Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Velron.3729


So tonight a friend and I were laughing at how much damage we were doing on our Necros when we had the idea to try to do some hotjoin matches with no amulet and see if we could kill people still.

It was probably the most fun I’ve ever had in GW2 laughing my kitten off when a thief would jump me and I proceed to turn around and kill them, with no amulet on. Highly recommend you give it a shot if you want some lulz and a challenge.

I actually even dueled a Guardian and killed him. No armor, No amulet. Wtf.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


So it begins…

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


If you needed an amulet to kill hotjoiners before the patch, don’t whine about balance.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bennet.2954


I sense a hint of buttocks hurt with a massive amount of BS in this thread.

I would say it’s close to impossible to kill even a crappy thief (admittedly most are terrible) without an amulet.

I get it though, you think necros are OP – your opinion is dully noted and I am sure it’s highly valued by the necro community and the devs.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Velron.3729


Lol, impossible? I say go try it yourself and see

High bleed stacks + poison + chill + burning + terror dmg + torment, while chain feared.

I think it looks like you’re the one with hurt buttocks. Its ok I get it, whenever someone posts some new cool thing you can do on the Engi forum everyone gets upset because they are scared it will be nerfed. Like rocket boots onto the enemy spawn in the jumping puzzle or how we use to be able to use a number 6 heal, then jump into the water and use the med kit heal on the tool belt in WvW or the water PVP map, etc.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Lol, impossible? I say go try it yourself and see

High bleed stacks + poison + chill + burning + terror dmg + torment, while chain feared.

I think it looks like you’re the one with hurt buttocks. Its ok I get it, whenever someone posts some new cool thing you can do on the Engi forum everyone gets upset because they are scared it will be nerfed. Like rocket boots onto the enemy spawn in the jumping puzzle or how we use to be able to use a number 6 heal, then jump into the water and use the med kit heal on the tool belt in WvW or the water PVP map, etc.

I think you missed his point. What you did was not a result of the new necro, it was a result of the horrible players you were killing. I am able to hot-join and own face with a minions build, even though I have no idea how to play a minion build.

His point being, you could do that pre-patch, and posts like this just add further fuel to the inevitable re-nerf fire. If every awful thief I face rolled pre-patch in WvW made a thread, I can tell you we would have never seen buffs to begin with.

The word is counter-productive. As has been said numerous times, instead of a “LoL neco oP!”, try constructive criticism.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Velron.3729


Lol, impossible? I say go try it yourself and see

High bleed stacks + poison + chill + burning + terror dmg + torment, while chain feared.

I think it looks like you’re the one with hurt buttocks. Its ok I get it, whenever someone posts some new cool thing you can do on the Engi forum everyone gets upset because they are scared it will be nerfed. Like rocket boots onto the enemy spawn in the jumping puzzle or how we use to be able to use a number 6 heal, then jump into the water and use the med kit heal on the tool belt in WvW or the water PVP map, etc.

I think you missed his point. What you did was not a result of the new necro, it was a result of the horrible players you were killing. I am able to hot-join and own face with a minions build, even though I have no idea how to play a minion build.

His point being, you could do that pre-patch, and posts like this just add further fuel to the inevitable re-nerf fire. If every awful thief I face rolled pre-patch in WvW made a thread, I can tell you we would have never seen buffs to begin with.

The word is counter-productive. As has been said numerous times, instead of a “LoL neco oP!”, try constructive criticism.

I think you misunderstood. One person said basically what you are saying now. Then the next person said the opposite and that I must be lying/its impossible.

And really, we did this just for fun. I figured others might like to try it for a challenge/fun as well.

But yes, Necros got over tuned. Too much damage now in condi builds currently. There’s a reason you seeing Necros everywhere right now. They got over buffed and now destroy everything in their path.

Now there’s plenty of bad Necros out there still, so its not like its so ridiculous that even bad players can dominate….but a good condi Necro is a bit out of control right now and the only people who would say otherwise are those who want to remain out of balance to the rest of the professions.

My buddy took a break for a couple weeks, came back after patch, gave him my build…he immediately himself was like “wtf I kill people in 3 skills now, this isn’t fair”. He’s been a necro since beta.

