(edited by Leeto.1570)
Leeto`s power dagger PVP build.
what role do you fill with it?
in team fights, you cant go melee. your pressure is single target. with amu u get lower dmg and 5k/3k ds hp at 1800armor. no burst beside life blast, and even that will hit a AI without pierce.
I assume it is therefore stronger in 1v1s. U get good lf regen, trying to outlast enemy with DS. but with lower power and c.dmg. ull only kill other low armors.
Im criticizin from a pug perspective only if your team has a setup that fits your role, please tell more. Id personaly love to see the spectral grasp in action
Edit: also probably mistake on dumbfire over close to death
(edited by Flumek.9043)
Are you using energy runes? I find on dodge traits without vigor or some sort of endurance regeneration a littly weak.
Barbarians amulet is a bad choice. Zerker or Solders are way better choices. Why would you take dhuumfire with zero condition damage? 600ish damage every 10 seconds is bad, take close to death instead. Mark of evasion is also a horrible trait to take with your rune and amulet setup. You would benefit more from focused rituals in curses. Soul marks should be switched out with unyielding blast or something else.
I dont like this.
I am not quite sure what I did not like about the build, Leeto…
the traits and the amulet dont seem to have a great deal of synergy
melee daggers necro with a staff for range is not the best idea for the high end pvp…at least not with this set up imo.
edit: I noticed the weapons are missing their sigils. would you mind adding them?
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
(edited by Oslaf Beinir.5842)
Barbarians amulet is a bad choice. Zerker or Solders are way better choices. Why would you take dhuumfire with zero condition damage? 600ish damage every 10 seconds is bad, take close to death instead. Mark of evasion is also a horrible trait to take with your rune and amulet setup. You would benefit more from focused rituals in curses. Soul marks should be switched out with unyielding blast or something else.
Barbarians amulet is not bad for necros (even if i dont like it), but on the other points i tend to agree. But if i remember right Leeto is a really good necro so maybe it works better than i imagine.
I am not quite sure what I did not like about the build, Leeto…
the traits and the amulet dont seem to have a great deal of synergy
melee daggers necro with a staff for range is not the best idea for pvp…at least not with this set up
You can run staff in any build. Its an allround weapon and always a ok choice.
yes the staff is a good utility weapon for any situation but that is not the problem I have with the build.
I can’t tell which role the build would fill. it sure dos replenish lifeforce pretty well with the mark traits and daggers for added effect but the damage seems to be low and bunkering ability is too dependent on LF generation…that and dhuumfire isnt really effective with that low condi damage even if burning has a high base damage
maybe I can’t tell cuz it is the expert at work which means the build creator is the best one to explain how his build is supposed to function and what roles can it fill, what limitations does it face etc.
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
I’d like to hear how this operates in an sPvP scenario, because that isn’t something I ever think about when creating a build. I’d agree that it looks like it has inconsistencies, but maybe they’re there for a reason. I’d be willing to hear what that reason might be.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
First of all i am not theorycrafter so dont even bother with giving me numbers of this and that, i make what i think will work in PvP situation and then improve it by testing it out in PVP environment.
Second, i try to never play situational stuff, i dont use wells and i dont use minions, i dont use anything thats easy to counter and relies on my opponent beeing bad.
Will try to answer questions now.
*Role – Supportive direct damage burst. You can help with decaps, you have mobility to decap yourself, you can burst down with high aoe and single target dmg, and most important is that your basicly unkillable which is one of most important things cause necro is one of main targets.
*Runes (weapon sigils i guess) – You can use any you like depends on your preference, but mark of blood cooldown is so long that it pops only on every 2nd dodge anyway, its there to generate life force and so you have easier perma regen.
*Barbarian – this is only thing i will explain from djooce cause it looks like hes PVEr and just goes with whatever works on paper, i take barbarian because death shroud is affected by vitality and not toughness, the build generates LF in % from marks so vitality makes it very tanky, crit chance is needed to proc dhuumfire and just cause it makes dagger #1 spam OP
*Dhuumfire – Good reliable burn, tons of people use condi removal to get rid of burn, they dont sit there and calculate the dmg it does. In this condition meta its usefull to aply conditions even if they dont do much dmg, beside as i said i dont play situational stuff, i cant just sit there and wait for my enemy to get to 50% before my builds full potential kicks in.
