteps and you’re clear. Wtf….stop fighting baddies.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
July 23rd patch notes: hidden buffs edition
in Necromancer
Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075
So guyz, […]u guyz are arguing because i dont really read all yo comments lol… […] lawl. […] sucks balls […] lol […] bein dat when u see like 3-5 peeps ahead of you do dis steps. […] #doomsday
Leave now, and never come back.
Lol Asche seriously?? you must be like the king of trolls or somethin to do dat<< or more likely, the king of skinny goblins. i would love to 1 vs 1 you in wvw where i will own u and your stupid goblin gimmicks. Bra you dont have to troll to a person who’s postin for the first time. I guess you have some really bad memories no doubt. Anyways keep the hatin bra cause I’m gonna make the best necro 1 vs X build no matter what. stay cool.
July 23rd patch notes: hidden buffs edition
in Necromancer
Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075
This is the updated version of my build for all you non haterz to see. it has lesser toughness but more survivability i assume. the elite skill is up to you . just though that it would come in handy when your crowded.
Plz look and see if it resembles any other build you guyz saw. if it does tell me in the comments so i can redo from scratch lol.
No, the “Leave now” was in refrence to your spelling and grammer. Your posts are genuinely painful to read and whatever point you think you have gets lost in the “txt tlk”
July 23rd patch notes: hidden buffs edition
in Necromancer
Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075
Lol i got ya sorry for painful postin first time ever. plz forgive my not understanding perspective hehe. we cool?? ps. Soryy asche
July 23rd patch notes: hidden buffs edition
in Necromancer
Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075
If you guyz see a fault or somethin or if you guyz can add onto this build to make it better plz tell me in the comments. i really need the help from all my fellow necros to make sure that we have a 1 vs X build dat is viable in wvw.
(edited by themenaceofseventhdimension.2075)
Why?! The only thing that enabled was jumping off things. What was broken about that?!?
Jumping off cliffs.
Jumping off cliffs was not broken! It was an extremely niche strategy mostly useful for clever escapes in WvW (where the Thief still has better escapes). It was also fun.
It breaks map design. It was foolish to think it’ll stay and wasn’t just a bug that would get fixed as soon as it was advertised.
Guess what? Necros jumped down out of the latest sPvP map and found stuff down there outside the normal play area. It was advertised, ANet saw the bug and now fixed it.
surely the better thing to do was ti fix the map? the ability to use DS to jump off cliffs was a great unique feature of necro that should have been kept in.
@Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046 and @Nay of the Ether.8913.
I’m a powermancer, not a conditionmancer. If I get them to burn their burst on me first, and I survive it, it is my win. The only time I don’t survive such an encounter is when the opponents chain their CC, and none from my team offering any support. Even if I don’t survive it, they have just threw their CCs on me, and now left to fight the rest without them. Oh, and they are welcome to try and stand in my wells while trying to get to me. I use well of corruption and well of suffering, I have an off hand focus, so I can easily remove stability if I want someone off my back. My DS throws an AOE weakness plus few bleeds.
I’m not talking blindly, trust me, I just love to see a group of people and jump right between them, my survivability totally depends on how many from my team joins the fight later on. Whether it was in WvW or sPvP.
That’s some piec baddies you’re against if they not only:
1. blow cooldowns on first engage fo a necro
2. don’t bury stability under their endless supply of boons available to every other class except necro and thieves but they got multiple instant blinks
3. Have more condition cleanses than you have conditions on your entire bar (little exaggerated vs some professions, but true on the epitome 2 boof spammers and mesmers if they would bother to look at traits)
4. only “a few” people focusing you, seeing as how necro is priority target in any serious pvp team since necros are pretty much immobilized even without the condition
5. your team giving a kitten about you being focused when they know there’s no way in the world they can save you and hope to salvage that fight. You served your purpose as a punching bag while they did the real leg work.
Who the hell stands in wells anymore? You teleport/jump out of them.
Small edits.
Also to golum: Swiftness runes… ok whatever *looks at weapons SWIFTNESS RUNES WITH NO WARHORN?