None of this was the point in the thread, there’s no need to make OMG ITS OP PLZ NERF threads. A-net has the numbers and hard data on what’s going on. They know how much damage output is being done.

So if you want a fun challenge, hop into sPVP and take off that amulet and give it a go. You’ll be laughing your kitten off every time you manage to pull off a kill.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Luke.4562


Do the same thread about Thieves and Mesmers.

ALPHA, BETA, several months, … 1 Year later…“When it’s ready”[cit.]

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bacon.4918


I can’t believe people still whine about thieves; just take some toughness.

For those who don’t see what the OP is talking about it is the AOE condition spam that is clearly too much with the necro right now. I don’t think any profession can sufficiently keep up with cleansing against a good necro. People are saying “oh what about HGH engie”; it has already been nerfed! Elixer S and R are basically useless now! I don’t know why anyone would play anything but a necromancer if they want to spec into condition damage which isn’t indicative of balance.

Highest soloQ rank – #2

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dietzen.6127


I can’t believe people still whine about thieves; just take some toughness.

For those who don’t see what the OP is talking about it is the AOE condition spam that is clearly too much with the necro right now. I don’t think any profession can sufficiently keep up with cleansing against a good necro. People are saying “oh what about HGH engie”; it has already been nerfed! Elixer S and R are basically useless now! I don’t know why anyone would play anything but a necromancer if they want to spec into condition damage which isn’t indicative of balance.

The only new condi necro’s got, was tainted shackles on a 40 second CD. How has this been a crazy increase in condition spam? Burn is single target, not aoe.
Before the patch, lots of other classes could spam condi’s more reliably than necro. Now, at least 1v1, you can spam condi’s a lot better. But AOE only tainted shackles has changed the meta.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Velron.3729


There’s no need to turn the thread into arguing, though I suppose I should have known it would go this route…I was just too excited at the time. Was still in TS laughing it up when I posted.

Like I said, there’s no reason for the OMG OP NERF PLZ. A-net has the data. They know the raw numbers and they will see what happens to the PVP meta.

There’s also no reason to try to paint some picture like the Necro condi damage isn’t on WTF level right now, A-net has the data and will make a decision.

In the mean time I will continue to have to play Necro to counter all the Necros spamming their kitten all over tournies right now. The best way to kill a Necro right now is with a better Necro.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: kishter.9578


Maybe is just me but I think this is a camouflage thread asking for a nerf. Troll perhaps?

We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Velron.3729


Definitely not trolling. Like I already said, if you don’t believe feel free to give it a try yourself and be prepared to be impressed at your naked killing. It is quite satisfying and hilarious.

Not asking for anything, I keep saying it. Anet has the data. If they decide the damage is in line where they want it, so be it, we shall adapt.

It is quite amusing to me how badly people want to avoid nerfs when they know they are clearly out of line with other professions. Not talking specifically Necros. Like Thieves back when they were basically 1 shotting people with the queue up CnD, Steal with Mug into BS instagip combo. It’s just Necro’s turn atm.

In the mean time, give the challenge a try. It’s fun.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

(edited by Velron.3729)

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


I don’t care to be nerffed, what I care about is being nerffed over hysteria and pointless anecdotal evidence.

You made this thread because you are a troll, and wanted to make sure YOU went on record with how OP necros are. It is a troll thread you could have made on any class board after any buff to any class, and then play it off like its all in good fun.

If this was really so much fun, why not try it with no utility skills too? Or without using any life force? I mean we are so amazing now I don’t even need an offhand!!! My six year old just takes over for me an owns everyone.

Now if you had posted a video, illustrating how and the skill level of your opponents, then you can make a thread like this. But you didn’t, you just decided to come in here and set down the flame bait.

Yes necros seem to have been overtuned. Post constructively not destructively.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yadeniel.9310


Dont feed the troll

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lucretter.3704


Oh look a thief QQing

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Luke.4562


“Thief QQing, buy toughness, nerf necro, blablah, more nonsenses…”

I leave you trolls in the hands of a Moderator.

ALPHA, BETA, several months, … 1 Year later…“When it’s ready”[cit.]