Overall you guys focus too much on role and on maximizing your build on this role, if your build is good for one thing then its kitten easy for enemy to counter you. The force with this build is that it has no hardcounters and its helpful in every situation.
Necros in PVP doesnt have specific thing they do, they gotta help team in every situation that pops up on map.
Need to help with decap cap? 2 fears + 2 immobs + pull
Need to assist with AOE dmg? Mark + staff 1 + Life transfer
Need to slow down runner? 2 chills
As necro your gonna get alot of focus. In this build your unkillable which means your buy alot of time for your team, can keep node capped long enough for team to arrive.
Another important thing is that you can kill most people in 1v1 which is important.
In the end its all about preference, but you can be sure if your good at only one thing then your too easy to counter.
But dont expect this build to play for itself, you wont be able to drop well and dmg happens, you wont survive and do dmg just cause of your minions, but if your player who knows how PVP works in this game then i guarantee this build will be super easy and super effective.
I gotta say the survival is great for 0 defense. But even if my life depended on it, i cant seem to get spectral pull to work Do u have any set pull spots ? for some1 who takes 1-2k burn over 2k+ dmg this skill is very situational
As far is i know toughness affects all incoming direct damage even in ds (ds additionally reduces the damage by 50%), so saying toughness doesnt effect ds is wrong, but you are right in saying that vitality is better for a ds build than toughness due the massive lf regeneration you have.
I gotta say the survival is great for 0 defense. But even if my life depended on it, i cant seem to get spectral pull to work
Do u have any set pull spots ? for some1 who takes 1-2k burn over 2k+ dmg this skill is very situational
Your right man spectral grasp is too easy to dodge and the extra life force is not needed, so i switched it out for ol` good corrupt boon just didnt care to update the build cause people disliked it here.
Anyway have been playing the build extensively past 2 days and already recieving whispers from some power fellas who wish to test it out, it havent dissapointed myself either the more i play it the more powerful it feels, i would say its overpowered but people compliment for playing “balanced” build which never happens when i roll on terror.
I repeat once more this build is not better than condi necro but for power necro its best thing ive played so far.
Edit: on barbarians amulet, i didnt mean that toughness doesnt affect DS i meant that toughness doesnt give higher lifeforce. The build has enough active defense and can tank alot of dmg in ds so theres no need for 2 defensive stats and seems you all keep forgetting that barbarian gives precision, the build uses traits for 300 power and 30% incrased crit damage so crits with dagger will be very powerful and in deathshroud you have 90% crit chance which means you can always spam life blast and wont be dissapointed.
(edited by Leeto.1570)
I wonder if you could show some game play with the build? I tried it but i felt i had better success with other power builds. So maybe i am playing it wrong…
Edit:I wonder wouldnt reapers might not better than spiteful spirt if you spam lifeblasts?
(edited by Muchacho.2390)
Why use staff? Axe provides a ton of retaliation in team fights and #2 is a great way to gain lifeforce while keeping the damage up. Running Horn provides a great interrupt as well as swiftness, AoE cripple and lifeforce gain. Pair this with dagger dagger and you have weakness to suppress melee burst and a great condi transfer+blind.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, putting 20 points in Curses allows you to choose Spectral Attunement which can provide more support through more seconds of uptime in spectral abilities (i.e. 50% HP spectral armor trigger, spectral armor, spectral wall).
I run 20/20/0/0/30 with Soldier’s Amulet + Berserker’s Jewel and after 500hrs~ of all sorts of power build variations I have found this particular build (using II in Soul Reaping) to be the strongest in terms of damage output and survivability
(edited by Nabbo.2845)
Why use staff? Axe provides a ton of retaliation in team fights and #2 is a great way to gain lifeforce while keeping the damage up. Running Horn provides a great interrupt as well as swiftness, AoE cripple and lifeforce gain. Pair this with dagger dagger and you have weakness to suppress melee burst and a great condi transfer+blind.
I run 20/20/0/0/30 with Soldier’s Amulet + Berserker’s Jewel and after 500hrs~ of all sorts of power build variations I have found this particular build (using II in Soul Reaping) to be the strongest in terms of damage output and survivability
Maybe because staff has all the marks?
Why use staff? Axe provides a ton of retaliation in team fights and #2 is a great way to gain lifeforce while keeping the damage up. Running Horn provides a great interrupt as well as swiftness, AoE cripple and lifeforce gain. Pair this with dagger dagger and you have weakness to suppress melee burst and a great condi transfer+blind.
