Let's have some fun and play the misspelling game

Let's have some fun and play the misspelling game

in Necromancer

Posted by: Magzillas.4865


I’ve think we’ve made more than enough “this class needs serious attention” posts for the time being. Let’s take a break with the misspelling game.

How to play? Subtly alter the spelling of a necromancer skill or trait to get a new skill or trait, and tell us what it does.

For instance:

Fife Blast: Blast the foe with a nasty note on your fife. Deals more damage if the environment is less noisy.

Wife Transfer: Swap wives with one of your enemies and make a reality TV series out of it.

Mark of Flood: Inscribe a mark that floods the surrounding area if someone steps on it.

Deathly Smarm: Bounce your uncanny charisma between your foes, dazing each.

Last Gas: Expel a cloud of unholy flatulence when your health reaches 50%.

Let's have some fun and play the misspelling game

in Necromancer

Posted by: Archinos.8754


Srsly dude…

Let's have some fun and play the misspelling game

in Necromancer

Posted by: zao.2710


Haha, Mark of Flood would actually be awesome!

Unhealthy Feast – you eat fast food created by cook. Required item: hamburger/cheeseburger. Effect: you become a line of sight blocker and your team can hide behind your back.

Signet of Sprite – spray your foe with this sweet soda drink and apply slow.

Summon Plush Wurm – summons plush wurm to put around your neck. It’s pink and fluffy, and you now become a pimp.

Varg Defleshed the devout Necromancer | Desolation EU

Let's have some fun and play the misspelling game

in Necromancer

Posted by: Riot Inducer.8964

Riot Inducer.8964

Hah, these are fun!
Whale of Doom Crush your foe beneath a whale (borrowed this one from a GW1 thread of a similar nature)
Wave of Beer Intoxicate foes in front of you with a wave of beer
Creeper’s Mark Inscribe a mark that summons a creeper that will explode and damage the surrounding blocks when triggered
Plaque Become a virulent cloud of plaque and gingivitis causing tooth decay to foes you touch.

Let's have some fun and play the misspelling game

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ourosoad.7816


Blood is Powerade Drink your foes sugary blood for a huge rush (15% speed increase)

Well of “The Darkness” Cast a well that plays darkness songs at full volume fearing your foes

Let's have some fun and play the misspelling game

in Necromancer

Posted by: shizo.5698


The Gasping Dead Surrounds your enemy with 5 gasping zombies, comsuming all the oxygen out of the air and leaving the target dazed for 5 seconds

Let's have some fun and play the misspelling game

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mackster.9726


Lich Fro Gain a sweet death-powered afro to terrify your enemies.