Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
(edited by GoogleBrandon.5073)
Goodday everyone – Bear with me, this is a two parter with a build and an “important” message
Let’s get into it!
Anywhere you go, always dead last… Necromancer’s – notorious for being slow in any kind of situation. Whether you venture in WvWvW or in TPvP, you lag behind.
Now, the time has come for this to change, to achieve the maximum that is possible… It is time to run ahead and leave those behind who cannot keep up. Now is the time to get some speed!
Offering a power build that has never been seen before. Capable of bringing bunkers to their knees and being extremely survivable within small skirmishes. Nearly unlimited swiftness and decent fury uptime make this build a killer. The pressure does not stop if handled correctly, as you will be as potent within Deathshroud as outside of it…
Amulet and Runes
Berserker Amulet
Runes of the Pack
With these two lovelies, you enable yourself to swiftly roam around the map, and do decent damage, while maintaining your own with weapons/utilities. The build is here to quickly turn the tide of a battle, but is fairly capable of holding a point.
Traits -2/6/0/0/6:
*Depending on user preference
**Use this when you use Spectral Armor instead of Flesh Worm
Weapons and Sigils:
Get a Sigil of Air + Sigil of Fire on your Staff and Sigil of Air + Sigil of Energy on your Dagger/Warhorn.
Reasoning behind this is that Staff hits harder within Deathshroud, so when you go into Deathshroud, you are capable of hitting like a truck when the sigils proc – while still maintaining some sustain outside of Deathshroud with a “Free dodge” on swap.
Energy Sigils are always needed(!) since Necromancers do not have acces to vigor that easy
Pros and Cons of the build
Usability in WvWvW?
Well, I like to think it is, as I did and do use it. It is quite funny when your allied Thief has issues keeping up with you in sheer speed. The best part is that utilities and traits can be shifted easily before an encounter, so you are (most of the times) prepared as to what is thrown in your face.
It is, however, mostly a small roaming spec if you take it within WvWvW – Do not expect to zergbust, and do not expect to contribute much against large numbers. You are there to pick off bunkers, while maintaining your own against burst classes roaming about. Sometimes I do take Foot in the Grave rather than Death Perception , but this is all up to you.
I recorded some things, but it is not enough to fill like 10 minutes… I do not record everything I do since I usually forget, but from my experience I do well enough. I hope to record more, and since my Guild’s decided to play more TPvP together, I will make sure you’ll get a taste of what this build is capable off. For now though, try it yourself and have fun
(edited by GoogleBrandon.5073)
As for the second part of this thread
I have decided to listen to trees and make a leaf guys. Reason is not because I do not like the game, nor because I dislike a certain set of people, but mostly because most of the discussions on the forums have become stellar… Basically, too little is changing for me to keep interesting debates up, and I have grown bored of repeating myself in different threads
I know that some are actually quite happy to see me go, since I can be a major pain in the behind when it comes to discussing certain aspects, but I felt inclined to at least give my last notes here :P
It does not mean I will be gone from the forums, however, I will not give any input no more outside of this thread. I will keep this updated and answer questions when asked, or discuss things about the build within this thread. I will however not always respond within a day like I normally did… If the need is great, you can always add me in game and have a chat
My forum experience has been great however, and I got into nice discussions with some members, and some not so nice but that is how life works as well
I am still an avid fan of the Necromancer class, after all, playing it for so long in GW1 gets you hooked onto it. And despite Necromancer not being the main class I play within all aspects of the game, I seriously enjoy playing it, even if it’s counterpart from GW1 was so much magically better :P
I wish the best to you all and hope to see the class flourish and get some TLC the class deserves – Despite this though, I hope the same for my Warrior who is crying each time he’s holding a Longbow in PvP
So yes, thanks to you all, it has been quite fun and interesting debating about different aspects of the class, and a real interesting read as to what people’s opinions are, even if they differ a lot from mine
See you in game or within this thread!
~ GoogleBrandon
Leeto for being a champ and getting me to play the class again after a year of being into the game. If I did not came acros one of your posts on the Guildwars2Guru, I would’ve probably not touched upon this class until later on. Loving your WvWvW videos as they are really inspiring!
Flow for teaching me more about the Necromancer’s capability within somehwat of an hour of dueling than most in the field practice has done to me :P
To me a reliable source of information, and someone who I want to whisper when I am bored in LA – always friendly to reply, and really helpful when it comes to combat
Phenn for being a champ on the Guildwars2Guru. If not for him, I would’ve not gotten in some crazy thought-trains for builds and stuff. A passionate guy for the class, and a good source for information!
Spoj for trying to make the best out of the worst PvE class within the game. I know the game is harsh on the class you truly love, but your dedication and care seems to be never ending despite the hardships you and a lot of others must’ve had each update. Seriously hoping that the class will get in shape within PvE!
Bhawb though I do not see his face around much nowadays, another passionate guy for the class. Loves Minions more than I ever could, and has actually inspired me to sometimes troll around in WvWvW with such a build :P
Check out his podcasts if you like the class, they are extremely interesting!