I run 20/20/0/0/30 with Soldier’s Amulet + Berserker’s Jewel and after 500hrs~ of all sorts of power build variations I have found this particular build (using II in Soul Reaping) to be the strongest in terms of damage output and survivability
Maybe because staff has all the marks?
If you are running a power build you won’t be seeing much damage come from staff. I can’t argue that it’s a great utility and I used to use it myself, but I find Axe + x to provide better damage while still behind useful in other ways. Besides, if you trait into it, you could have #2 on a 6 second cooldown and it can be an enormous source of damage.
Why use staff? Axe provides a ton of retaliation in team fights and #2 is a great way to gain lifeforce while keeping the damage up. Running Horn provides a great interrupt as well as swiftness, AoE cripple and lifeforce gain. Pair this with dagger dagger and you have weakness to suppress melee burst and a great condi transfer+blind.
I run 20/20/0/0/30 with Soldier’s Amulet + Berserker’s Jewel and after 500hrs~ of all sorts of power build variations I have found this particular build (using II in Soul Reaping) to be the strongest in terms of damage output and survivability
Maybe because staff has all the marks?
If you are running a power build you won’t be seeing much damage come from staff. I can’t argue that it’s a great utility and I used to use it myself, but I find Axe + x to provide better damage while still behind useful in other ways. Besides, if you trait into it, you could have #2 on a 6 second cooldown and it can be an enormous source of damage.
You dont take the staff for the damage…
Dagger has better damage than axe and if you cannot melee but want to do dmage go into ds and lifeblast (higher dps then axe in 0-600 range). And with that much lf reg you should be able to go in ds when ever you want.
On top of that the lf reg of axe is luckluster if they dodge axe 2 you dont get any lf.
And to be honest i would never want to play necro without staff…
Staff has a good lf reg even without the traits, is 1200 range and the best utility weapon we have.
This build looks super bad lol
If anyone on this thread is looking for a good power necro build, try this:
Or this:
(edited by infantrydiv.1620)
People on leeto’s level don’t stand in wells bro
I see Necro’s from time to time saying that vitality is much better for DS oriented builds…
I have never found that to be true. Toughness has always made me feel very tanky, while vitality just delays my death by a few seconds.
My current build sits in DS for a long time and can tank many players and I have 0 stats in vitality.
Nothing wrong with soul marks and mark of evasion to help regain life force for sustain (with a bonus of getting some regen). I really don’t understand the choice for dhuumfire though. :P
Replace dhuumfire with close to death and you have a slight variation of a standard power build that leans more towards survivability and sustain than damage.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
People on leeto’s level don’t stand in wells bro
I dunno if you are being sarcastic or not.
PvP is currently based around a thing called conquest, which forces people to contest small node points. Wells are good for hurting people trying to hold on to these nodes.
It’s alright bud not everyone can think outside the box.
I will try out the build before I dismiss it. it looks like an attrition build and I didnt thin I’d try something like this with daggers…
but still don’t be disappointed, this is a normal reaction to something quite unusual…not quite what everyone would consider using after all. maybe it would be like how Nemesis suggested the use of terror way back and was laughed at but only to have it become a solid build later on.
I’ll give the build a go later tonight
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
(edited by Oslaf Beinir.5842)
I see Necro’s from time to time saying that vitality is much better for DS oriented builds…
I have never found that to be true. Toughness has always made me feel very tanky, while vitality just delays my death by a few seconds.
My current build sits in DS for a long time and can tank many players and I have 0 stats in vitality.
No, i think you missunderstand. For necros vitality is a stat that gives indeed sustain (instead of simple delaying death like with the other professions), simply due the fact how lf regeneration works. Actually i think taking vitality and toughness 1:1 is probably the best way to gain sustain. Hence soldiers amulet is the best armulet for sustain for a necro, unlike other professions where healing power is better than vitality.
Soldier amulet – ok people still dont understand how much crit chance benefits you so i will put it simple. Soldier IS bunker amulet, this build IS NOT bunker. If really for some reason you want toughness so badly then this build will work better even with valkyrie amulet.