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lucretter.3704


“buy toughness” "nonsenses…”

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tego.3129


This smells of bullkitten and angles.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bacon.4918


I play guardian and engie mostly in pvp, not thief. Despite this, I think thief has been adjusted to the point where there is pretty good balance to the class as there are counters to the spike DPS play style; toughness being part of it. I don’t feel the same way about the current condition/fear meta and I play two classes which have very good cleansing capabilities. The only effective way to counter two necromancers on a team right now seems to be to run two better necromancer players on your own team.

Highest soloQ rank – #2

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


I did this before the patch by accident. Not that I’m proud of the mistake, but this isn’t something that was impossible before the patch as I still killed bads with no amulet.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Velron.3729


Lol, funny comments today.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: kishter.9578


Lol, funny comments today.

Funny to see you have 3 character whit 2 of 5 start in difficult.

We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: LoneWolfie.1852


ANYONE who really thinks necros aren’t op now are just biased. I think “decimates” describes how the class performs. If you add in another DPS guardian, trololol, everyone dies in the AOE.

My bloody darn goodness.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sunt.6835


im in wvw everyday in T1. I havn’t seen that dam God condi necro yet but i do see JQQ being the last one of the tier again ( as usual )


Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Velron.3729


Lol, funny comments today.

Funny to see you have 3 character whit 2 of 5 start in difficult.

Hahahaha, I hope you’re not implying Necro is the high skill profession? Too funny.

And lol @ 3 kit engi being a 2 of 5. Obvious trolling.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ormiga.6183


This thread is just hilarious. Its funny because the OP thinks that the best way to counter a Necro is to play Necro yet according to his sig he plays warrior and doesn’t realize the best way to counter a Necro is the warrior he’s not using because he’s too busy playing Necro with no amulet. This is all just too funny.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zenith.7301


A good D/P thief will still kill you, as can a good phantasm mesmer.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: jalmari.3906


What is amulet. I am pvp.

Guardian 80 Necromancer 80 Ranger 80 Mesmer 80 Elementalist 80 Warrior 80

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: cyst.3108


Guys, dont feed the troll, this guy doesnt even have a necro. hes just QQing cause his engi, war, and thief got owned by a necro.. sorry for you dude.. well no.. im not GTFO!

After June 25 im like… 90% happier

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bweaty.9187


This is nothing, did you know you can /s and talk to others in sPvP?

I win rounds without even weapons equipped.

You simply walk up to a control point, and say “Excuse me kind Sir/Mam, may you please step out of the circle”

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: zach.1847


I did some naked hot-joins with a thief once myself.

Hotjoins are just no fun.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Terok.7315


The developers will analyze the data and trends and determine what needs to be readjusted. I can promise you that these trolls threads don’t make any difference to those determinations because (like here) they’re often filled with nonsensical, exaggerated, and/or ridiculous claims (or they’re simply obnoxious without a shred of useful or constructive information). Be assured that most of us look forward to the nerf’s so that these incessant juvenile threads stop plaguing our community.

Vile Necromancer||Defender of the Beastgate||Slayer of Moa’s

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: PinCushion.7390


The developers will analyze the data and trends and determine what needs to be readjusted. I can promise you that these trolls threads don’t make any difference to those determinations because (like here) they’re often filled with nonsensical, exaggerated, and/or ridiculous claims (or they’re simply obnoxious without a shred of useful or constructive information). Be assured that most of us look forward to the nerf’s so that these incessant juvenile threads stop plaguing our community.

I agree somewhat, but don’t forget the incessant whine threads after the nerf that will drown out any semblance of civil conversation. If you want to know what I mean go look at the Elementalist threads. D/D Ele was an incredible build for months. There were countless threads there defending how great it was with “L2P Newb.” Then they nerfed Ride the Lightning and a few other traits. Then it was a constant stream of “OMG Nerfs I Quit!”

Most discussions on builds got pushed to page 2 within a few hours. After the recent buffs it’s gotten slightly better, but only slightly.