Drarnor Kunoram who is so spot on with any kind of information about anything Necro, he will catch out anyone being mistaken about factual flaws
A wall when it comes to discussion, with little holes to break through since his wealth of information is a killer when it comes to discussions!
NeXed because he literally inspired me to make the build (even if he did not realize it). Has some nice thoughts about builds within PvP and is not shy to give his opinion either, which you always should listen to
Holl the most recent addition to a team that ensures to keep the spirit alive! A solid player with some innovating ideas. Whisper him for some duels, they are fun and challenging
Merlin for being my favourite tree in HotM next to my own character (Brandon the Tree)
To any and all I missed You guys, I cannot name everyone since I do have a character limit within threads sadly – but all of you have been fantastic to me, whether you agreed or disagreed with me! It was and is helpful to get information here, and I seriously loved discussing certain aspects
(edited by GoogleBrandon.5073)
See you soon!
(They always come back.. you shall see..)
But totally logical man, most people taking a little siesta from here.
Goodbye! :<
You have always been one of the more objective posters and I really respect that. So its a shame but I completely understand.
I know exactly how you feel regarding forum quality. Theres very little interesting topics these days. Most of them you just end up repeating the same stuff over and over and it never gets through. It can be incredibly frustrating in some cases.
Fortunately im a major masochist so I will probably still stick around for a while. x)
For a Dutch guy your English is superb, Brandon :P
On a serious note, bye Brandon. You were one of the few people I actually talked to in-game (I don’t have many friends :/ ).
Before you leave, we gotta duel one more time! This time I will wreck you with my lockdown mesmer
Well cya I guess…
(Ps. What will happen to the clubbing seals? 0.o)
And of course I forgot some things and made typos, so classic me, I had to edit the posts
So yea, thanks for the comments guys, I appreciate it to hear that I am appreciated
@Holl – I am not Leaving the game man, I am Leaving the forums :P
I will still play, so if you want to duel me, you can whisper me to see if I got the time
And TCS is here to stay – I am but an officer of the whole guild after all, and not it’s foundation :P
So yea, unless I spot any more typos, or if I am inclined to respond, I will go again – so cye!
Sad to see fellow necro leaving us. Gl ingame!
And of course I forgot some things and made typos, so classic me, I had to edit the posts
So yea, thanks for the comments guys, I appreciate it to hear that I am appreciated
@Holl – I am not Leaving the game man, I am Leaving the forums :P
I will still play, so if you want to duel me, you can whisper me to see if I got the time
And TCS is here to stay – I am but an officer of the whole guild after all, and not it’s foundation :PSo yea, unless I spot any more typos, or if I am inclined to respond, I will go again – so cye!
Ohhhhh… Looking back that totally makes sense >.<
I don’t know what I was thinking. Anywho, glad you’re not leaving the game than.
I’m happy more people are realising that discussing things about this game is a terrible waste of time and joining me in my undeath.
You won’t regret that, Brandon. See you on the other side, buddy.
Someone’s mad there vamp signet build is too good for everyone to handle so they called it bad.
Someone’s mad there vamp signet build is too good for everyone to handle so they called it bad.
I have a weird feeling that this thing is directed towards me so I’ll gladly ask for an English version so that I can understand what exactly you’re talking about.
Rock on with your vamp signet bro. Don’t listen to the haters
I’ve been using a similar build in the Silverwastes recently, not gone as far as to change my sigils and runes – but traits seem to be about the same. The permaswiftness is nice.
Rock on with your vamp signet bro. Don’t listen to the haters
Ohh man, I was talking more in general. My post about the vamp signet build wasn’t completely serious. I mean – the only possible way to figure out whether certain utilities/builds work in Courtyard is to test them numerous times against skilled, organised opponents, which I haven’t faced much during my 60 matches so far. But I am an above average player and the friends I play with are above average themselves so it is just hard to measure. It surely was fun trying to coordinate spikes.
Moving onto the main topic, the discussion about necro at this point in my opinion is a complete waste of time for two reasons.
Firstly, ArenaNet has shown over two years (I’ve been on these forums since they launched before BWE1) that they do not care much about the game’s balance. There is no feedback from the Devs, we never get any rationale for certain changes that happen (DS weapon swapping) and some things are straight neglected for months (downed state hp, Blood Magic traits). I could go on. The bottom line is – everything feels extremely one-sided.
Secondly, the community is pretty much dead from a discussion standpoint. No one is testing anything new, just because there haven’t been many significant changes for months and months. Just as an example axe is still bad in any possible game mode, off-hand dagger and staff still feel necassary in PvP. Things are stale and there is nothing exciting to talk about.
This track record tells me, that either ArenaNet are making new skills, weapons and traits or maybe even new progression systems, where things are going to look better or that they just simply settled with the system they have and don’t need more at this point. In either case, they do not deserve my input and my time and I encourage everyone who values their time to think about it. I’m pretty sure they can come up to a similar conclusion.
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