Dhuumfire – again you all just compare how much dps you get by using close to death, but its not about damage. With dhuumfire you get unique condition. The more conditions on enemy the smaller chance that condition removal will remove your CC + you cant avoid burn but you can just line of sight when below 50% + you cant forget mental preassure.
Wells – Muchacho is right, people dont stand in wells, go in PVP maps and see how many nodes you can cover 100% by well… Kyhlos middle? Countering well necros by doing one step to side has always amused me.
Axe – In my eyes this is broken weapon, if you can make it work in high end pvp i bow before you but i personally used it last time in beta.
*600 range – i dont even know what this is, enemy is either in melee range where dagger is better or in kiting range where staff is better, whos in 600 range? maybe you can dps minions with this.
*Nr1 – Horrible damage, applies vulnerability thats good only when stacked.
*Nr2 – Has around same dmg as dagger nr2 but enemy needs to stay in front of you and give life force instead of health, life force is way too valuable to generate it with easy to counter skill that has cooldown.
*Nr3 – Long cast time, easy to spot animation, gives retaliation, cripples people who are already in close range. Overall horrible skill.
Reapers might – this might be about preference and you can take reapers might but in reality, DS is your main active defense so retaliation will be used alot and is gonna do dmg even when your trying to survive or beeing cc bursted, by spamming life blast i meant ~3-4 life blasts in row, which doesnt even give that much might.
I dont have good team atm and hate recording spvp cause it drops my fps, but if i get time i will record some SoloQ to show off the build.
@infantry you cant just come and say “lol this build bad cuz my build more dmg on lupi” if the build works for you then fine enjoy it, but dont flame my build. And i wonder when top rated warrior + thief starts cc bursting you, does those wells get to expire before you die?
Guys, please chill. Leetos one of the better necros around and its a fact that different stuff works in different “tiers” of tpvp. So dont bash, rather ask how and why.
And the builds are basicaly all the same, rewolving around +50crit in DS :P
I think many here are giving him the benefit of the doubt and asking why. A few are naysaying, but if you don’t expect naysayers when you post a build about high-end PvP (everyone seems to think they’re high-end players), then you’re being too optimistic.
I think what WvWers often don’t realize is that sPvP is a completely different animal, and needs to be treated as such. I have a difficult time speculating on sPvP because my considerations are wildly different. I think the utility of Spectral Walk and Flesh Wurm, for example, are peanuts compared to things like Plague Signet, Corrupt Boon, Spectral Armor, etc., but I deal with wide open areas where a 1200 blink isn’t going to make me escape from Warriors/Thieves/etc. If I could use Flesh Wurm to quickly navigate an sPvP map or escape vertically, it would be completely different.
I can personally see this build working, but with my experience in a different realm, the damage just seems a bit low. Again though, that’s just a WvW perspective where things scale much differently. I’d like to see this build in action, though, as it’s generally the same idea as the one I run. Generally.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
It works.
It works very well.
I haven’t slept for 2 days cos it works. True story.
I get lots of horrible whispers from warriors now. lol
Never enjoyed myself so much.
Guys, please chill. Leetos one of the better necros around and its a fact that different stuff works in different “tiers” of tpvp. So dont bash, rather ask how and why.
And the builds are basicaly all the same, rewolving around +50crit in DS :P
I respect his accomplishments as a Necro in PvP, but saying things like “Axe3 is pretty much a horrible skill” just really makes it hard.
My personal debate with him is about vitality being useful as a defensive stat. My personal experience tells me that using Barbarians amulet grants no extra survival compared to berserkers, because in my experience, having more health but still very low armor just doesnt help much, (especially on a Necro with high base HP).
Also, it is possible for a player to be great at playing the game, but not great at creating builds. Basically this type of player could succeed with a crappy build due to skills.
Guys, please chill. Leetos one of the better necros around and its a fact that different stuff works in different “tiers” of tpvp. So dont bash, rather ask how and why.
And the builds are basicaly all the same, rewolving around +50crit in DS :P
I respect his accomplishments as a Necro in PvP, but saying things like “Axe3 is pretty much a horrible skill” just really makes it hard.
My personal debate with him is about vitality being useful as a defensive stat. My personal experience tells me that using Barbarians amulet grants no extra survival compared to berserkers, because in my experience, having more health but still very low armor just doesnt help much, (especially on a Necro with high base HP).
Also, it is possible for a player to be great at playing the game, but not great at creating builds. Basically this type of player could succeed with a crappy build due to skills.
I didnt even know there was such thing as barbarian amulet in this game cause noone uses it, so when i made this build it used soldiers and thought the build is quite average because you do damage only in death shroud cause soldiers give no crit chance.
Then i went to 1v1 server where soldiers is banned cause its bunker amulet so i tried with berserkers, the damage was OP but any good player would one shot you, then i saw barbarian on some necro and decided to test it out and realized that this build is super good.
I repeat 3rd time, you dont get crit chance with soldiers amulet so you wont do damage outside of death shroud and death shroud is necros survibility + damage + utility, in pvp you cant rely all your damage on death shroud cause sometime you gotta save life force just to survive.
28k hp, perma regen, 22k death shroud life pool with reliable LF generation + dagger heal + 2 defensive utilities… how the f you can lack survibility in this build?
If you want to be bunker then yes soldier is better but this is not bunker build so barbarian is 100% better.
I tried it out, and for having 0 toughness I found I had some decent survivability.
I tried swapping 20 points out of spite to Curses in order to pick up Spectral Attunement, which is awesome with this build, I then switched your barbarian amulet to a soldiers with zerker jewel.
What this does is raise armor by a lot, lose a small amount of HP, break even on power loss, and greatly increase survival due to enfeebling shroud, spectral attunement, and higher protection uptime.
Crit chance goes down, but with a high uptime on fury, you break even, and your crit damage also goes up.
You also gain more efficiency from your perma regen and heal slot due to higher toughness.
You may not like it, but since your build is focused on DS and spectrals, I couldnt play it without 20 in Curses.
(edited by Stx.4857)
So you basicly took away 40% crit chance, made ds burst unreliable, took away good amount of healing power, took away boon removal, sustained unavoidable condition that kittens up engi and ele passive condi removal and protects your cc.
And you traded it all for lower cooldown on skills that you normally use in PVP once per 2 minute and to get more survibility in build thats already almost unkillable?
Fine man if that works for you thats really cool but thats completely different build from mine and with my playstyle and pvp situations im normally in it would never work.
Im not even sure where to begin with the rubbish you just said lol. No, you dont lose 40% crit. You gain 3% when fury is up, and lose 18% when it isnt up.
Losing burning is not that big of a deal, for a power build.. you make it sound like its godly when you have tons of cover conditions already at your disposal.
Spectral Attunement doesn’t lower the cooldown of anything… great knowledge there. It increases the duration of spectral walk, spectral wall, and spectral armor, and also gives you instant life force when you use them.
Your build with 0 toughness is unkillable? Unkillable? The only difference between your build and a zerker build is like 5k HP. Thats it. Unkillable!
I dont want to argue with you, as you are high rated yata yata.. but man…
Yes i dont even know what most necro skills does and dont do math, but your one of necros who uses spectral armor so we have completely different opinions on how pvp works in this game.
If you dont want to play this build fine play your own, but dont try to suggest how to “improve” it by changing every single thing that makes it good.
Maybe all your math works on giants in straits but in reality when you have to put your teams win on game then 10% = 0 and 40% = 50% and 90% = 100% hopefully.
So you have 0% reliable crit chance outside of death shroud cause you never enter shroud with this build for less than 5 seconds.
Your so good at theorycrafting so maybe you could think about how higher HP pool incrases the amount of damage you can tank in death shroud.
(edited by Leeto.1570)
Actually after seeing leeto play it, i dont think its a bad build. In fact its really good but i have to say its harder to play than the build with soldiers amulet and going into curses. Actually taking dhuumfire is ok.
Yes i dont even know what most necro skills does and dont do math, but your one of necros who uses spectral armor so we have completely different opinions on how pvp works in this game.
If you dont want to play this build fine play your own, but dont try to suggest how to “improve” it by changing every single thing that makes it good.Maybe all your math works on giants in straits but in reality when you have to put your teams win on game then 10% = 0 and 40% = 50% and 90% = 100% hopefully.
So you have 0% reliable crit chance outside of death shroud cause you never enter shroud with this build for less than 5 seconds.
Your so good at theorycrafting so maybe you could think about how higher HP pool incrases the amount of damage you can tank in death shroud.
I didn’t mean to attack you like that. I was just trying to argue why I think the build is bad using math to prove my point. I see that you like your build and aren’t interested at all in discussing whether or not it has flaws. Carry on!