That’s probably what this page is going to look like in 3 months when ANet finally gets around to nerfing chain-fear builds. And, in my opinion, that’s the only thing on Necro that’s currently OP. The condi damage is impressive, but no moreso than Condi Warrior (yeah, nobody plays it). What is unfair is being able to chain-fear people until they die from Bleed/Poison/Burn/Doom and there’s little they can do once they burn their stun-break and get feared again.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Velron.3729


The developers will analyze the data and trends and determine what needs to be readjusted. I can promise you that these trolls threads don’t make any difference to those determinations because (like here) they’re often filled with nonsensical, exaggerated, and/or ridiculous claims (or they’re simply obnoxious without a shred of useful or constructive information). Be assured that most of us look forward to the nerf’s so that these incessant juvenile threads stop plaguing our community.

Pretty much what I said if you read the posts up above when people started freaking out and crying about the thread.

There’s no need to asks for nerfs, A-net has the data and will analyze and make a decision. In the mean time feel free to give it a try and see if I’m exaggerating.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Velron.3729


This is nothing, did you know you can /s and talk to others in sPvP?

I win rounds without even weapons equipped.

You simply walk up to a control point, and say “Excuse me kind Sir/Mam, may you please step out of the circle”

Wow I’m going to try this! I bet it works extra well on Necro right bc they are already afraid of you?

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Towelie.4637


So Velron.3729 , Come in spvp and fight my thief, i cant wait to see how OP you are with the necro.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Glenn.3417


So tired of these little whiny nabs complaining about necro.
If a necro goes 30/30/10/0/0 or 30/20/10/10/0 they are nothing more than a ragdoll to be pushed around with cause they have no stability. And they don’t accumulate Life Force that fast anymore.

Since we’re all whining:

Thief: Backstab + heartseeker too high dmg, cry cry nerf nerf
Mesmers: Insta killed cause of moa morph + shatter burst, cry cry nerf nerf
Warrior: 100 blades too high dmg, cry cry nerf nerf
Guardian: Bunker builds unkillable, cry cry nerf nerf
Elementalist: Bunker builds unkillable, cry cry nerf nerf
Engineer: Too many conditions available, cry cry nerf nerf
Ranger: Wut?

Learn to play before you cry like a bunch of babies lol

As for the claim made in the first post, if you kill ppl with no amulet and / or no armor you’re blowing smoke out of your rear end. Given that you have atleast 30 in Curses (300condition dmg) Fear would do 430ish dmg, your bleeds around 40 and poison around 80. If you kill ppl with that they must either be afk or extremely low on hp. Not to mention that your armor is low as hell meaning you go down faster than than the quality of crying topics on this forum.

Champion Phantom – Legionnaire – Genius – Magus

(edited by Glenn.3417)

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yza.2437


So tonight a friend and I were laughing at how much damage we were doing on our Necros when we had the idea to try to do some hotjoin matches with no amulet and see if we could kill people still.

It was probably the most fun I’ve ever had in GW2 laughing my kitten off when a thief would jump me and I proceed to turn around and kill them, with no amulet on. Highly recommend you give it a shot if you want some lulz and a challenge.

I actually even dueled a Guardian and killed him. No armor, No amulet. Wtf.

Someone got owned and decided to start a troll/nerf thread.

How about we nerf the rocket boots on your engy, instead?

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: sidan.6705


His sig:
Fragg – Engi | Gankzalot – Thief | Ralllos Zek – War
[DA] Decisive Actions
Jade Quarry

Nuff said.
Just another JQQ cry babies worthless post.

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Velron.3729


So tonight a friend and I were laughing at how much damage we were doing on our Necros when we had the idea to try to do some hotjoin matches with no amulet and see if we could kill people still.

It was probably the most fun I’ve ever had in GW2 laughing my kitten off when a thief would jump me and I proceed to turn around and kill them, with no amulet on. Highly recommend you give it a shot if you want some lulz and a challenge.

I actually even dueled a Guardian and killed him. No armor, No amulet. Wtf.

Someone got owned and decided to start a troll/nerf thread.

How about we nerf the rocket boots on your engy, instead?

I love the internet. People so quick to try to make assumptions and talk trash, makes me laugh.

I don’t use them, I run 3 kit. Be my guest

Killed a bunch of bandwagon Necros tonight on both my Warrior and my Engi, nomnom.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Yes I do the same no amulet with my engineer warrior and thief. I would say its really easy with the warrior. Sometimes I when I want a small challenge don’t even use weapons just the kick utility.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET