Leaving my Necromancer : (
It’s true that Necromancers are a bit lacklustre in PvE/PvP (PvE moreso due to that conditioning crap), but if you’re losing 2v1 in PvE, you’re probably playing the class wrong.
I use tough/cond armor and I can solo 1v6 if the monsters are all melee. 1v2 is no problem for me. It’s right to say that necros kill slowly, though. My Engineer can kill way faster.
In WvW you should use Marks and Wells, or you won’t be of any contribution value to your zerg, IMHO. Outside of zergs, equip boonrip skills (X/focus) so you can take down those pesky tankers.
20 Death Magic (for marks, second trait is usually well protection in ZvZ or Staff cooldown outside of Zergs; in PvE, I always run staff cooldown, in Fractals I run well protection), 20 Curses (Ground targeted wells, and chill upon blind), and 30 Blood magic (you can figure out what goes here, lol).
Can I have your stuff? (An old joke from WoW when people threatened to quit. Meant as humor, for the humor-impaired.)
Necro damage in solo PvE is reasonable. I’ve started comparing myself to other professions while wandering in Orr, trying to attack the same kind of mob starting at the same time as they do and see who kills their mob first. Most of the time, I win. (Right now, running a 30/30/10/0/0 hybrid-ish build with Scepter/Focus and Staff, and a Flesh Golem out. Only exotic gear.)
In WvW I don’t seem to get as many badges as I’d expect, but I make a solid contribution to the team effort, especially when besieging fortifications.
In case you are unaware, Staff/well Necromancers are one of the most wanted and most powerful profession/skill combos in WvW. I do not know why you feel useless or how, you probably just need a good WvW guild so your skills can be taken advantage of.
Necros are beasts, not weak.
da-gw2.enjin.com check us out if you’re on JQ and need some people to kick some kitten with.
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry
Or how about just wait until 6/25 and see how much we change?
Not confirming all those patch notes, but… yeah, I think we’ll be getting good amounts of attention soon.
necromancers will get a boost with the new condition and there would be other changes as well, just wait for the patch
Toughness changes Necros greatly. PWR/PREC/TOUGH is fantastic for power type specs and Rabid gear is outstanding for condition dmg type Necros. Our base Hp is fine imo and once you start stacking toughness (I aim for around 2500-2600) that’s around 28% less dmg instead of 9% ish at 1950 toughness.
im a bit sad really i have a lv 80 necro and i find im so weak no matter what build or how i set my traits etc.
so im thinking of maining another class but i dont know witch
im looking for a class that is good all around with good dmg and defense if thats possible
cause as i necro i find i take so long to to mobs down compared to other classes
and in PVP and specially WVW i feel useless
i can 1v1 no problem im a monsters but one its 1v2 and up i die almost right awayso does any one have any suggestion to what other class and explain why
maybe its just me but i find mesmers and guardians op(over powered) maybe thats why so many pll play them
Ps: and i heard theres a new patch and necros are getting some buffs but to me it seems it wont matter cause thief and Mesmers are getting some of the same buff like (BURN) they already have so much why do they need more i say the necros auto attack like scepter and axe need huge improments cause its weak as F?>:K
Join my Necromancer school. We’ll teach you why we’re borderline overpowered.
ANet’s big balance patch is in two days. You might want to hold off on the despair at least until then.
For WvW, I have a few suggestions:
1) Run with a zerg. Necros are incredibly good in zerg fights. Our skills are custom-tailored to ruin a zerg’s day.
2) Slot Plague as your Elite and never use it offensively. You want to play the positioning game as well as possible but if you get in a little bit of trouble, hit Plague, pop 2, and run back to your zerg or to the nearest tower. It’s not exactly a get-out-of-jail-free card but with judicious use, it can seriously help increase your survivability.
3) Flesh Worm is another escape we can use, if you have time to set up. Sometimes I’ll pop it behind a keep wall (ideally directly behind the “in” portal) and then skirmish in the area. If you get in trouble, pop Flesh Worm and you’re instantly 1200 units closer to safety. Don’t forget to pop Flesh Worm before Plague, as Plague destroys all minions.
4) Flesh Worm + Spectral Walk can make for some good mobility combos when you’re roaming on your own, though that isn’t really my specialty so I can’t give more specific advice.
5) Corrupt Boon and Epidemic are really strong in zerg fights. Corrupt Boon may be getting nerfed in the upcoming patch but it may still be good enough to decimate Guardians and D/D eles depending. Epidemic is harder to use these days; try to use it on a ranger pet or a downed target for some easy AoE conditions. You can use it on a living player as well, but then you just have to be careful to count their dodges and try to wait out invulnerabilities.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
Just drop your necro till 6/25 or the next month or the month after that if the changes aren’t enough, that’s what I did. Instead of wasting more and more money on my necromancer, I used that money to finish a regen ranger and a warrior and the regen ranger was exactly how I wished a vamp necro would play (minus all the mobility and stealing health instead of self heals).
Now that I got my attrition class, I’m no longer waiting for Anet to buff siphoning and will instead wait for their 6/25 attempts at making a spectral necromancer more enticing. I don’t need it to be viable, but I need it to feel good, any further changes are icing on my undead cake.
Makonne – Hybrid Regen Ranger
I was the same with my necro, then i got my friend to fix it for me , now i love it, I will post the build when i get home,
I think if you give this build a try you will be loving it too.
why is there a preview equipment image link?
- the basic weapons makes me think its spvp locker
-- if it is spvp; i doubt youd have the nightmare stuff but still be rocking basic weapons
--- so whats the point of it being there?
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
Rabid gear all the way. Please stop this thinking about big numbers. I run a condition necro (full rabid with ascended gear), usually applying 15-20 bleeding stacks withing 5 seconds and spreading it out with Epidemic. Very fun. Also fun is to use corrupt boon on an enemy in WvW while he/she has a kittenload of boons and then speread it with Epidemic (yeah I know they’ll nerf it).
‘would of been’ —> wrong
you are aware theres a huge patch coming soon? changing how alot of stuff works. Maybe leaving your necro now wouldn’t be so smart.
My WvW guild loves Necros, almost as much as Mesmers, Guardians and Staff Eles. If the leaked patch notes are accurate, Necros might be the favored class in WvW.
I’ve gone both 30/20/20/0/0 and 0/20/20/30/0 in WvW with wells (WoC, WoS/WoD, SoL/Spectral Walk/Spectral Wall and Plague Form.)
With PVT gear I’m usually the last to die or have the most loot bags to collect.
Plague Form and WoD when used with Chilling Darkness trait is a zerg killer.
OP it sounds like maybe you just need to research necro and get some advice on your build and gear. Currently there are at least 2 strong condi builds, some hybrid builds, and some very nice burst builds using wells. If you are having trouble dealing damage or surviving, it’s most likely due to a lack of understanding of the class. I don’t mean this as an insult. Necro can be confusing to newcomers. In my opinion Necros are already very strong, and as many may have pointed out, the upcoming patch looks like it’s bringing some huge buffs that will make us even more powerful. If you wish, I can post some of my builds soon.
Edit: Here are my two builds.
Build #1
II – Hemophilia – Bleeds last 20% longer.
VI – Terror – Fear deals damage. Bonus damage w/ a condition.
XI – Lingering Curse – Scepter conditions last 33% longer.
II – Greater Marks – Staff aoe are larger and unblockable.
VIII – Reaper’s Protection – Apply fear when disabled.
III – Path of Midnight – Death Shroud skills recharge 15% faster.
IX – Master of Terror – Fear lasts 50% longer.
Use a full set of Rabid gear and 6 Necromancer Runes with staff as your main weapon, and scepter/dagger as your second set. This is a condi build focusing on fear. I have no trouble getting 12-15 stacks of bleeding with this build. The best part is when you drop Reapers Mark (staff #5) and then hop in to Death Shroud and hit Doom (#3). This applies 2 seconds of fear aoe and another 2 seconds on your single target. Your single target will take 4 seconds of fear which ticks for over 1k damage each second. Use rare Veggie Pizza for the 40% condi duration to help stack more bleeds. You can swap Reaper’s Protection for Staff Mastery in PvE if you like, but Reaper’s Protection will save your life in WvW and PvP.
Build #2
IV – Ritual of Protection – Wells apply Protection.
IX – Death Shiver – Apply vulnerability to nearby foes while in Death Shroud.
II – Blood Thirst – Siphoning health is more effective.
VIII – Ritual Mastery – Wells recharge 20% faster.
XII – Vampiric Rituals – Wells siphon health.
V – Speed of Shadows – Move 15% faster in Death Shroud.
This is my tank build. It lacks a little in damage due to lack of crit, but is able to take a massive amount of damage. I use full Soldiers gear with Soldiers Crest in every slot. I have over 3k attack power, 2.5k toughness, and over 30k health with ascended trinkets. Weapons are axe/focus + dagger/warhorn. The point is to use skills like Flesh Golem Charge and Dark Pact (dagger #3) to lock someone down while you drop all your wells and go to town on them with your close range attacks. You will easily stack 25 vulnerability with Well of Suffering + Reaper’s Touch + Death Shroud (Death Shiver Trait). You can take Lich Form as well if you know how to use it. You will have over 50k hp in Lich Form using this build.
As always, use Consume Conditions as your heal. In both builds the main reason I went in to Soul Reaping was for Last Gasp. It provides you with Protection when you really need it as well as life force so that you can get in to death shroud. Basically it allows you to eat a lot of extra damage when you are taking a beating.
Anyone feel free to critique.
(edited by Xenon.4537)
Shoulda rolled a Asura!!!
That way, when you get CC’ed, then chain kicked around to death, you look footy sized and it’s funny to watch.
I am as well, leaving this kittening disney mesmer/thief happy game. I have not played in a month other that to log on, do spvp to getmy laurel in case the changes they made were going to be positive. They are so off, and so defective that I cannot support this crap game anymore. Please for the love of god, send a real mmo with good classes that are not pigeonholed placeholders. THis is turning into a godkitten circus act where the main attraction is a phase bouncing stupid kitten mesmer and his sidekick thief. THEY DID NOTHING to necros but bone our existing builds to try and make peopel go into spite for burning. F our terror builds and make us take stupid utilities now, or f up our corruption skills. GOdkitten i want to slap the necro dev.
I love the necro but I might be leaving it as well. It’s not fun when you consider that everyone who runs dungeons sees necros as a burden to the team and won’t inv you. I think it would be a stretch to think that this one patch is going to change all of that….
Dont worry guys, as soon as the changes are implemented we shall receive more nerfs, mesmer and thief will get buffed. Whatever happened to making “A condition unique to necromancers”?
I am also so glad with the burning condition, it shall be so usefull while our real necro skills are being put to sleep
I am praying for necro to be viable in pvp seems like I am giving Anet one more chance every update before shovelling this game into an early grave ^^
NB: where is my well of silence?
Shoulda rolled a Asura!!!
That way, when you get CC’ed, then chain kicked around to death, you look footy sized and it’s funny to watch.
Lol… Footy sized…
I feel same.
Useless in wvw, conditions a joke easily removeable
Never win 1v1 but continuous died.
No inv to dungeons.
No money because no dps no loots.
Full Exotic Rabid gear.
Corrupt Boon and Epidemic are do very low damage in zergs. I do more damage with 2 wells but I do not have power.
(edited by prothorin.5849)
Dont worry guys, as soon as the changes are implemented we shall receive more nerfs, mesmer and thief will get buffed. Whatever happened to making “A condition unique to necromancers”?
I am also so glad with the burning condition, it shall be so usefull while our real necro skills are being put to sleepI am praying for necro to be viable in pvp seems like I am giving Anet one more chance every update before shovelling this game into an early grave ^^
NB: where is my well of silence?
Mesmers (Phamtasm builds) is getting a huge nerf, ike 20% dmg. Only buff is scepter that is a bad weapon in any case. Just 1 build elft for Mesmers now, Shatter x/20/x/x/30.
I ditch my Mesm and go back to Guard.
I’ve never liked Rabid in PvE, dunno why people insist on running it.
Conditions are so awful at world bosses, useless vs structures and if there’s more than 1 Condition Necro in a party people are gonna switch characters or kick you because they just hit Bleed caps.
Rabid is great in PvP, but I just feel that going Power or Hybrid is much better in PvE.
Well, except maybe for AoE farming in Orr.
None the less this doesn’t seem like a smart time to quit, with buffs coming soon.
At least wait for them and see if they change things.
If not, THEN leave it. :P
(Heh, provided half the notes are actually true…)
(edited by LastDay.3524)
All month talk about necro buffs and get only nerfs.
And now we get a little buff maybe that working only with power builds and nerf conditions builds.