@Leeto: Your hatred of numbers and theorycrafting extends into the irrational. I hate spreadsheets determining my build as well, but you can’t just use it as a reason to discard something as bad, especially if your argument for your own build is that it excels based on your experience. If their build excels based on their experience, and it’s different than yours in substantial ways, maybe it’s worth looking into?
I also don’t understand the Spectral Armor hate. SA + DS is basically invulnerability for its duration, unless the numbers game is insanely against you.
@Stx: Vitality is useful on a Necro when you have high LF generation because you take 50% direct damage while in DS. With 22k max LF and 28k max health, combined with continual LF gen, Vitality is nothing to scoff at. Also, even if setting up DS can be a worthwhile endeavor, there’s something to be said for still being a threat when you’re pushed out of DS/can’t enter DS for any reason.
I normally think Vitality is a terrible stat, but considering how it factors into LF and how DS damage reduction works, I think it makes a lot of sense on a Necro. The optimization in gameplay involves keeping your heal on CD when your health is below full and you enter DS, so when you pop out of DS and start genning LF again, you have a heal close to ready to get your health back up. Then if you get your LF up, you go back to DS with your heal on CD, etc. etc.
Whatever works for both of you, but neither of you seem to acknowledge the potential of the other. I’m not trying to mediate, think of each other what you will, but I think both of your ideas have merit.
As far as giving up 20 points in Spite, I don’t think I could give up Close to Death, personally. I don’t care if it only kicks in at 50% health, that trait is a bonafide assassin.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
I dont hate theorycrafters i respect them and check new builds whenever i can to improve my own.
I dismiss hes arguments cause they are based on maximizing hes builds potential in perfect predictable conditions, but thats not how PVP work.
For example close to death, in theory this gives more overall dps and incrases your burst right? Situation: You take side points to spread enemies and then you gotta go middle to start working on guardian so when your warr gets there hes not full health and has popped defensive cooldowns, when warr is there you do quick cc burst and kill him. So what gives you more burning or close to death here?
Arenanet introduced dhuumfire for power builds, because they lack sustained damage and are easy to avoid. Dhuumfire is not meant to make condi builds overpowered even tho it does, its meant to make power builds viable in pvp.
You even know how many life blasts you can pull off against good thief? Almost none, but just yesterday thief was trying to kill me but as i was jumping in death shroud for defense all the time my retaliation did 4k dmg to him.
2 days ago was dueling elementalist, after the game he said that he thought im power and he lost cause he didnt use condition removal heal… why? because he actively avoided most of my dmg and bleeds from marks + burning was the thing that did huge part of dmg.
The thing with most of you is that you look at builds from necro viewpoint and dont take in consideration that target think or counter what you are doing.
I did not add “for high end pvp” cause i think im so pro leet skill necro i added it because it is made so.
Soldiers give you more survibility, close to death gives you more dps and will make this build more powerful and easier to survive with than it is in my version, if everything you want to do in this game is killing bad players with life blasts while laughing that they cant kill you then you should totally do it but dont expect it to work against good players.
Edit: I know i start to sound like mad kido, but it just starts to kitten me off that i make build for pvp where i have thought over every single possibility just so the build is good in pvp and then people say its bad and starts suggesting how to incrase my dps in arah and when i try to explain why i dont use it they just go “nope your wrong numbers show otherwise”. Every single thing that has been suggested i have already considered.
(edited by Leeto.1570)
To be very honest about this i have used this build and i tweaked it with using blind well and it’s pretty good. not gonna lie it can be situational but this breaks that situational barrier.
Edit: I have been playing necro for over a year and a month with pvp tried all and this one is kinda fun.
To be very honest about this i have used this build and i tweaked it with using blind well and it’s pretty good. not gonna lie it can be situational but this breaks that situational barrier.
Edit: I have been playing necro for over a year and a month with pvp tried all and this one is kinda fun.
Glad to hear you enjoy it, curious which utility you gave up for well of darkness?
To be very honest about this i have used this build and i tweaked it with using blind well and it’s pretty good. not gonna lie it can be situational but this breaks that situational barrier.
Edit: I have been playing necro for over a year and a month with pvp tried all and this one is kinda fun.
Glad to hear you enjoy it, curious which utility you gave up for well of darkness?