Rabid, well whatever it could work if you *sees zerker dips without carrion/soldier/anything to brink hp over 20k Nice death from a arcane proc ele you gonna have there
*Signet of Spite/with signet mastery, Reaper of Grenth slotted in
Error 37
please try to reconnect when basic neural functions are working
_scan incomplete
(edited by Andele.1306)
@Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046 and @Nay of the Ether.8913.
I’m a powermancer, not a conditionmancer. If I get them to burn their burst on me first, and I survive it, it is my win. The only time I don’t survive such an encounter is when the opponents chain their CC, and none from my team offering any support. Even if I don’t survive it, they have just threw their CCs on me, and now left to fight the rest without them. Oh, and they are welcome to try and stand in my wells while trying to get to me. I use well of corruption and well of suffering, I have an off hand focus, so I can easily remove stability if I want someone off my back. My DS throws an AOE weakness plus few bleeds.
I’m not talking blindly, trust me, I just love to see a group of people and jump right between them, my survivability totally depends on how many from my team joins the fight later on. Whether it was in WvW or sPvP.
That’s some piec baddies you’re against if they not only:
1. blow cooldowns on first engage fo a necro
2. don’t bury stability under their endless supply of boons available to every other class except necro
3. Have more condition cleanses than you have conditions on your entire bar (exaggerated, but you get the idea)
4. only “a few” people focusing you , seeing as how necro is priority target in any serious pvp team.
5. your team giving a kitten about you being focused when they know there’s no way in the world they can save you and hope to salvage that fight. You served your purpose as a punching bag while they did the real leg work.
Who the hell stands in wells anymore? You don’t even have to dodge out. 2 sidesteps and you’re clear. Wtf….stop fighting baddies.
Exactly! Thank You!
However, you forgot one little point, I’m not fighting alone. Yes, I might start the fight alone, but I can’t actually kill them, even if I managed to down someone. I can go in, bruise them, but if no one came to help, I’m pretty much dead. When I say support from team mates, I don’t mean AOE heals, just few buffs here and there, such as stability, protection…etc…. Helps a lot since the only way to shut me down fast, is turning me into a ping pong ball.
Yesterday I did even more of the crazy jump-ins, just for the heck of it. You will be surprised how many players, in the heat of the battle, stand in my wells. Not to mention, my wells even make it harder for others to stomp my allies, not impossible of course, just harder. Although I’ve been playing 30/10/0/0/30 and berzerker amulet, I’ve been lasting fairly a bit, at least more than my silly guardian, especially when I went damage on him. Haven’t seen anything drop faster. Was funny though.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
@Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046 and @Nay of the Ether.8913.
I’m a powermancer, not a conditionmancer. If I get them to burn their burst on me first, and I survive it, it is my win. The only time I don’t survive such an encounter is when the opponents chain their CC, and none from my team offering any support. Even if I don’t survive it, they have just threw their CCs on me, and now left to fight the rest without them. Oh, and they are welcome to try and stand in my wells while trying to get to me. I use well of corruption and well of suffering, I have an off hand focus, so I can easily remove stability if I want someone off my back. My DS throws an AOE weakness plus few bleeds.
I’m not talking blindly, trust me, I just love to see a group of people and jump right between them, my survivability totally depends on how many from my team joins the fight later on. Whether it was in WvW or sPvP.
That’s some piec baddies you’re against if they not only:
1. blow cooldowns on first engage fo a necro
2. don’t bury stability under their endless supply of boons available to every other class except necro
3. Have more condition cleanses than you have conditions on your entire bar (exaggerated, but you get the idea)
4. only “a few” people focusing you , seeing as how necro is priority target in any serious pvp team.
5. your team giving a kitten about you being focused when they know there’s no way in the world they can save you and hope to salvage that fight. You served your purpose as a punching bag while they did the real leg work.
Who the hell stands in wells anymore? You don’t even have to dodge out. 2 sidesteps and you’re clear. Wtf….stop fighting baddies.Exactly! Thank You!
However, you forgot one little point, I’m not fighting alone. Yes, I might start the fight alone, but I can’t actually kill them, even if I managed to down someone. I can go in, bruise them, but if no one came to help, I’m pretty much dead. When I say support from team mates, I don’t mean AOE heals, just few buffs here and there, such as stability, protection…etc…. Helps a lot since the only way to shut me down fast, is turning me into a ping pong ball.
Yesterday I did even more of the crazy jump-ins, just for the heck of it. You will be surprised how many players, in the heat of the battle, stand in my wells. Not to mention, my wells even make it harder for others to stomp my allies, not impossible of course, just harder. Although I’ve been playing 30/10/0/0/30 and berzerker amulet, I’ve been lasting fairly a bit, at least more than my silly guardian, especially when I went damage on him. Haven’t seen anything drop faster. Was funny though.
The only well I have noticed people will stand in all day is well of darkness, so I’ll give you that. I guess if the hp isn’t ticking off they could care less about it. It’s the only well I ever took seriously in pvp. And yes if you have a team specifically built to peel for the necro, then the whole team rezzing thing I was talking about is a moot point, but not many teams will build around necros anymore, even less now that they lost their cahones. I won’t say I’ll give up on necro for good, but I will refuse to play mine for now until these things are addressed.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
i would love to 1 vs 1 you in wvw where i will own u and your stupid goblin gimmicks. Bra you dont have to troll to a person who’s postin for the first time. I guess you have some really bad memories no doubt. Anyways keep the hatin bra cause I’m gonna make the best necro 1 vs X build no matter what. stay cool
Oh no, a tough guy! He will emerge the 7th-basement-dimension and be all menacing embarassing and stuff. Bra. Seriously? Bra?? Get outta here…
Honestly: Your “build” has Axe/Dagger in it with Epidemic. What is this travesty? This is a trainwreck. What conditions are you going to spread with that? Two bleeds and one cripple? Because after burning your signet, you won’t be applying a lot of conditions for 48 seconds. And 48 seconds is a loooong time when all your cooldowns are wasted. Long 48 seconds in which you wont be doing any amount of damage at all. The smartest choice in your build are the swiftness related runes, because you will be running from battle a lot.
we cool??
Just…stop posting guides and builds. Leave that to other people until you spend some more time with your Necro and gain a better understanding of the class.
Also behaving like a wanna be Rap-idol makes you look like a 12-year old.
Lol i got ya sorry for painful postin first time ever. plz forgive my not understanding perspective hehe. we cool?? ps. Soryy asche
WTF is wrong with you kid? I don’t know what you are trying to do, whether you’re trying to act cool or if you’re genuinely not able to spell well. But stop the Eminem wannabe gangsta rap, nobody, and I do mean NOBODY thinks it is cool.
Seriously, have you tried reading your own post? Have you? Try it… it’s painful! This, in all earnest, makes me hope you’re not a native speaker of English, because if you are, it’s certainly a disgrace.
i would love to 1 vs 1 you in wvw where i will own u and your stupid goblin gimmicks. Bra you dont have to troll to a person who’s postin for the first time. I guess you have some really bad memories no doubt. Anyways keep the hatin bra cause I’m gonna make the best necro 1 vs X build no matter what. stay cool
Oh no, a tough guy! He will emerge the 7th-basement-dimension and be all
menacingembarassing and stuff. Bra. Seriously? Bra?? Get outta here…Honestly: Your “build” has Axe/Dagger in it with Epidemic. What is this travesty? This is a trainwreck. What conditions are you going to spread with that? Two bleeds and one cripple? Because after burning your signet, you won’t be applying a lot of conditions for 48 seconds. And 48 seconds is a loooong time when all your cooldowns are wasted. Long 48 seconds in which you wont be doing any amount of damage at all. The smartest choice in your build are the swiftness related runes, because you will be running from battle a lot.
we cool??
Just…stop posting guides and builds. Leave that to other people until you spend some more time with your Necro and gain a better understanding of the class.
Also behaving like a wanna be Rap-idol makes you look like a 12-year old.
awesome post, very funny.