(edited by prothorin.5849)
It’s amazing how misunderstood the necromancer is.
First of all, necromancer is probably the second most useful class in wvw. Marks and wells are amazing and in addition plague form is a massive AoE blind that can totally save your zerg from the enemies melee train.
In terms of PvE, the necromancer is at a bit of a disadvantage compared to the raw DPS of a warrior or the reflects and boonsharing of a guardian, but it can still be useful and powerful if played right. If you are actually dying to mobs of 2 in this game’s PvE on a class that has probably the most effective AoE of any out there, there is no hope for you as a necro, so I’d hope you are exaggerating.
In PvP, the necromancer is very strong in 1v1 fights. The main problem with it is that in 2v1 situations chain interrupts/CCs are essentially impossible to get out of if the opponents work together. This is why necros are not in top PvP teams currently, because the other team knows to instantly 2v1 and focus them down.
If you are really having that much trouble playing necro, you obviously dont understand the class mechanics well enough or they are counter-intuitive to your playstyle meaning you should go ahead and switch professions. If you want powerful autoattacks and a class that is great in wvw/pvp/pve I’d definitely suggest guardian as it’s relatively simple to understand and your teams where ever you go will appreciate you.
If you want advice as a necro, I’d probably think that rather than gear choice it’s essential to realize that the necro’s utility and elite skills play a bigger role in offensive capability than a lot of other classes, so when you are roaming around open world or dungeons you need to pick utilities that are going to compliment the rest of your set up and be using them constantly.
Join my Necromancer school. We’ll teach you why we’re borderline overpowered.[/quote]
Hello, I saw one of your post on forum saying you have a nec school. I am a new player and have a 15 nec right now. Could you please give me some advise on NEC? I dont know what kind of build I really want to go, I dont like PvP much, I would prefer to be wanted in PVE and possible WvW.
Thank you very much
Best Wishes
Hello, I saw one of your post on forum saying you have a nec school. I am a new player and have a 15 nec right now. Could you please give me some advise on NEC? I dont know what kind of build I really want to go, I dont like PvP much, I would prefer to be wanted in PVE and possible WvW.
Thank you very much
Best Wishes
You might want to send him a message in case he doesn’t notice your post, but in the meanwhile, are you EU or NA player?
I volunteered a while ago to help AlTroll in his quest to educate our fellow masters of Death, Decay and DOOM, and while I’m technically speaking listed as a NA student (Not sure what happened there..), I’m actually an EU necromancer and happy to share my wisdom with lesser users of the dark arts.
Also, don’t worry too much about regions since I can always give advice or make a video tutorial or something if need be, it’s just easier if I can demonstrate things ingame, and that only works for EU players. It’s a bit silly, but nothing we can’t deal with, so feel free to message me if you want to know something and I’ll see what I can do.
(edited by yski.7642)
van some one tell me all the changes in the new patch
van some one tell me all the changes in the new patch
You’re welcome
Don’t give on your necro. I’m a complete noob to Gw2, and the learning curve was difficult, but once you master it, it’s borderline OP’d as someone suggested. I was disheartened at first like you were, now I can’t seem to put it down.
I don’t know enough to instruct you on sPvP vs WvW vs PvE, but I do know the way I now play it adds more defensive capabilities as well as pretty fun and high damage in all situations.
(Disclaimer: High dmg for me, might be low to experts, but ultimately, its still 10x higher than when I started).
So I play a style that some find laughable, but I’m married to it, and so my muscle memory is making me better each day I practice in it. I roll twin daggers 0/20/0/30/20, rely on heavy precision sigils/runes, and go with the precision/vitality/toughness amulet for health. All my skills have very low cooldowns, so I can reuse them often in sPVP, or Wells to pad my dmg in pve. I jump into Death Shroud as much as possible, to create space, or chase runners to get within melee range, and rely on carrion crawlers and the elite minion to “stunlock” opponents to escape or murder them in both pve/pvp.
This tactic didn’t work as much in WvW unless you find a 1v1 challenge, and have the right gear.
My crit after all that is about 57%, and 40% critical damage – which is important I think for maxing out the effect – there’s a chart on precision explaining me thinks. So if you stay the course on your basic dagger attack, you end up critting ALOT.
PM me for details, but I’d like to stress that this is good for only single target stuff in both pvp/pve. But oh my its tons of fun.