The utility i replaced with well of darkness was in fact corrupt boon. i kept in spectral walk and flesh wurm. Both of those utilities i actually use as an opener or a scapegoat if needed.
high hp is counter for cond and some dmg while high toughness is counter for direct dmg and none of condition.
his build is amazing, in my opinion because it supports necros “passive” advantages. The Barb amulet increases the total amount of vitality and because necro has the highest health pool u get a lot of HP and life force. Because LF acts like HP u have a total amount of hp of around 40k HP. U also deal alot of damage and u have nice sustain because u have alot of hp.
his build is amazing, in my opinion because it supports necros “passive” advantages. The Barb amulet increases the total amount of vitality and because necro has the highest health pool u get a lot of HP and life force. Because LF acts like HP u have a total amount of hp of around 40k HP. U also deal alot of damage and u have nice sustain because u have alot of hp.
Your sustain is actually fairly low, because Barbarian Amulet has low power and no crit damage. 1200-2000 Lifeblast crits are not great at all.
I don’t want to start another argument.. but if you use soldiers amulet with zerker jewel, you gain more effective health, and more damage as well.
his build is amazing, in my opinion because it supports necros “passive” advantages. The Barb amulet increases the total amount of vitality and because necro has the highest health pool u get a lot of HP and life force. Because LF acts like HP u have a total amount of hp of around 40k HP. U also deal alot of damage and u have nice sustain because u have alot of hp.Your sustain is actually fairly low, because Barbarian Amulet has low power and no crit damage. 1200-2000 Lifeblast crits are not great at all.
I don’t want to start another argument.. but if you use soldiers amulet with zerker jewel, you gain more effective health, and more damage as well.
I’m not convinced it’s more damage. With Soldier’s you’re at 3250 Power, 12% crit (given Runes of Lyssa). With Barbarian’s, it looks like 2971 Power, 43% crit. The (3250-2971)/2971 = 9.3% increase in damage. So generally, your LBs that crit will crit 9.3% harder, so roughly 2200 instead of 2000.
What you lose is 31% crit. Each crit is 1.8x damage, so if you are critting 31% less, you get roughly 1 less crit per 3 attacks. 1.8 * 3 = 5.4x a normal hit, 1.8 * 2 + 1.0 = 4.6. Adding in roughly 10% damage, those three attacks would do roughly 4.94x a single hit.
So across 3 LBs, you’d average 5.4x the damage of one LB with 2971 power, as opposed to the 4.94x a single 2971 power LB.
That’s all napkin math, but Barbarian Amulet appears to be more damage, even for just LBing. Factor in damage done outside of DS and his enjoyment of Dhuumfire on the power build to add on condis, and Barb is going to get more damage bang for its buck.
Sure, he’d have more effective health with Soldier’s, but that would be less Jack-of-all-Trades that he appears to be attempting to fill. A utility belt of sorts for his team who can add damage pressure, assist with caps/decaps, etc.
Anyway, I just felt like trying that math out quickly before bed. Some of it might be based on misconceptions/wrong, but I was curious.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
Though I first tought it would be a squishy build, It’s actually not. I like it! I wish it had more burst but I guess no viable power necro builds have burst.
I tried messing around with different variants and found Mark of Evasion to be less effective for my playstyle, since the regen is not applied when in DS and not that effective due to the high health pool. I went 10 points in Curses instead for the bleed on crit and few seconds of weakness which safed my life a few times when being bursted.
I also tried a might stacking variant with might stacking runes, might on swap and Blood is power. It worked well with Dhumfire and bleed on crit but decreased survivability quite a bit. Fun in hotjoin with heavy life blasts and more condition pressure but probably not viable in tpvp (though I wish it was).
Great job:-)
Would like to hear more on your experiences with the build.
Now when i dont melt everyone in 1v1, ive been having lots of funzies doing 1v1s so playing team q and soloq very casually but since the new years drop from leaderboards due to inactivity i have gotten to top 250 teamq with 2 casual teams, one play with voicecom 2nd without, and top 150 soloq, the only problem atm i feel is when your out of cooldowns and 2 melee start bursting you.
I might try out Weakening Shroud but i really love mark of blood as you can find stealthed people + get regen alot.
Updated my build a bit too. Dropped lyssa for runes of speed and took plague, but mostly forgot to change elite from flesh golem after 1v1 server